
Time Traveler's Alpha

Running for my life, why you maybe asking, well I'm being chased by a gang of thugs and it's all thank's to my father. My father has a really bad gambling problem so we alway's get these guy's coming around. Unfortunately for me I just turned sixteen and because of this and that I'm my father's only child. They are trying to force me to sign a contract with them to help pay back what my father owes them you know mafia don's. Now you know why I'm running I don't want to lose my innocents not like that....Oh I forgot my name is Kyala Crystal but my friend's call me Kya..... I'm an Alpha prince and man is it a pain rules, rules and rules with, so much responsibility behind it. I've just had my seventeenth birthday and that's when we were's find their other half, so my parent's had a grand party for me, so I might find my other half. Though and my pack and parent's were so upset that none of the female's were the one which leads me to now. I'm setting in my office going throw all this danm paper work, oh and the name's Dyamian Silver but those who are in my circle xall me Dy.

Abigail_Zerby · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Splash

Jogging through the forest to get to the gate, I stopped just in front of the great trees and took a look around. Just in front of the gate there was a large root from a tree just right, and that's when I seen the kicked up dirt just there, it looked as though someone turned on there hails and the track indicates that the fell backwards, and I'm betting it was Kyala.

I took a deep breath and started walking forwards knowing that I'll find Kyala on the other side.

Walking through the gate it was like before, a buzzing sound followed by a squeezing sensation pulling me back into the world I came from. All of a sudden there was a flash of white light then there was darkness. Blinking a couple times my vision came back and it was sundown and I broke into a run to my old village.

My head started to feel light again, my eyes started flickering and finally opened. She's waking up call the beta. Huh mmm, where am, why is it so cold? You're in a dungeon cell, and to say what happened you weren't feeling well, so I gave you medicine and since you're feeling better you're going to answer some questions. Man I thought all of this was just a dream guess not. A few minutes later that wolf guy appeared, great him again.

Well this is good you're awake now I can finish my paperwork. Well that's all well and good for you, but where am I and why am I in a cell? Well you're in Kån Village but that's only for humans, but for us were's you're in the Silver Moon pack. What? That can't be, that pack hadn't existed for six hundred years, at least that's what mom told me? What year is it, isn't it 2018?

Excuse me what world have you been living in, it's 1120 and we're the adapted colonies of vikings, but enough of your mental problems, I'm here to ask you questions not the other way around. The big guy known as the beta clears his throat, now I need to know your name, preferably your full name so we can see which pack you came from. My name huh, my name is Kyala, Kyala Crystal since yo... THERE'S NO WAY! YOU, you can't have that last name, it's impossible, we can't be cousin's?!

At this moment Finyal arrived at the village edge, sneaking through the foggy evening mist, he glances towards the keep. Sniffing the air for Kyala's sent, Finyal knew she was here but its been some time. He started forwards but then was stopped, and where do you think you're going Finyal? Aaww well, I didn't think you would let me go unnoticed Alpha King. Manell grab him and take him to my office. Yes Alpha. Hey Many long time no see right, hehe! This isn't funny Finyal and don't call me that ever again do you understand! Aaww, does my little brother not like his childhood nickname anymore, mom must be sssoo sad about it. I said it's not funny, NOW KEEP WALKING! We approached the office doors, mmm its been some time but they look the same. Stop cracking jokes you're a deserter, NOW GET IN THERE! Walking inside Manell pushes me down on my knees right in front of the old oak desk. Alpha, Manell says just off to the side of me.

Now Finyal what do you have to say for yourself hum, why did you abandon you're pack and Alpha nineteen years ago? That is a good question my alpha, but would you truly believe in what I say or keep judging me? Both are possibilities but we won't know until you speak up for your actions. I looked up at Alpha Aluz, his aged more than I thought he would, his got strikes of gray in his prominent jet black hair, and his eyes that were such a bright blue have turn dull, and of course there are a few wrinkles by his eyes and nose. Well you remember how I was looking for my mate right, and that I kept on smelling her but not finding her. Well it so happens that she was in the future nine hundred years from were we are, so one day I tracked her scent to the middle of the forest. No one is allowed there and you know that. Yes Many, I do but I just had this pull to go through, I don't know which god pushed me forwards, but I do know she was on the other side. Just then Finyal sees Many move out of the corner of his eye, and his eyes go wide with shock and worry.

Many wait! Hold on don't dump that bag, NO, no, no! I scrambled towards my brother to stop him before the urn holding Mia was dumped all over the floor. What, what are you so worried about huh mmm? My mates ashes are in there you baphune! What?! I grab the bag from Many and go for the urn hoping nothing happened, thankfully her ashes were still inside the urn. I knew I should've taped you shut before coming. I took out the last of the duck tap we had at home from the bag and taped the lid to the urn so nothing like that would happen again.

So what you're saying is that your mate is from the future, and you just now come back or is there something else you're looking for? Well Alpha, my pup was chased through the forest and she ended up coming through to the past or the now present, and I tracked her here, but its been a few day's since she arrived. Oh, and what's your pups name and how old is she? Does she know anything? Her name is Kyala, she just turned sixteen, and I haven't told her anything, she doesn't even know she's a were. Well that's unfortunate since you're a deserter of your pack, you most prove to me as your Alpha that you're still loyal to us and me.

Sorry it took longer I hope you guy's enjoy it

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