one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
Coming out from the reporter's house Arthur asked Hyena what did they see in his room . Elisa said many thesis that he wrote a painting those white stone she was taking about by the way I carried some of them for testing . Later we have Seen that package and also we have seen few photos of his wife and daughter for some reason I found the daughter face familiar I couldn't figure out who she is because the photo was from her child hood . Arthur said now let's go and meet that old man who was actually telling the reporter to search for white stones . He also asked Hyena to send those powder and those white stones for the laboratory to find out what is in it . Hyena said yes.
They reached the old man . Infront of his house there were many people sitting and listening to his lectures . Arthur Hyena and Elisa also went there and sat they also started listening to his lecture. He was telling inorder to make our brain function normally as other human beings first we should control it by doing actions like slow running cooking or searching . Arthur in the middle raised his hand and asked what do you exactly mean by searching what should we search? The old man replied I know we won't search for anything until it is lost so search for the white stones in the beach they will give you the patience and help us be one of the humans . Hyena raised her hand and asked you said we have to be like normal humans what is the necessary of it aren't we good of how we are . The old man laughed and said I think you are from government that is the reason why you are boasting up.our ebility . But the actual fact is because of this ability we will not be able to go to any other country and be normal . People treat us like monsters and ask us to work for them like zeal company . The chairperson of that company tied with our Government and started using us like her servanta we can't let this happen to out future generations . Elisa stood and asked do you have any better option than this because while doing in your method I think years won't be sufficient for making our brains to function normal .
The old man said I have a remedy the powder. Elisa asked powder yes there is a powder available here I think it is illegal here to use . If you take that powder your brain will function normally and you can go where ever you want . Elisa asked where can I get that powder . The old man said I am not a informer so I to don't know where it is available you have to know where it is available . After hearing all this the three of them entered the car . Arthur said now I can understand what is actually happening here. Hyena asked what did you understand .
Arthur said her daughter send the package to him through the officer because he was the only corrupted one over there and also the reporter went to search for the white stones I order to get control on his brain because he doesn't want to be a mutant and also doesn't want to be used by anyone . So someone killed him after knowing his daily routine to that we should know who was observing him . Listening that Elisa asked we have too many questions where should we start with . Hyena said let's go the reporters office and know more about his work life .
They took the car and went to the reporter's office . They asked for his desk . They showed them the desk . It was dusty and look like he didn't use them for months . Arthur asked their colleagues why it so dusty . The worker over there said he rarely comes to the office even if he comes he goes to the broadcasting room does his lines and comes out but recently I think before his death I think he asked the director for a special episode and the topic for that episode is only known to our director . And our director went missing from the day of reporter's death . Try to find him you may know more the worker said.