
suzy's Birthday

Arthur asked Hyena how are going to create chaos. Hyena said suzy's birthday is on day after tomorrow I will set the party on the fire.She also said Arthur not to come to the party . Arthur said don't people doubt our relationship if I don't come for Suzy birthday party . Hyena said yes people doubt our relationship in that there will be Oliver to . Arthur asked what are you planning to do to Oliver . Hyena nothing just seeking an emotional revenge from him for what he has done to Suzy . Arthur said then fine I won't come to the party I will atleast send bouquet so that people won't think we broke up . Hyena smiled and said ok then fine . Suzy's house has come I will get inside . Hyena entered Suzy house . Suzy's sister is crying .Suzy's step mom is comforting her in this way she is telling to her . You are the one who said you don't mind about George but now you are crying for his death . Hyena looked at it . suzy's sister looked at Hyena and said you are the reason why George has died if not he would have been happily alive and married me . I won't let this pass. Hyena laughed and said your George is a gay and showed the photos of him with Yoona's ex-boyfriend. Look at this he has got a new boyfriend he only came there to see for his boyfriend and died . You are crying for a cheater . Oh I am sorry even you are also in the same foot right . Suzy's father came and said mind your language Suzy look how you are talking to my daughter . She is one of the most elegant girl don't throw your words on her like that . Hyena said fine I don't throw words but one day I throw evidences. Actually that is my habit .

The next day morning when Hyena went down to have breakfast . Oliver was talking to the workers in the house . Hyena asked Oliver what are you doing here . Oliver said nothing much just planning your birthday party. Hyena asked who gave you the right to pan my birthday party did I said I will celebrate it I will make sure I don't attend your party . Oliver said why being so angry on me .Think I am planning this party as an apology for bullying in the childhood . Hyena understood that he is going to raise the same topic in the party and humiliate her but still Hyena accepted the party and said I want my step mother to be in charge of the party orelse I won't attend the party . Oliver said sure .

Hyena went to the office and was working in her cabin. Arthur called her and asked her to bring the files . Hyena went there with files gave him and left from there . Again he called her and asked her coffee. Hyena said isn't zayan there to give you the coffee. Arthur said didn't you say you are my secretary and bring coffee can be done by her I guess. Hyena went and gave him the coffee . He called her again and asked regarding recruitment of new employees in the office. Hyena said isn't the file right infront of you on the desk . Arthur looked at it yahhh yahhh!but I can't understand it come to my cabin and make me understand it.Hyena kept the phone and started thinking that is not even rocket science and he have a brain to understand rocket science . Why is he calling me to his cabin continously . She went to his cabin and asked what are thinking I can file compliant on work harassment if you continue to call me to your cabin unnessacarry. Arthur said ok fine go ahead and file the complaint I will come to the birthday party tomorrow. Hyena drolled her eyes up and said . Sir what do you didn't understand exactly in that file . Arthur smiled and said nothing actually I saw the file upside down and thought a new language but later I understood I was holding it wrong. You may go to your cabin he said . Hyena entered her cabin and started thinking . what does he get by teasing me . Does he still think he is a kid . Let this party complete I will play with him.