
Timelord observer. Naruto world.

What 3 wishes no such thing, follow the travels of a newly transmigrated Timelord. While he adventures through a war torn barbaric world ,of naruto. He will start weak, but will gain power as fast as he can without breaking his foundation. He starts with only 1 wish, anybody of his choosing; and to be transmigrated to any world of his choosing. This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains characters and concepts that derive from Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. I do not own these characters and concepts that are from Naruto. They are owned by their writer and illustrator Masashi Kishimoto and Published by Shueisha. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion of an earthling into this world. If you wish to get an idea of the real characters, then check out the source. He owns the rights to all characters. I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Others
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12 Chs

Land of the waves.

Over the weeks we've been doing these pointless d ranks. I have mastered the flying technique finally, while sasuke and naruto are competing, on who will finish the air-walking and All-fall technique first. They are overall low jonnin level in skill and techniques, but the still need field experience. As for me I now have 3 tomoe in each eye. Gaining byakugan sight, and further control and understanding of chakra. Along with the human path, also I can feel kaguyas connection to the chakra. This is keeping me from progressing further; with my chakra control. My newest blood clone, is currently working on trying to recreate a tardis. There is little to no progress, except making a pocket diemension.

Anyways right now ,I'm on the ever illusive Tora the cat mission.Im also getting closer I can feel it.

"Sasuke at point B"

"Sakura at point C" 

"...Naruto at point A"

 oo I see Tora near a crate so I sneak closer

"Naruto your late, wrathos state your location"

I was using my psychic timelord abilities to hold down Tora, I then grabbed the cat and the cat went stiff. I send a psychic link to it, imprinting memories of how I treated cats; in my past life.

"Oh, ah, well believe it or not I have the cat"

"What? Is there a red ribbon on the right ear?" 


"We have a positive I.D." Sasuke muttered while stepping out into the clearing. I was sitting under a shaded tree, with Tora sitting on my lap, purring. Naruto came right up to the cats face, standing proudly, "Haha, the cats dumb enough to get caught!" Tora wasn't to happy at hearing that, and started to hiss at Naruto. I quickly turned the cat the other way ,and started scratching under its chin. It instantly calmed down ,and went back to purring. "WHO's a good kitty? You are!" I cooed to the cat. Sasuke seemed to smile slightly at the sight ,as his clan is known for having good relations with cat-nin. Naruto crossed his arms, "I hate cats" He grumbled. While kakashi just looked at me questionably, and i just said "Animals tend to like me, not sure why".He keeps trying to pry me open with his eyes, but he seems to believe me. So then he just shrugs and leaves it be.


We were all in the Hokages office, and had just finished giving Tora back to the owner. 

"Next mission for squad 7, Babysitting a 3 year old, helping pick out herbs, digging up-" The Hokage was rudely interrupted by Naruto.

"No! I wanna real mission! Not babysitting or anything like that!" He said while making a big X in front of his face. Iruka gained a tick mark and slammed his hands on the table, lecturing Naruto. Started to get tired of hearing him yell, I give the hokage a stare. He nods and then yells

"SILENCE!" Everyone quieted down ,after hearing the Hokage yell, "Since you're so determined, I'll give you a C rank mission, you'll be bodyguards" Naruto cheered

There were quick loud knocks on the door, "Ah, there he is, bring him in" Lord Third announced. The door opens to reveal Tazuna, staggering slightly.

"Am I supposed to be protected by these snot nosed brats?(He looks at me ,I give off pressure with my eyes for a split second. So no one feels it but him. He shivers then composes himself) then says "Especially the short one with the stupid face" Tazuna questioned. "Who's the one with the stupid face?" Naruto asked. We all lined up together, Sasuke being the tallest, Sakura and I the same, and of course Naruto being the shortest. I am currently physically henged ,as with my runes and seals I finally figured it out. He started to run to Tazuna before Kakashi caught him, "We don't hurt the client Naruto" I shake my head before walking up to Naruto, putting my arm on his shoulder from behind him. 

"He doesn't know what hes talking about Naruto, don't listen to him" I said. Naruto quit squirming and calmed down, then turned around and smiled confidently, "You're right Nova! He doesn't know anything" Kakashi sighed, "Alright, everyone go home and get packed, lets get this mission over with." 


