
Time Traveler's Alpha

Running for my life, why you maybe asking, well I'm being chased by a gang of thugs and it's all thank's to my father. My father has a really bad gambling problem so we alway's get these guy's coming around. Unfortunately for me I just turned sixteen and because of this and that I'm my father's only child. They are trying to force me to sign a contract with them to help pay back what my father owes them you know mafia don's. Now you know why I'm running I don't want to lose my innocents not like that....Oh I forgot my name is Kyala Crystal but my friend's call me Kya..... I'm an Alpha prince and man is it a pain rules, rules and rules with, so much responsibility behind it. I've just had my seventeenth birthday and that's when we were's find their other half, so my parent's had a grand party for me, so I might find my other half. Though and my pack and parent's were so upset that none of the female's were the one which leads me to now. I'm setting in my office going throw all this danm paper work, oh and the name's Dyamian Silver but those who are in my circle xall me Dy.

Abigail_Zerby · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


It seemed as though the time in the dungeons for the father and daughter went by faster than it should. Unfortunately that was a time construct lie, because when they arrived in the past just as the future summer had just begun, but now winter was arriving making the cells colder. Within this time Finyal had warned Kyala not to eat any of the food the guards brought, for it had wolf's bane intermingled Within the food and even the water. Kyala was a skinny girl to begin with, so to her dismay she became much thinner, and weaker as time moved forwards.

Father it's freezing or is it just me? Use the blanket sweetie I know how much you're suffering right now, but just stay strong for me, for a little longer okay. I'll try my best, but I'm just so cold I can't seem to get my teeth to stop chattering. My best advice to you is, if a snow flake is in front of your face eat it, it's the best way for you to stay hydrated.

A week later beta Manell goes down to the dungeons. He has a warrior standing by outside of Kyala's cell while he un cuffs her from the bed and recuffs her and pushes her to the warrior waiting. Fallow me, he says to the warrior, and they stop outside Finyal's cell. This is the first time since he came down here the Kyala has seen him, and he also got skinnier but he also looked to be in pain. Beta Manell opens the door with a click from the lock and walks in. Well, well, well you're not looking so good either there brother I do hope nothing bad happens to you or your daughter during this trial of loyalty, hehehe. You both took you sweet time now didn't you, hu-um, but I'm sure you just couldn't wait to get rid of your compatsion now could you? Now what would give you that idea brother? Oh I don't know, maybe it has something to do with that danm grin on your face. Now, now this has nothing to do with that and everything to do with your trial.

Manell stopped conversing with his old brother unchained his wrists one after the other while he recuffed them and finished unchaining him from the walls. Come along you two we have something special in store for you, was the last thing beta Manell said before the warrior took Kyala down another corridor of the dungeons. Where is Kyala Manell what have you done if you think that this will stop me your are very mistaken! Finyal said while gritting his teeth. Oh don't worry you'll see her soon enough as it is. The two brothers kept walking for what seemed like hour's, when all of a sudden they past by a glass window into what looked like an arena. What the hell Manell why is my daughter in a cage for? don't worry you'll find out as soon as the alpha explains the terms of the trail. They walked on b in silence for far to long and Finyal was getting worried, but then they came upon a steal door the squeaked open, and there sat the Alpha King.

I'm so glad you made it in one piece Finyal, I was a little worried you wouldn't be able to stand. Considering all that silver that was holding you would effect even the strongest of beta's don't you think so to Manell. Yes I agree with you Alpha. That's great and all but I would like to know what trail you'll have me do today? Presents Finyal, no need to be in such a hurry. Your daughter is quite beautiful even with the weight loss she looks just like you but pretty, with that light sun bleached hear and her height the female equivalent to your own yes. Oh but her eyes are what intrigues me, they are blue aren't they? Yes she has her mother's eyes blue velvet. Ah how gorgeous your mate most have been a beauty then. Yes she was.

Now then let me explain the trial, and Manell well take you down when we're done talking. First as I'm sure you've seen, your daughter is placed inside a cage in the middle of the arena. Second you'll have to fight a smilodon, which is rare to find, but since this one came to us we must eliminate it. Oh I almost forgot while fighting the smilodon you'll have to find the key to unlock the Silver cage your daughter is in, and good luck Finyal you'll need it.