
Timelord observer. Naruto world.

What 3 wishes no such thing, follow the travels of a newly transmigrated Timelord. While he adventures through a war torn barbaric world ,of naruto. He will start weak, but will gain power as fast as he can without breaking his foundation. He starts with only 1 wish, anybody of his choosing; and to be transmigrated to any world of his choosing. This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains characters and concepts that derive from Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. I do not own these characters and concepts that are from Naruto. They are owned by their writer and illustrator Masashi Kishimoto and Published by Shueisha. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion of an earthling into this world. If you wish to get an idea of the real characters, then check out the source. He owns the rights to all characters. I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Others
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12 Chs

The tower fights and lavacakes.

"Let's all set up camp for now, then head out for the tower while we are full of energy. Team 10 and my team will go catch fish to eat. The rest ,will keep an eye out for attacks." They all nod.

I head to where we would be fishing i then caught fishes left and right catching enough fish for all of us, as I know choji eats alot. We cook them, and make a plan on how to get to the tower safely. Deciding that night time would be best to move on, we rested till dark. I made a clone to set up ;the lavacake booth in the tower.

He was to replace Karin on the grassninja team, also make sure they pass. He will notify and give Karin to the hokage, while taking her place on the team. Using genjutsu to mimicking her abilities. Probing their mind in order to complete the act. Our plan worked, and we were now inside the tower. I was still uneasy as orochimaru might have an interest in me now. We found the riddle on the wall, and I explained what we had to do. Once our scrolls were on the ground a large cloud appeared, and so did Iruka. 

"Iruka-Sensei? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked. 

"I'm here to congratulate you on passing the second phase" He started to explain the reason for the exam, I didn't listen since It was boring.I could see Iruka leading us to the room with the other genin, Walking though the door way I could see that everyone who was supposed to make it, made it plus the grass ninja team. Everyone was crowding the lavacake stand.

(5 minutes ago)

"Lava cakes here! Come and get, yourself Piping hot lava cakes." One of "Karins" teammates said

,as my clone used a very powerful genjutsu to brainwash him. I could see Choji was waiting in line. While Anko came in with ibiki and inturrupted "Your team is going to be disqualified, for bringing food to the exam."

"We will have you know we did no such thing. There was a messenger hawk ,that sent us a buisness proposal to sell these cakes. It was all sealed in a scroll, we dont get any money but get to eat 1 free for every 10 we sell. I must say they are delicious so it's worth it." He explained to her while she got angry then said.

"Oh yeah?! Well I need to inspect it to ensure it's safe for the consumers, as we wouldnt want a intervillage war over this." After she said this she grabbed one while everyone thought 'How shameless.'

After she took a bite her heart shakes and a tiny piece was broken off. It was her love for Dangos her favorite sweet.

Just then the dango store owner ,felt great a disturbance ;in the dangos energyforce in the store.

Ankos eyes widened and she was in heaven. She worked in the T&I department for the hidden leave for years ;so this all happened in a split second. But the fact it happened at all, spoke fathoms of how good this confectionary was.

"What did the note they gave you say?!!" She lifted him up in the air.

"Anko there was a note here too for you read it."

Karin said as she gave her the note they received.

"Dear whomever receives this, I am currently working with advertising ,my new shop I'm opening in every city across the world. I was recently contacted by a unnamed ninja, that i hired to advertise my famous lavacakes. He promised me, he will be able to ensure people hear of my lavacakes. I made sure in the contract, that he wouldn't be doing anything that would harm my customers lifespan. Or would cause them pain in anyway. I dont like dealing with ninja, as they can be sneaky and cunning. However, to reach my beloved customers, I felt this was the best way to distribute the word. So within this scroll there is a special seal ,place it on ;and then you will be able to access the lavacake maker device I made. This seal will ensure you dont steal my money , as any money that lands into your hand ,will be transported to me. Also I heard ,there is a lovely lady there at the chunnin exams that loves sweets. Her name is Anko, there is another seal for her and her only. With it, for every 10 cakes she sells she will be allowed 2 for free. Also dont worry about getting rotten teeth and stomachs, as I use a special recipe that prevents that. Enjoy Love Wrathos Maleganis. P.S my stores will be opening in a week, I will be contacting all sweet store owners, to either join in a partnership or face the competition." After Anko read this ,she didnt even hesitate she slapped on the seal. While ibiki yelled "Stop!!" but it was too late she succumbed to the sweats. She glared at him and said "You wont be stopping me from, obtaining my precious!!!" She then took charge of the other workers and got to work. When ibiki sweatdropped ,then went to report this to the hokage. 'Hopefully he can have jiriya, look at the seal to ensure it doesnt harm her.

