
what does Robert know

They all sat in the restaurant. Suzy asked what do you know about Lilly's murder. Robert started telling Suzy I used to come to your home often in childhood a girl used to look everything from a small gap of the closed door I used to be curious who is that girl. Later I got to know that it was you Suzy. I tried to sew your face many times but I failed but on that day I got to know that you are giving party to your friends so I came to see you. I saw you and I fell in love with you but to confess to it I went to buy a ring. By the time I return back you were not there. The next day morning I got to know that Lilly was dead. I know you tried your level best to make George get into the jail but you failed so inorder to help I digged into this case after you left to forigen.

At that time I remembered one thing there was a car coming opposite to me while I was entering the hotel I remembered the car number I looked into its owner the owner was the model that came into the scandal along with Arthur recently. I also got to know that there was a litigation of land between zeera company and suzy father company ohh sorry currently hers. That is how I got know the things.

After listening to this Arthur Suzy thought to go to forigen because they both have their reasons one to find his brother and the other to find the model. After listening to them Robert asked weather he could join them but both of them asked why . He replied in order to help Suzy he said. Suzy replied Robert the Suzy you have fallen in love with is long lost now I am not the girl who you are love with. Robert replied bur still I want to give a try. You were at the time of murder of Lilly int restaurant how can I not suspect you what if you were the murdered and if you try to mis guide us in the forgein.

Robert said no I will just come with you try for you do you think this handsome face can actually kill someone. And also here is the ring I bought for you that day you can check it in the shop see I have an alibi. Suzy said then that is upto your wish. She said to Arthur to get ready tomorrow we have to leave to forigen. Arthur said can I bring Selena. Suzy replied can you ask Selena to check the calls of the model on the day Lilly died. Arthur said ok fine I will ask her. But what should I tell the reason. Suzy said tell her this is an important deal for the company. Robert interrupted in the middle why are you nagging about Selena as she is your girlfriend. I know that only Selena likes you but you don't like her. Arthur replied Robert do you have a hobby of being nosy in others issues . No I only got to know about you when you both started investigating the case together because I can't loose Suzy to you. Suzy looked at Robert and Said you are going to regret your decision. Selena also said that they should not tell anyone about the trip they should only tell it's a few days off. Cause if the public gets to know they may rise questions.

Later they left from the restaurant and reached home Suzy asked Sam to take care of the company while she was away and Arthur asked zayan and Selena to take care of his company. Selena asked Arthur that she can come along with him but Arthur didn't accept because Selena keeps nagging him about their marriage . But Arthur doesn't like Selena. He is only tolrighiting her for his mother. The next day morning they packed their bags and went to airport early and boarded the flight.