The next day we finally set off.

The team and Tazuna have been walking for quite a while ,and I was starting wonder when the ambush will happen. Since Kakashi has already given Sakura his speech about ninja ,and assuring her nothing will happen since we have him. "What's the chances, of getting a good warm up." Sasuke said while still looking ahead. "Decent, but I hope you dont forget our bet ;about an A rank mission in the future." I replied

"Yeah I remember, although she more useful now... Not A rank material." I stare at him flabbergasted, "You will see, and I will win." 

Sasuke started smirking and I nodded back at him. As we seen a puddle ,in the middle of a hot sunny day. Just then chains came out and wrapped around Kakashi, ripping him in pieces. I knew it was going to happen, but i didn't think the blood would look that realistic.  "Guard Tazuna!" I shouted while at the same time making a shadow clone. Sasuke was working on the assassin with the chain claws while my clone grabbed the other one. Running up to him I flung my leg back and swung it forward high chunin speed(Because I know kakashi is watching, and if I went full power; It be high kage level.) As it was nearing him, he just escaped and poofed my clone. It was too late, as I knocked him out. He then flew into the tree,this all occured after my leg connected with his head. Looking I see sasuke knocked out the other one. 

"Yo" Kakashi pops in

"Sorry for not helping right away, I just needed to see who they were after. Nice leadership and speed you two." I smirked. Sasuke walked over to Naruto and teased, "You're not hurt are you? Scardy cat" Naruto looked down in shame. I walked over to him, and put my hands on his shoulders, "I'm glad you didn't get hurt Naruto" I said with a smile. His eyes were wide, "Now! Lets get on with this mission!" I shouted and started walking again. The same things happened as in the story.However when we got to the boat that's supposed to fit only 4, it was actually bigger and could fit 5. But all was not well.


'Man this boat is uncomfortable' We are now on the boat, almost at the pier to finally be in the land of waves. I was sitting in between Sasuke and Naruto, Sakura was next to Sasuke of course and Kakashi next to Naruto. 

"Now, Mister Tazuna, I need to ask you a few things before we reach the pier. Why were those men after you? If you don't tell me ,I will be forced to terminate the mission once we reach the dock" Kakashi said with a serious look on his face. 

"The one who wants to end my life is Gato, a very rich business man" Tazuna answered.

"A business man? Why would he want you dead?" Kakashi asked confused. Knowing that this would take a while to explain, I split conciousness going into my mindscape. Mentally preparing myself for what is soon to come.

In Mindscape

'So what should I do? Should I save haku and zabuza, it is the right thing to do... Well I definitely should steal gatos money, he wont be using it when he is dead. Well since I'm done with chakra control exercises, I guess I can try to make a improved rasengan. Which element thou fire, wind, scorch, ice, or the hardest ones.

Brilliant! Yes I'll do that instead, maybe have my blood clone work on a puppet too; so I can learn that. It will be part cyborg, so when they cut the strings or try to destroy it ;they will be surprised. I'll make a clone when no one is looking ,also do this on the night before the attack, brainwashing gato so noone finds out, using wrathos maleganis as a persona.'

Deactivating my brains autopilot, i see that we were at the pier. Looking at the arm that was shaking me, I see it's Naruto, "We're here Nova-nii" He said quietly while pulling me "I'm not a tugtoy" I say to him.He lets go and says "Sorry" I yawn (it's been a long day). We were finally all walking down the dock, when Naruto threw his kunai at a bush. I get startled, because I remember that he just almost killed a cute rabbit . 

"Naruto be careful, those are dangerous" Kakashi scolded. Sakura noticed my reaction and looked over at me concerned, "Are you okay?" Kakashi heard her and also looked over, while Naruto was cooing at the poor bunny he scared. 

"I just feel like something bad is about to happen." I said while looking around. Seeing a small black blur in the distance, my hearts beat faster,'That's him', "Everyone get down!" I shout while trying to pull people to the ground. Naruto barely missed getting hit by Zabuzas sword that lodged its self in the tree, with Zabuza himself standing on the sword. Kakashi's eyes widened.

"It's Zabuza Momochi, a hidden mist missing nin. He's way above your sakura's level guys, I'll show you guys what I can do!" He said while lifting his headband, reveling his sharingan. Sasuke looked shocked and kinda upset. Naruto just looked confused. 

