

During her high school graduation, she got raped by a boy whose face was masked. Unaware, the event turned out to be most regretful moments of her life after she found out she was pregnant. The pregnancy did not only made her a laughing stock among her pairs as she struggles alone with her illegitimate daughter Luna. Life gives her another chance to fall in love and start afresh again with her beloved, only to unravel the masked man that destroyed her life. Warning : Computer errors in the use of punctuation marks in the dialogues and grammatical errors from chapter 2-5. It will be reedited once am done publishing the chapters.

AuthoressChioma · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter Eight : Welcoming A New Life!

"Diana, come on, let's go, we're getting late for the medical appointment". Tristan yelled as he booked Bolt to drive them to the hospital. 

"Uhm, give me a minute, I'm still dressing up". Diana replied as she littered her clothes around, looking for her pink dress gifted to her by Tristan several months back when she was recuperating.

'Thirty Long minutes later'

"Ladies, when they say one minute, they just mean a lifetime. At least it's not Janet I am waiting for, I'll have to wait for years for her to get her make – up done". Tristan murmured!

"Hey, am ready, let's go". Diana spoke from behind. 'She wore the pink dress I gifted her! Uhm, does she perhaps like me?' Tristan said inwardly while grinning.

"Are you okay???". "Ahh yes, I just thought about something, by the way, you look beautiful in this pink dress". Tristan said with a little blush.

"Thanks". Diana replied.

"Let's get in the car now, the bolt driver is probably losing patience since you delayed a bit, okay. Meanwhile, I'll pack the baby boxes and your delivery kit in the boot of the car". Tristan said with a smile as he led Diana to the car.


"Are you nervous?" Tristan asked out of the blue inside the car as they headed to the hospital. "Uhm why do you feel so, am okay". Diana replied with a stiff smile.

"Well, I noticed how you've been rubbing your hands for a while and the beads of sweat on your forehead. You've also been biting your lips and adjusting your hair now and then, you normally do so when you're scared or nervous". Tristan said softly.

"Yeah, maybe I'm a bit nervous, you see am too young to give birth and because of the fact my body was forced to adapt to my pregnancy, there's a risk of death, premature death from my unborn baby and many more complications. I'm just worried about it". Diana spoke as she played with her feet and biting her lips.

"Am not Janet and I don't have much experience of consoling someone, but rest assured I won't let anything happen to you or your unborn child!" He said while patting her head gently and embracing her body a bit.

" I trust you, wait, how do you know what I do when am nervous? Apart from me, only Janet knows about this quality of mine". Diana asked with her big eyes fixed on Tristan for a reply.

'I can't tell her I usually stalk her back then' He said inwardly while thinking of a way to avoid the question. 

"Shh, just shut up and sleep already, it'll take a while before we reach the hospital play". He said, rubbing her head. 

Slowly, Diana fell asleep in Tristan's arms as they drove in silence. Tristan took his phone and snapped a Picture of them before she wakes up. 


They finally arrived in the city hospital and waited in the ward, since they'll spend the next couple of hours trying to induce labor. 

"The doctor said you should walk around, so you can induce labor, but you're over here eating like a glutton". Tristan said as he watched Diana swallowing the steamed bun and noodles gotten by him quickly. 

"Tristan, between you and me, who's pregnant?" Diana asked. 

"You're the pregnant one can't you see that dummy, I'm a man". Tristan replied.

"Exactly I'm the pregnant one, so I'm hungry, only I know how I feel right now. Please be a bit considerate, dummy". 

'Sighs' "Fine, let's go for a walk now, it has almost been twenty hours since we arrived and no sign of labor."

"Fine, let's go for a walk, I don't want to risk my chance of survival". 

"Let's head to the garden, it's perhaps helped you out?" 


Diana sat on the swing while Tristan guarded her from behind, to avoid any slight mistakes. 

"Tristan, why are you helping this much?" 

Diana asked suddenly. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"It's just that we met on my rape night, and you've been by my side! Yes, Janet helps me, but yours is different. We never met each other, if not for my tragic incident we won't be here right now. 