(Flashback over)

"Look is that who I think it is?" I said pointing at anko with a chef hat and apron on. They all look and were stunned. Then we heard her yell

"LAVACAKES COME GET THEM NOW!! THEY ARE THE DESERT OF GODS!! Take it from me ladies and gentlemen *wink bounce bounce* this girl was fooled in believing Dangos were supreme. But take a look at these goodies <She holds them up infront of her big bosoms> THESE ARE DIVINE ,AND ARE BLESSED BY THE HOLY LOG!" In the crowd ,you could hear various things.

"Ooh look at those, they are so big and juicy."

"I know look at the thick goodness that drips out, when she bites into it."

"Men!, but I do admit the lavacakes are very delicious."

"I did hear them say chocolate ,is the gateway to a womans heart. If the owner of this buisness obtained her; then it must be true!!!" Another ninja said.

(Meanwhile with the hokage)

"Hokage-sama there has been an incident!" Ibiki said. The kazekage(orochimaru is disguise) said "Oh it seems the leaf cant Handel such a simple affair, and doesnt know what discretion means." Ibiki looks at the kazekage and says

"No this matter concerns all people present."

"Oh. What is it ibiki? Nothing bad I hope?"

"There is an unauthorized food stand in the tower! That's not all ,but they have ninjas working the stands. Anko was won over by the confectionarys, and placed a seal on herself; so she could sell them and eat for free. We dont know if this seal is safe, or will harm her. Although noone has died or been poisoned yet, I dont think we should risk it!" Ibiki elaborates

Orochimaru sweatdropped and thinks 'To think my old apprentice would be willing to have a seal on her, if she got free desserts.'

"I see. This is a problem ,if anyone does get hurt. Monitor the situation ,and keep a close eye and notify me if anything changes. If they are truley this popular, then there would be a riot if we stopped it. So we cant make any haste moves, as for the seal I'll have a specialist look at it." <Shadow clone jutsu> [The clone takes off, when he gets far enough away. He hides and henges into looking like an anbu, and goes to have a talk with nova. ]

"Yes hokage-sama." Ibiki takes off while the kazekage desides to tease him.

"To think all your planning for this event, to be ruined by confectionery treats. Haha. I guess you are getting old."

"Indeed. The irony is hot, but at least there is more then just sand in my wallet." He retorts.

(Back with the Mc and Others)

"Finnally oniisan we are at the front of the line, just one more person ahead of us." The person in the front of the line is none other then Choji.

"I would like to buy all the lavacakes, you have in stock!" Everyone that hears this goes into shock while shikamaru says "Troublesome, hes making himself a target!"

"Sir we would love to do such a big transaction, with you but It says here they have over... a mi-million Chocolate lavacakes in stock! They cost 300 ryo each, so that would be 300 million ryo." Anko said flabbergasted by the amount, but realized there are freshness seals on the boxes. Choji's jaw along with everyone elses but mine dropped. "1 million lavacakes!!"

"Oh.. well I'll just order 1,000." Anko looks at him with tears comming out of her eyes.

"Right that will be 300,000 ryo." She says holding out her hand.

"I-i dont have it on me ,could you write an iou under my clan?" Choji's said Everyone sweatdropped ,as she has said ;that's not allowed before.

"No that wou-" Anko was inturrupted, as the Akimich clan stormed into the tower. The clan head rushed to the front of the line ,as he seen his son.