"Ah, The copy cat ninja Kakashi, I have you in my bingo book. I just need the old man, but since you're in my way, I'll have to kill you first" Zabuza said before jumping on top of the water and performed hand signs, "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Suddenly the fog got horribly thick. However, Naruto blows it away with his wind affinity.

"Troublesome wind users, but I made this just for the occasion Ninja Art: Chakra Mist Jutsu!"

He condenses the mist, to a level where you cant even see a 6cm infront of your face.

"I hate using this as I cant even see, but it's a good thing I dont need too!"

Naruto make a small dome of air around tazuna ,and we take defensive positions ;while sakura is shaking in fear.

"Everyone be on your guard! Zabuza is known for his silent kills!" Kakashi yelled. 

"S-silent kills?" Naruto said hesitantly.

"Sensei!" Sakura shouted. 

"Eight points: Larynx, Lungs, Spine, Liver, Heart, Kidneys, Jugular, Subclavian Artery. Which one is the killing point?" Zabuza asked menacingly. 

"The heart" I answered. ' I got two sucker'

"Good choice" He praised. I muttered a that's not what I meant, Sakura looked at me with concern, but I just shrugged my shoulders. We looked back at where we hear, the two Jounin level ninjas fighting. I could see through the mist, I assume the sharingan can see; about a foot ahead. Kakashi appeared in front of Zabuza and slashed him, water poured out and the water clone poofed out of existence. Then Zabuza turned around and slashed Kakashi as well, but that was also a water clone. I huddled Naruto and Sasuke close to me ,and whispered the plan in their ear. They nodded and began to prepare. We all heard Sakura gasp, looking closely we see Kakashi trapped in the water prison, with Zabuza standing guard along with a few water clones. The most was getting less thick ,as it must take alot of chakra to take up.

"Everyone! Escape with Tazuna! The real Zabuza has to stay near me and cant attack!" Kakashi ordered. I shook my head and pulled out some paper bombs attached to some kunais, "We're not leaving you behind Freckle-Sensei! Those who leave their friends behind are worse than scum right?!" I shouted while throwing the bombs towards the clones, hitting them dead between the eyes before blowing them up. Everyone cheered and Kakashi looked surprised, but also somewhat grateful and curious. "Kids go protect your Sensei!" Tazuna shouted. "You don't need to tell us twice!" Naruto shouted and threw his giant shuriken at Sasuke. It was pretty awesome seeing them work together, after always watching them fight on the team, and in training. Zabuza was shocked to see another shuriken behind him, and transform into Naruto. He threw the kunai which made Zabuza let go, and jump back to avoid being hit. I then released the first gate "1st Gate, The Gate of opening :Release" I then apeared behind zabuza ,and kicked him so hard it sent him flying into a tree. Kakashi started walking to Zabuza , with fist raised ready to finish him as he was getting up. When two senbons came out and hit him in the neck, "killing" him. Kakashi walked over cautiously, placing two fingers on the vein in his neck. 

"He's dead" He declared. Haku hopped down in front of him. 

"Thank you, I've been trying to catch him for sometime" 

"By the sound of it, I'd guess you were Narutos age." Kakashi said. 

"Wait! How did he take down Zabuza with such ease?!" Naruto shouted angrily. 

"Naruto there are kids younger than you ,but stronger than I. Besides he was worn out by Niva's surprise attack." Kakashi stated. "Wait senbons to the neck won't kill someone, but make them seem dead." i said Haku bent down and picked up the "dead" Zabuza ,and hoped away before we could attack. 

"Lets go to my house, you can all rest there" Tazuna suggested. We began to walk away when Kakashi grunted, and fell to the ground. Sasuke helped me pick him up as he was bulkier , I could carry him myself but not comfortably. We started walking again to Tazunas house.


After being at Tazunas house for a few hours Kakashi starts to wake up, "Freckle-Sensei, your sharingan is cool and all, but try not to over do it?" I said, bent over his face. He closed his eye in what looked like a smile.