" I consider you a good person and a friend, I'm happy you didn't let what happened discourage you. As for why I'm helping you… Let's just say there's this girl l really love, she's beautiful, naughty, naive yet wonderful. She isn't aware of my feelings for her yet, but I hope one day she notices my effort. 

You look like her In character and face". Tristan said softly. 

'His definitely talking about Janet, who would have thought a gentle man like Tristan would love Janet just the way she is'. She said inwardly while grinning. 

'Silly girl, you're the one I like, when the time is right, I'll tell you about my feelings'. He said with a cute chuckle. 

"Oh okay". Diana said as she came down from the swing and ran toward a growing rose flowers at the other end. 

"Be careful, don't run too fast"! 

"I won't, I'll be extra careful. I just want to. Pluck a rose flower". She shouted from afar. 

Tristan's phone rang. "Hello" He said with a bit of irritation and coldness. "Can't you just act friendly with me Tristan, I'm also your friend just like Diana is. Why are you mean to me"? Janet blurted out with a tone of anger. 

"Why did you call?" He asked. "How's Diana now? Is she okay, has she given birth yet? Tell her I'll meet her soon when am done with lectures!" Janet said worriedly. 


"Ahhh" Diana screamed out while her hands on her stomach with tears in her eyes. Tristan looked down and noticed a liquid gushing down from her private part. She was having contractions and her waist ached. 

Diana bit her lips while trying to stand up but no, no avail, she tried once more and succeeded. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, her forehead filled with sweat. 

Tristan ran as fast as he could, throwing his phone away. He noticed blood dropping from her nose as she collapsed on the floor and fainted. He rushed and carried her in his arm and rushed to the delivery theater. 


Several moments later, the doctor came out. 

"Doctor she was bleeding when I brought her, is she okay. What happened to her?" Tristan hurriedly said in a row. 

At that moment, Janet came in breathless for a while because of how fast she ran. 

"Doctor, my friend, is she okay?" 

"Well before I give the news I'll ask you thus now. Did she perhaps have a heart disease previously?" The doctor asked. 

"Yes, but she's been doing fine, we intend to treat her soon since we have enough time". Janet replied. 

"Am sorry, but Diana has less than six and half years before she dies, we noticed some deadly chemicals in her blood. They seem very toxic and rare. Our system is trying it very best to bring a cute to her case. As far as the passing out is concerned earlier today, it's because she fainted due to panic and weakness. The watery discharge that came out earlier is her water mister". The doctor said, pointing at Tristan. 'Let's get this over with and tell us if she's okay, I'm scared doctor'! Tristan said inwardly, getting annoyed by the second. 

For now, she's out of danger and no, many complications, she's okay, so is her baby girl!! 


Janet and Tristan ran into the room before the doctor could fu complete his last sentence. 

Entering into the room, they saw weak Diana with a cute baby girl in her arms. 

"She's finally arrived Janet, Tristan. My baby girl is here," Diana said with tears in her eyes as she let it all out. 

The two came closer to her and took a closer look. The baby cried and the over whelming joy they felt was too much. They both hugged Diana with so much happiness. 

Diana sat upright and carried her newborn baby girl and placed her in Janet's arms. Janet looked at the crying baby and felt like her heart would come out at any time. 

"Our little princess has arrived". She said, placing a kiss on the baby's cheek and passing the baby to Tristan. 

"Am afraid I'll fall to her down" He said, scared a bit. "You won't because you were one of the people who took me in aside, Janet. You were always by my side". Diana said with a smile. 

Tristan carried the newborn and kissed her cheek, Surprisingly she stopped crying for a while and smiled. 

"Hey, not fair, how come she didn't stop crying when I carried her but stopped when you did?" Janet said, pretending to be hurt. 

They laughed again, but were interrupted by the crying baby. "She's hungry Diana it's time to breastfeed our princess"! Janet laughed, teasing Diana. 

Diana blushed a bit as she carried her child and opened her cloth, putting her breast in her child's mouth to suck. 

" Tristan, you have no shame, how can you watch a lady open her...."? "Shut up, I closed my eyes when she did…. Uhm, you know what I am talking about". 

"So, mummy, what are you naming our princess?" Janet said. 

"I'll name her Luna". Diana said, smiling at her little one.