"I am Choza Akimichi and I would like to pay for the recipe for the heavenly food item ;my clan smelt comming from this direction." He said snapping his fingers having his clans mates bring pallets of money ,that they make in a month from their buisness. As they own the best recipes for food, across the world.

"I'm sorry but this is not possible, as this buisness is run through seals. Also I doubt the owner would sell out, as he is going global in a week. But You can buy the chocolate lavacakes, themselves if you want." Anko said bowing trying to sell them ,as she looked at the money with stars in her eyes. Choza frowned and thought 'If that's the case there is nothing we can do, as they would gain more money in a day then we will make in a century. Mmmm they smell so good! I must buy some for the clan!! Maybe we can make a knockoff version if it!'

"Sir I also am forced to inform you, as the seal compels me to. There are security measures in place with the lavacakes ,to ensure you cant copy them and make a knockoff. I'm not sure how they would implement such, but I really wouldnt want to see a fellow leaf ninja hurt for doing so. I'm not saying you would but as I said before I am forced to inform you, or I wouldnt be able to continue selling them." Choza and his classmates, all have storm clouds over there heads; and are depressed. 'Perhaps I can describe to others, how it tastes and recreate it. But I doubt they would say ,they have such defences; if it didnt include that. I got it I'll ask a description on it.'

"Could you describe what it is?"

"Yes sir it is a chocolate cake with powdered sugar on it, with a fudge filling. Also they won't ever give you cavitys or stomach aches. I cant fathom ;how they do this part at all. Also I'm not sure how it's made, as it doesn't have any holes on it; that you insert filling into it. So they either have a special oven ,or a technique they use." Anko said trying to sell the product.

'Interesting. There is no way an oven, would be able to bake just the inside of the cake. So maybe a special oven? No maybe it's a chakra technique, or a super secret cooking technique. Maybe we can recreate it maybe not, but even if we do we will never be able to prevent stomach aches or prevent cavitys.'

"I'll buy 100,000 chocolate lavacakes." Choza said making Anko go into dreamland, where she can eat all the lavacakes she wants.

"Yes sir that will be 30million ryo." Choza then inturrupted and asked "Is there anyway ,I will be able to get a discount ;for buying in bulk?"

"N-no- I'm sorr-" *Ding* poof a scroll popped up ontop of the machine. "Oh look it says, that he will give a 10% Discount for bulk orders ,over 9000!; so that's a 5 mil ryo discount. So that will be 25million ryo." Anko said with stars in her eyes. Choza then shows her to the first pallet ,which has 25million on it. She uses her seal and it activates,sucking the money all up. The machine then starts spitting out storage scrolls ,with a note saying each one holds 10k chocolate lavacakes. Choza walks off into a open space. Then opens the first one to inspect its contents, and lavacakes filled the room. He then let his clan and son ,take as much as they want. As they all dig in. Meanwhile anko is ecstatic; as she now has 523 free lavacakes. 500 from this purchase ,and 23 from prior. She grabs a few and starts eating, then she greets the next customers.

"Welcome how many lavacakes ,would you like to buy."

"Buy? Oh no I'm a major shareholder in the company, this allows me 3 free for every 10 sold across the world. Here is my card just tap the machine with it, and say 25." She opens her eyes wide ,but doesn't object and ;then does as I say and the machine spits out a scroll. Meanwhile naruto looks surprised ,while sakura and sasuke had a feeling something like this would happen.

"Oniisan I didnt know you were a shareholder?! Amazing! Does that mean, I will be able to eat these every day?! " Sakura and Sasuke sweatdropped

"No. At least not yet. As the company is going to be making improved recipe ,that also contains all the neccessary nutrients ;you need in a day. While keeping their taste the same, each cake will contain 10% of your Daily nutrients."

This surprised everyone that heard this ;as such a thing is fantasy at best. Making a unhealthy desert become healthy without losing taste.

Choza heard and rushed over to me and said "Boy is what you say true? If it is would you be able to introduce me to the owner?"