"I'll try not to Nova, and what's that with you using my rivals secret technique." He scolded. I just shook my head and crossed my arms, "Oh that I visited him one day ,helped him with his gate technique; as he was doing it wrong. I also helped his students ,by giving then a scroll explaining my cliff climbing technique and aircushion technique." I said giving him a sideways smile. He just looked surprised and thought 'I'll just talk to him about it.'

"I have a bad feeling about that mask guy" Sasuke said, deciding to speak up. Kakashi nodded, "You were right, usually trackers immediately dispose of the body, but he took Zabuza with him" He sighed and put his head back on the pillow, "Alright, tomorrow we continue your training, but this time I'll be joining you." 

"Ah yea! Training! What are we gonna do? Some super cool new jutsu?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Whats it matter, you're all gonna die anyway" A quiet voice said from behind us. We turned around and saw Inari.

"Ah, there you are, everyone, this is my grandson Inari" Tazuna introduced. 

"You'll never defeat Gato and his men!" Inari shouted. 

"I'll beat him and become the hero!" Naruto said confidently.

"There are no such things as heroes!" Inari shot back before running out the door. Naruto went after him, to let him knowing hes not the only one who can relate. 


As everyone else is asleep I open my eyes I get up making sure no one is watching. I hear something on the roof.So slip my shoes on. Quietly trying to tip toe outside, I maneuver past a sprawled out Naruto, and a curled up Sakura. Making it outside I jump up to the roof and look at the stars. (Still paying attention, but it could have been a squirrel) I was mesmerized. Back home there was just apartments close together so the sky was always blocked off, so I could never see the stars, except the few. I hear a few steps close to me, I start to get in a defensive position, before relaxing after seeing a familiar grey head, "Shouldn't you be resting Freckle-Sensei?" I asked him, putting my arms back under my head. 

"Shouldn't you be doing the same thing?" He said, trying to sit with me. I shrugged and focused back on the sky, "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come out here. I'm glad I did" He looked at me curiously, "Why?" He asked. 

"I really like the stars, one day I wonder if I'll ever be able to go out there beyond what's seen. Also its really beautiful" He nodded in agreement with a curious expression, and looked at the sky himself. It was quite between us for a bit before he spoke up again, "So what's this about gai, not doing his family technique correctly."

"Well it was a incomplete technique, as when you have a strong enough body; you can do it without leaking energy." Kakashi raised an eyebrow "Really?! Kind of unbelievable ,helping something complete a family technique. I mean, if it was anyone else ;they would be insulted by the observation. Then sent you on your way."

"I know, but there is no certainty in this world.

Also everyone is born with the same thing; an equal chance of death. As, even family cant protect you all the time. So I felt it was best to tell him even at the risk of hurting his feelings, and ruining ever talking on good terms with him." I clarified

Kakashi looked conflicted, like he was trying to find the right thing to say. He finally took a deep breath and began to speak. 

"I'm not very good with words Nova, but, you're right. However this doesnt mean that worrying all the time will help, and besides you got us. You also bond them together, and that's the most important thing you can do; to keep each other safe. If there's no bond there's no team. You're the only one who can get them to work together, I can't do it, Sakura can't do it, only you. So in a way, you are the team. A very important part of it. Also no harm came from it, and I beleive you wouldnt say that to just anyone." My eyes were wide, a few tears leaking out. I soon smile wide and wipe away the tears.

"The truth is the most powerful thing, it can tear people apart Sensei. But it can also help whether it be for closure or comfort, anyways thanks sensei" He chuckled a bit.

"I try my best" I nod and look at the sky one last time.

"Lets go back inside, we've got a lot to do tomorrow" I said before hoping off the roof, and tip toeing back into the room, slipping under the sheets, falling into a blissful sleep.

"Today, we're going to continue where you left off last. But since I dont know, I need Nova to elaborate." Kakashi started.

"Well for me I have completed all my chakra control exercises, I can think of and make up. As for naruto and sasuke they are currently practicing, the air-walking technique and the All-fall technique. Sakura is practicing the cliff climbing technique, but since she cant do that here.. she could practice the air cushion technique." I said walking up around the tree like a staircase. Kakashi has his eyes widened and jaw dropped, meanwhile sakura is mumbling cheating and sasuke wins by default. Naruto and sasuke wasn't impressed, as they seen me fly before. However, you could see fire in their eyes as they seen their goal. Kakashi then looks with his sharingan and whistles "Cough-cough Yes go do that! I will be talking with Nova ,over here." He signalled for me to follow him, so I did staying his night as I was walking on air.

