
Time to reveal him

one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .

DaoisttWW76u · Urban
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76 Chs

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They looked at the news . The reporters says that Suzy father is going to be the next ceo of I will company Eva sold most of the shares to him . Hyena couldn't get what is happening. Arthur looked at Hyena and said come with me and Robert you go meet the person in this address he will give you a pending give it to me only after you have seen it. Robert said yes and he went to get the pendrive.

Meanwhile Arthur and Hyena went in the car and stopped infront of a mall. Hyena asked what are you going to do in this mall is someone going to give information in this mall regarding what Eva planned or we are going going to get something against Eva. Where are taking me just tell .

Arthur and Hyena were moving in a elevator. Arthur went closer to Hyena too close enough to feel her breathe and looked into her eyes and said do you know how to watch a movie. Hyena asked what . Arthur said do you know or not . Hyena said yes I know but I think you can ask this question from far . Arthur said the elevator is stuffed and there is only one person apart from they both in it.They went into the theater bought the tickets and started watching the movie unfortunately the movie was soo boring. Hyena looked at Arthur and asked why did you get me to a boring movie like this Arthur replied a boring movie is good so that I can concentrate on you . Hyena said are you kidding me did you hear the news I absolutely have no idea what eva is planning and I thought you know something about it but here you are doing some nonsense. Arthur replied until I met you I to thought the same thing the company the competition the planning the execution etc . But only after I met you I have got to understand that how important is revenge . Hyena said so you understood then come let's plan something and take revenge. Arthur said yes I am doing that by being happy. Everyone on who you want to get revenge doesn't want you to be happy sets be happy and take revenge.

Hyena looked at Arthur and said since when have you become so spiritual . Arthur replied I already gave my answer since I met you . Hyena sighed and said but atleast you should have taken me too a good movie this is so boring . Arthur said then listen to me I will tell you something intresting. Hyena asked what is it . Arthur started telling when I was young around 8 years of age I heard my mom left because of some other man . Everyone in the school used to bully me . I couldn't take that so.... Hyena asked did you transfered to another school . Arthur replied no I just sprayed tear gas in every air conditioner in the school . And made every kid cry . Hyena asked you are soo cruel. Arthur said listen who is telling this a gangstar. Hyena said ok ok tell me then what happened Arthur said the school management called my parents and at that time my father and Eva were heldimg their wedding so they couldn't make it and that's why my grandfather came . He said to me that don't let others influence your thinking . Hyena said soo. Arthur replied now Eva has made Suzy father as ceo but if we react to their action we might unknowingly give them what they want . so let's be calm and enjoy the show . And later we will show them how a award grabbing show be like.

Then Hyena asked what did you asked Robert to get . Arthur said to know that it costs Hyena asked what is the price . Arthur said you have to click pictures with me . Hyena asked are you crazy why will I do that . Arthur said I thought you need information. Hyena said ok fine but where you decide the place . Hyena said how about beach. Arthur said I hate oceans I used to get taught by my father mostly there and it is like a juvilline center to me. Hyena said how about a amusement park . Arthur said so you want to go to a amusement park with me. Hyena said no I didn't mean it ok fine let's not go there . Arthur said let's go there . Meanwhile the movie finished . Robert called Arthur and said let's meet .