"Yes sir! As for meeting him, he will be less busy after the world grand opening. I will mention it to him then." He nods and says "Be sure you do boy, as this is very important to our clan. We believe he is the god of food, and is serving the almighty Log himself." 'I really underestimate the belief in the log, when I first came here. I thought it was just a joke, clearly not.' I bow and say "Will do Akimichi-dono." Choza just laughs and said "No need to be formal with me boy. As of today you..- I didn't catch you name."

"Nova." "- nova you are ally of the akimichi clan now. If you want ,even a clan member if you wish it, I know it would be a big decision. So when you notify him ,come and tell us your decision and meeting time and date." Choza said and I nodded. "Will do." Choza runs off and dives into a pile of lavacake boxes and digs in.

"Esteemed shareholder, could you make way for the next customer please?" She says politely, as she doesnt want to be punished ,and lose her lavacakes. She also deduced the box has a recording device. An anbu shows up and says "Nova come with me please." I nod we head of into a secluded place.

"So shareholder huh. I suppose you already know about ,the seal on anko. As you created It yourself." I nod and say "Yes hokage-dono, it's safe it just makes sure she follows the rules ,or she wont get any lavacakes. As for the company it isnt mine alone, I was working with seals for advertising and made these. One day I was training hard and passed out ,near the grave of the master of the legendary leaf dragon technique. When I woke up I was in a small cabin and I smelled something good. I went to investigate, and there he was it was an old man.

He called him self Wrathos Malganis ,but I wasn't sure if he was related or it was just a coincidence. I ate his cakes and fell in love with it ,and offered a buisness proposal. He laughed and said, you do know I'm immortal ;so I will end up owning the buisness. I didnt care ,I said that would make it all the more fair; so he agreed and here we are. Before you complain, here is 300,000 ryo for doing this during the exams; for the village of course."

He opens his mouth and closes it then asks."How did you know it was me?" I looked at him like hes stupid "I can sense the difference, in chakra signatures. "He slaps his head and says

"I'm to old for this sh*t. Very well you may continue your buisness, but do be careful. If you do expand globally ,the other villages will want a part."

"Hahaha good one, the money is transferred through seals, and all I get is 3 lavacakes for every 10 sold." I winked at him.

"I see you thought this out throughly, well I wish you good luck." He poofs. I then head to our room to sleep,as tommorow are the preliminaries.


It was now the next morning, everyone was in the arena standing in a block type formation. I was next to Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto was at the very front. Looking up at all the jounins present I see Zabuza and Haku, happy to see them I wave, "Zabuza! Haku! How are you guys!" They heard me and kindly wave back, well, Haku did, Zabuza looked embarrassed to even know me. 

"I want to congratulate you on passing the second exam. But I must tell you the real reason for the chunin exams. It acts as a replacement for war among countries. In the third phase, each shinobi fights to protect their country against their opponent. If a country has strong shinobis, they get more clients. If its weak, they get less clients. We will have a preliminary before the third exam" The third says. 

"Why do we have to take a preliminary?!" Shikamaru shouted. 

"We felt that the first and second exams were too easy" Hayate volunteers, "Too many of you passed. The preliminaries will be one on one matches. The winners of those matches will move on to the third round"

"Turn on the screen!" Anko shouts, afterwards she eats another lavacake; I turn to Sasuke, "I bet 2 lavacakes you go first." He frowned before smirking, "I think you lost" Confused I look at the screen.




"No fun" I mumbled

 Everyone had cleared out of the arena, leaving just me, tenten.

"Are both of you ready?" Hayate asks. 

"No complaints here" I say.

"I'm ready" she says

"Begin!" Just as he said that, I quickly release the first gate. Then rush at her with high chunnin speeds. Everyone watching looked stunned , as I'm supposed to be a gennin. I quickly appeared behind her, just as she was about to use her scrolls to attack me. I then back chop her neck and it was over. This surprised people, as it was bordering low jonnin speed also the elegant use of the body flicker technique in quick succession.This was something only uchiha, or really good jonnin could do. As it required high chakra control and fast reaction speed.