"So what you want to talk about?" I asked

"Just HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT!!" He yelled in awe,amazement, and jealousy.

"Ooi- you will make my ears bleed. Oh this I took most of the excersises I made, and combined then on a much more intricate level. Its recommended to master them all ,before getting to this point."

Kakashi then said "Just how many do you have?"

"Oh the treewalking ,waterwalking ,clifwalking aircusion, lavawalking, waterfallwalking up and down, colored sand separation, then it's the air walking technique and then fighting while doing so. The last ones a secret clan technique ,that I'm only teaching naruto and sasuke." I explain to kakashi as his mind goes blank

"Wait w-ait did you just say LAVAWALKING TECHNIQUE!!!!" He yelled at me.

"Well I wanted to walk on all terrains, you know it allows you to learn the substitution technique till its sealess."

Kakashi sweatdropped and said "DONT DO SOMETHING SO DANGEROUS AGAIN!"

"Jeez you remind me of them ,when I showed them my lava diving technique. Although they didnt want to try that one." I lied. Kakashi almost fainted and exasperated said "J-just dont do anymore stupid, training techniques. W-wait what is the name of your secret technique."

Kakashi said hoping he dont regret asking.

"Oh that Its a combination of the Allfall and lava-walking technique, i guess lava-diving too but that's not neccessary. Also add a bit of elemental wind natural chakra, or not but it does make it easier. I call it the flying technique see."

I fly through the air at insane speeds, then when I come back I see kakashi passed out. I use a D rank water jutsu to wake him up.

"W-what were am I- i had a dream that Nova could fly. N-nova!!" She shot up and seen me flying. "YOU CAN FLY!!!!" Kakashi's feels his heart pumping out of his chest ,as he feels he lost 10 years of life; from all these revalations.

"Yup it's quite cool isnt it, I heard some old geezer could do it so I decided to figure it out."

"W-wait old geezer? You mean the hokage of the stone village?" Kakashi said

"Yeah that was it but this is diffrent. You can take the easy way out and do what he does. Or use pure chakra manipulation on a microscopic level."

"E-easy easy way out. Gahh I feel like I'm talking with gai. Forget it! What are you going to practice now?" Kakashi says

"Chakra constructs like a bijou's strongest attack but diffrent. I need to work up to that point. So for now I'll try to make a small handsize ball, and launch it with a chakra string."

Kakashi just hums and thinks 'That's exactly what my sensei thought ,when he tried to make the rasengan. At least this wont kill him, hell if lava diving doesn't kill him ;I dont know what will.'

"Just try to be safe okay?" Kakashi said but was inturrupted by a clone, that just left a sonic boom heading to me with two buckets.

One was filled with water balloons, the other one was was filled with rubberballs.

"Thanks!" Kakashi just looked at the objects and asked "What's this for?"

"Oh I want to make the ball of chakra inside a container first. Preferably ballshapped but I'll work with these." He just raised an eyebrow and walked away reading his book. "I'm leaving, before you figure a way out; to make this dangerous."

The team has been practicing for hours, Sakura has made some progress.Naruto and Sasuke finished, but I told them to try and fight while doing so. They loved the idea of it, but they keep falling. While trying to fight ,and walking on the air ;at the same time. I thought about all the fun times I've had so far, eating with Naruto, messing with Sasuke, taking the bells from Kakashi, but, I haven't had any with Sakura. Come to think of it she's been really irritated with me this whole trip too, "Hey Sakura" I ask. She didn't even look at me, "What do you want?" 

"Why have you been so mad at me this whole mission?" She looked upset at herself for a bit, before turning angry and whipping around to face me, "You know why!" I put my hands up in surrender, "No I really don't" Her hands closed into fists, "Because you're trying to outdo Sasuke all the time! Also he seems to pay more attention to you then anyone else. Leave him alone, he's mine!" I sighed and sat cross legged in front of her, "Sakura, I'm his friend it's what we do, and I'm not gay. Two, I cant leave him alone, he's my teammate, and more importantly friend. Nothing more,nothing less; so don't worry about me "taking him" alright?" She relaxed while hearing my explanation. 

