
A Portal

A normal day in Summer for a normal guy named George He loved travelling, he was a very hype, athletic, active and fun guy and of course he was a curious one too. he loved exploring new things. He had beautiful Ginger hair, Pretty freckles and Emerald green eyes He also had a locket that his grandfather had given to him before he passed away. George always kept that locket close to him.

As he was walking in the Alleyway back home eating a vanilla popsicle and carrying back some deserts and ice creams for his younger sister. He saw a bright purple light then he tried to get a closer look and it looked like some sort of a Portal.

It was a Purple portal and even though George was a curious kid he didn't want to get quite close to it as he got very bad vibes from it. As he was trying to leave the Alley he now heard some noise coming from from the Portal. it was as if it was absorbing all the things close or away from it into itself like a BLACK HOLE he thought. He was trying to get away but in gain and was caught up inside the Portal.

while he was getting dragged away by the portal to who knows where, he started to slowly hears some sounds and see some strikes of light. it was LIGHTNING he was afraid and not quite in the situation to think of anything else he held his hands to himself to try and protect himself from the lightning as a Reflex.

To his Suprise the lightning didn't hurt him one but. he was now a bit relieved and was now curious about this Portal. he slowly then lost his consciousness and when he woke up he found himself in another alleyway that looked strangely familiar to the one that he was in before he was caught in the portal.

while he was trying to get up and dust his jeans he noticed that the place he was in was like nothing he saw before he had travelled to a lot of places before but this was like some Future city. it had flying skateboard kind of things, tall buildings that reached the night sky. it was night time and the place looked so dreamy.

George wanted to take a better look and while he was trying to get out of that alley he bumped into a Handsome man he was probably a bit older than him. his black hair and his attire caught George's eyes and his eyes glimmered with awe. Before George could ask that man's name he grabbed his hand and started running all of a sudden.