"I hate to disappoint the audience, but if I continued it would be shaming my opponent. So I didnt hold back using my full capabilities in the fight." Just as I said that I hear the eyebrow duo cry and make exclamations of youth.

"Winner Nova" said the proctor

The rest of the fights went as it did in the anime except, tamari was sent against shikamaru in this battle and not the finals.

"Good, now that everyone has one, tell me your number." Ibiki says. We all state our numbers respectively. I got 10 while Dosu got 9, 'But he dies, who will I be fighting?' After the Hokage had explained everything he had dismissed us. As I was leaving Kakashi grabbed my arm, "Meet me at the usual training grounds, tomorrow to start your training."

I didnt want lazy kakashi to train me ,as there would be nothing to gain. So I prepared two super exclusive editions of icha icha, to bribe him to let me choose who I want to train under . If they accept that is.

Although kakashi said seriously that he will be here on time this time, I know that's bull so I decided to do something constructive. I was practicing chakra sensing. I have been starting to do this, ever since the first day of exams. As I remembered the second hokage ,was the best sensor in ninja history. He could detect up to 10 km away. It seems my chakra reserves increased over night, plus I suspect my skin is as harder then granite and iron now;but not quite yet hard as steel yet."(Mc is always using chi to improve his body ,in every way he can)' I can sense kakashi heading this way.

Not too much longer he came with the wonderful excuse of, "I forgot". I've never wanted to hit someone so hard in my life. 

"Whatever, you're here to teach me i dont want it. I want to find someone suitable to teach me better taijutsu."

'Although I have trained under gai before, it wasn't nearly at his best physical level.'

"So knowing you might outright deny me of this, I have prepared this for the occasion. I said as i pulled out two icha icha supreme deluxe versions , i got a while back for 1 million yen. (Now i only got 7.9mill and some change left in the money inventory. I still have the 12.5 mill from choza though.) When he seen them his eyes bulged out ,then he started reaching out to grab them; but I slapped his hands away and said "not till we have a deal"

"Yeah sure whatever just give me my precious"

He said as some blood was coming out of his nose. I gave it to him he immediately holds it right to his heart and says nothing, as he disappears in a pile of leaves.

I then head off to find gai I went and looked everywhere, the forest ,the hokage mountain, then I was about to give up. To just practice air walking in our apartment but I heard. "Youth!!!!" I turn to see the gai running on his hands doing laps ,starting from the hospital ,around village so I decided to call out to him. "Gai-sensei!" He turned to look at me and then runs up to me and says " Nova-kun, to what is the purpose of this youthful encounter?"

So to get him to train me seriously ,maybe even teach me his martial arts. If I compile his with others I've seen and learned, I will be past madaras level on taijutsu. I say with burning passion in my eyes " Gai-sensei I seen how much, you fanned the flames of Lee's fires of youth! So I was thinking of just how to increase mines even more, so I thought if I cant beat them join them till I can. So I sealed off my chakra. With a seal that I can remove if need be with a key. Then I saw you here so I decided if I could spar and train under you, further increasing the intensity of my flames of youth!!!" I said as there was a literal flame now surrounding me, thanks to my elemental affinity. Also being Otsutsuki helps alot.I then said quickly " See just talking with you ,my flames are getting stronger and stronger." I then take my flames off and just have them in my eyes. I looked at gai-sensei and he has star's in his eyes, soon replaced with fire and then he said. "I have never seen such a display of youth in my entire life, even if I have to die ;I will not fail the trust you put in me. To further fan your already bright flames of Youth!!!!! " then we both say "youth" With shiny teeth so bright it caused all the civilians and ninjas near us, to duck for cover. Gai-sensei collects him self then asks"What about my eternal rival is he not teaching you?"