"I'm sorry for being so rude Nova, it's just, Sasuke's going to be mine! I've tried so hard for so long, and he pays no one attention. With the exception of you, so I'm scared hes gay; and all of my effort would be for waste!" She said passionately. I laughed and nodded, "I understand Sakura, but hes not gay. Hes just self absorbed in his ultimate goal and dream, thus only cares for only power. So, friends?" I stick my hand out to shake her hand. She smiled and shook my hand, "friends"

"Here is a book on the healing techniques, they teach in the hospital. I recreated them myself first, so they cant say I stole their techniques.

Besides I think you would be a great medic, one day. She blushes at this and takes off to read the book. I then hear steps coming our way, looking over I see Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto split off to where Sakura went. While Sasuke grabbed my arm and dragged me off to a more secluded spot. 'does this mean he's really gay nah pfthaha'

"What are you doing?" I ask, slightly irritated by him pulling me away from my sun soaking. He let go of me and turned around, slightly pink in the cheeks(I notice this, no it cant be)

"How did you do it?" He asked. 

"Ooh, is Duckling asking for help?" I tease while poking his head with my two fingers, subconsciously implanting the knowledge of; how to do the all fall technique. Also a little on flying. He got stunned then pissed and knocked my hand away, "That should help you figure it out, a bit faster."

"Thanks" < clutching his head as he remembered itachi's killing his family, this caused his body to create more spiritual energy; to combat that bad thought>

He then walks off ,while I have my clone go help Naruto aswell.

It had been a couple hours since I've helped Sasuke and Naruto ,how to do the all-fall technique. I have finished the first and second stage ,of the rasengan.While they finished at the same time, as of right now. They are having an eating contest, to have a tie breaker. Upset at them I reach over and take their bowls. They looked up at me in shock and slight anger; that I stopped them from finding out whose better. 

"You two are being so disrespectful! These people have a hard enough time feeding themselves let alone all of us, and you're just going to eat as much as you can till you get sick? Apologize!" They looked down in shame before bowing deeply, saying sorry. Sakura asked about the picture with Inaris father and that quickly sobered up the mood of the room. Not wanting to hear the story I went to bed. The days went by as Naruto and Sasuke start the flying technique. Sakura started healing fishes and I finally finished the Rasengan, and I'm currently trying to make it into a Plasmagan. It was late just before bedtime, then kakashi hops down and looks at my rasengan. "My,my you did complete it, this is known as the rasengan my sensei lord fourth; created this technique. So I guess you rediscovered it, perhaps you might complete it aswell. Nevermind the fact you learned it in a matter of two days ,beating jiriya and lord fourth by a landslide. With your chakra control thou it's not surprising. What are you trying to create with it thou?"

"Well I believe anyone can eventually learn all elements, and with enough chakra control master them. I'm currently trying to combine a few together ;into the rasengan." Kakashi just sweatdropped and said "What did I tell you about doing something crazy dangerous?"

"To be fair I'm just a shadow clone *Poof*"

Kakashi just sighed and said "I guess that's safe ,but still doing something like this; could blow him up. Nevermind his rasengan. Trying to recreate something considered a bloodline. O well if anyone can do it ,he can with his ridiculous chakra control."

Then the next morning, I went to see the progress of naruto and sasuke. They made little to no progress as expected. Sakura on the other hand moved onto mammals. While they were busy. I was trying to complete my plasmangan

as I was making great progress. Of course I set up seals and barriers to block out the sound, and keep the forest intact. Booom *Poof*

"Gah almost there, just one more time and"

I look at the marvel I just created, it was a glowing light blue swirling ball. It sort of looked like a kamehameha ki ball, however it was radiating insane heat. I then start to see through my clones eyes aswell. They all poofed except 8 they were all sharing their site with me. In my eyes I could see I gained a 4th tomoe. I then felt a rush of information to my mind. Naraka path, weird I thought that would be the last one. I guess it makes sense, in order to connect to the other ones.' I guess I'll make some paths, out of my cyborgs.' I then start to try and make a icesenshuriken. It's alot easier ,then the plasma release version. I have my clones try to complete it, it shouldn't take long as it's the same concept but balancing less elements. I run off to find Naruto.