
Time Warp - Jikan no Rupu

A warrior, fighting against a long-time opponent, had no choice but to use his Time Loop ability. It was the only way to fix and change the events leading to the fateful battle. Will this warrior succeed in reaching his goal. How will he change everything with one Time Loop?

Dom121 · Action
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16 Chs

A New, but old, Adventure!

Author's Note: Every character and technique within this series belongs to me, the writer/creator. If you want to create content based off this series, go to Webnovel when this chapter is published and comment/ask for permission. This series is inspired by animes like Dragon Ball and Naruto

Character Bio:

Senshi - A 12 year old boy and Shoji's best friend and rival. He's the son of a valiant hero who is currently deceased.

Shoji - A 13 year old boy and Senshi's best friend and rival. He used to live on the streets when he was found by Shujin and Senshi.

Shujin - A 35 year old who is Senshi and Shoji's master. He adopted Senshi and Shoji and wants to protect them at all costs. He wears a solid mask over his left eye.

In the city of Tayo at 4:00 PM, within a wood-built shelter in the forest, Senshi and Shoji are training with their master, Shujin. Both Senshi and Shoji are punching and kicking at Shujin. However, Shujin is either dodging or blocking their attacks. Either way, the two kids are not winning. They try to perform a team-up technique.

Senshi gets down to the ground and takes a "get ready to run" stance. Shoji steps on and jumps off of Senshi's back and attempts to kick Shujin at the side of his face, but Shujin catches his leg and pushes Shoji backwards with his other palm. This seemed to be a distraction. Shujin looks down and sees Senshi, charging upward with a balled fist.

However, Shujin dodges Senshi's punch and pushes Senshi back with one palm. Now both Senshi and Shoji are next to each other on the floor, focused on planning their next attack.

"You two still have work to do." said Shujin. "Your problem is that you two have no strategy at all. You two just perform random attacks and expect for your attacks to connect. Both of you need to think and plan before you attack. No plan reveals an opening your opponent can take advantage of." Senshi and Shoji started to think about this, but didn't have time to as Shujin demanded, "Let's go another round."

Senshi and Shoji battled for 10 rounds with Shujin and still couldn't get the picture correctly. They decided to take a break. Senshi and Shoji went to a water stream near their residence. There was a surplus of stones surrounding the stream.

As the two boys sat down and skipped some stones, Senshi asked Shoji, "Why is this so difficult?" Shoji could only come up with, "I don't know, Sen. It's like it's easy for others, but not for us." "Maybe we just have bad luck." Shoji thought about it and said, "No, something's up. Master Shu never trained us to use strategy until today." Shoji stood up with little confidence and said, "Let's train, here and now!" Senshi, puzzled but surprised, asked, "Right now, without Master Shu?" "Yeah," Shoji said. "We can try this on our own. Maybe we'll finally get it."

Senshi, somewhat inspired, stood up as well and said, "Alright. Let's do this!" Both gained some distance from each other, and from there, they trained till the night.

Shujin, wondering where Senshi and Shoji were, looked outside, expecting them to be on the porch. Unfortunately, they weren't there. He could only think they're skipping stones at the stream. When he got there, he saw Senshi and Shoji, flat on the ground, exhausted to near slumber, with Senshi's head resting near Shoji's. Shujin, with a barely amused smirk on his face, picked them both up, carried them inside the house, and laid them to rest in their beds.

They would resume their training tomorrow.

End of Chapter 1...

Copyright © 2022 by Dominic_Mccall

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