"He was going to teach me gai-sensei, but he was late by 2 hours then he found a very unyouthful book on the ground and ran away. Besides we both know the flames of youth cant wait, especially for such a unyouthful person." Guy sensei then solemnly says "How unyouthful of my rival, truley sad day it is; to make it up for his unyouthfulness let's go right now. To my training ground and let's fan those flames of youth ,to the brightest we can!!" 'hook line and sinker' [There they went shouting youth under a never ending sunset teeth gleaming as if made by a sun]

As I finish my 10k sit ups, 10k push ups , 10k pullups, with 100k laps around the village I splash water on guy to wake him up as he was collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. He stirs then looks up to me then gets up. I then inform him of my workout that I finished(Gai-sensei did the same but only 10k laps then passed out)

He looks at me in the eyes with his watering

"It is the most joyous day when the student can outdue the teacher. It just goes to show how bright your youthful flames have grown. Over these past weeks you have grown so much that your flames are as bright as the sun. even though it's only for these few weeks I'm proud to be called your sensei" Gai-sensei said

"Wait Gai-sensei I have something to tell you... I Cheated. I have been using maxed out weights and these."I show him my air resistance seals"These restrict your movement by double ,across your whole body. And I have 10 on..Along with my gravity seals." Gai-sensei has his jawdropped to the ground. "I'm sure if you did the same, you would have out youthed my flames; and shined yours brighter. I am most unyouthful for cheating ,sensei please forgive me." I said bowing with fake anime tears rolling down like a river.

***Gai-sensei POV***

I wake up to water splashing on my face. I'm currently drenched in my youthful sweat. As I open my eyes, I see the most youthful person I have ever met. He completed a crazy workout that we started together 1 day ago. I know that we both have maximum weights on, because the way he moves and well the cracks on the ground. Also with the gravity seals... I never thought I'd see the day someone ,would outflame my bright flames of youth. I look him in the eyes with amazement ,then tears come from my eyes as I said

"It is the most joyous day when the student can outdue the teacher. It just goes to show how bright your youthful flames have grown. Over these past weeks you have grown so much that your flames are as bright as the sun. Even though it's only for these few weeks, I'm proud to be called your sensei"

"Wait Gai-sensei I have something to tell you... I Cheated.'What how could my most youthful student cheat ,wait it would be rude and most unyouthful to not here him out' " I have been using maxed out weights and these."he pulls out his air resistance seals"These restrict your movement by double ,across your whole body. And I have 10 on..Along with my gravity seals." 'NANI!!!!!' I feel my heart stop its youthful pumping, for a good 10 seconds ;at the same time my jawdropped to the ground'

"I'm sure if you did the same you would have out youthed my flames, and shined yours brighter. I am most unyouthful for cheating sensei please forgive me." Nova said bowing with tears rolling down like a river.'What a monster no not monster but'

As the gears in my brain restart my youthfulness ,I slowly regain my youthful vigour and Look to the sky and say "I HAVE FOUND THE GOD OF YOUTHFULNESS MAY HE BLESS ME WITH HIS FLAMES OF ETERNAL YOUTH!!!!!"

Lord 3rd POV

"What could it possibly be this time, I mean he takes in a new apprentice. Yelling youthfulness more then he does with Lee, almost causing blindness to over half my ninja. Now he is talking about some youthful god. I would put him on medical leave, with ibiki but there are too many missions , and he does alot of them himself. He is a ninja that I truley cant replace, I dont know what I can to with him. Well hopefully he calms down when when Lee returns, and Nova leaves his tutorship; because the month is over tomorrow.... I'm to old for this s**t AND WHATS WITH ALL THIS GOD DAMN PAPERWORK ,IT BREEDS LIKE LOCUS." the Hokages clones start to off thenselfs.'Even with clones this is too much, and it doesn't help when they do this...'

**MC POV**

"Umm are you okay gai-sensei?" 'I knew using air running slightly off the ground, to make me appear more youthful was a bad idea ;at least he taught me his martial arts.'


Gai-sensei "okay my most youthful student, I am going to teach you my familys martial arts, remember this is very important. You must not teach anyone this, at least till you find someone that will follow in your youthful steps. Also you must deem them worthy to inherit this. Or else you must carry this to your death. Now make a promise on the sake of youth to your sensei!"

"I Nova hereby swear on my youth, that I will follow all terms laid out just now ,by you gai sensei; till this body ceases all functions."

as I say that I feel some of my time energy leave my body appearing In front of us is a timelord magical contract 'Not this again, ughh cant mind wipe him either. Well at least he doesn't know what time energy is; but he will know its needed for regeneration. Because it doesn't say in detail, he doesn't know how much or how many times'

(BS EXTREEM TIME) "Um guy sensei this is a clan secret I'm about to tell you ,you cant tell anyone about this. I have a kekkei genkia and it's called timelord. With it I can regenerate wounds with its energy 10 times,

I have already used it 8 times. 3 times on my first C turned A mission. Also 3 times in training some fuinjutsu, and 2 times in the chunin exams. I only have 1 left , I used this one to show how serious I am in this promise. For as long as I have 1 regeneration left, I can live forever. But once it goes I become mortal , you cant tell a soul because this is why my clan went extinct. Although I have one left it cant be inherited, they have to go through a trail that's only been past 2 times since the beginning. The first was the sage of six paths, he only died because of a battle with a mighty beast ,he lost all his regenerations.Then there is me thats why I was sent here as an orphan , so no one could possibly find me. Even hokages would kill for this, and I'd become a lab rat to never be youthful again." I say with sad eyes and the most serious expression (kitten eyes + youthful expression=K.O)

He looks at me with a sad expression but with serious eyes

"You see my student, you know that one of the most unyouthful thing is not telling the hokage of important matters. However, with it being a clan secret and it about the survival of said clan, with your predecessor being the creator of ninjutsu.AND MOST IMPORTANT YOUR EXTREEME YOUTH IS AT SAKE I will hereby keep my mouth shut and not tell a soul as I SWEAR ON MY YOUTH!!! He said with the most fiery eyes I've seen. Then we both cry with anime tears.

"Gai-sensei!!!" "Nova!!!" "Gai-sensei!!!

"For Youth!!!!" we both yell

"Okay my student follow my motions, we will then fight ,and I will point out; where you need to make corrections. You however have flames like a Phoenix, I believe that you will be able to do so ;without much corrections to be needed. Let us begin. Show me your Eternal Youth!!!"

"Youth!!!" After we finish and guy sensei goes home, I meet my original in an alleyway I place a silence seal. While he checks to see if anyone is around. He gives the clear and I say "Please kill me he said so many youths ,we will need to delete this memory good luck.I know I'm good at acting, but this is too much ;please I dont want to exist anymore I said to my original.

original "Good job. Yes I can see that happening, it's quite unfortunate but the good news; is you accomplished the task. Enjoy your non existence clone." I slash its neck and it poofed.

"Now to have my antimatter supercomputer ,make a better form of taijutsu."

***flashback over***

"cough,cough Well I would say keep them seals on ;they will be your trump card. I will also not tell anyone about this, because of the severity of it.All villages would attack just to kill you, but with how truley godly your youthfulness is. Im sure you would win, but it bring destruction to the world. (Gai-sensei's thoughts 'What have I done I made a monster. If he was to betray the village not only would it be destroyed, but the hokage will have my head on a pike.Well it's a good thing he is the apotimy youthfullness . I know that he won't dare do something so unyouthful. ' "Alright I think we have done enough for today, restwell young Nova. May the shinigami have pity on your enemy's souls."

as I headed back home I stopped by a familiar alleyway, I walk into it and see my original .I then poof out of existence, into eternal bliss away from gai's world of youth.

original:"Its a good thing i swapped just before, I went to wake up gai sensei ,I could here him yell youth from here"

At the end of the alleyway a familiar blondhaired whiskered boy looks at me.

Naruto:" Is that you oniisan, I just came back from the Lavacake shop.what are you doing here?"

"Oh sorry I thought I seen Tora the cat here, and I wanted to pet her. She's such a nice cat."

I see naruto have a big tick mark from that remark

"Forget that demon cat let's go home it's late, and tomorrow is the finals. We need all the rest we can get."