
Many damages

The night both Arthur and Hyena were watching over the director's wife . The wife came out of the house carrying a box in her hand . They were following her through streets she was passing . While she was passing few people came and attacked Arthur and Hyena . Hyena asked Arthur to follow her she will take care of the thugs who will come at them . Arthur said no I will take care of them you better go . Hyena said I atleast know how to fire unlike you so you go . Arthur said this has become your winning argument ok fine I will go . Arthur kept following the director's wife meanwhile Hyena started fighting. A person came with a knife and made a scar on Hyena hand. Luckily it was not deep . Only 5 people came so Hyena was able to manage. Later Hyena reached Arthur.

Arthur looked at the scar on her hand asked what happened she said it was just a small car . Hyena also said where did this man exactly hided how long should we walk. Arthur asked if so can I carry you . Hyena said no . Finally the lady entered into a house which was very old she knocked the door and placed the food infront of the door . She went from there . Mean while a hand came out to sneak the food inside . Arthur caught that hand and entered inside . The director asked who are you and why are getting inside . Arthur said we are special officers who came to investigate on weather reporter's death case . You were missing since is murder .

The director said I don't know anything about his murder . I am hiding because of my debts . Hyena said you ordered a diamond necklace because you have debts? Director said ok I will tell you the truth . I am hiding because I am afraid . Arthur asked afraid of what the director said afraid of getting murdered. Hyena said tell completely so that we can understand. The director said ok I will tell you completely. That day before weather reporter's death he came to me and said he needs a one hour telecast and he also said this topic is very important. I asked the reporter regarding what the reporter said regarding the powder that we consume it is actually going to cause to many problems to this island . I asked what is the issue . He said he has already written the script and placed it in his house . The next day morning he was found dead . I thought those people may kill me also so I ran away from there and started hiding here . Arthur asked does the reporter has any rivalries. The director said no he doesn't have any such . They left the place .

Arthur and Hyena started walking Arthur offered Hyena hand kerchief in order to stop her hand bleeding . He said that is the reason why I said I will fight . Hyena said what is the reason. Arthur said if it was I. I wouldn't got scratched like this . Hyena said yes ofcourse the wound would have been even big . Arthur said let me atleast do the first aid after getting into the car . Hyena said you are making a big fuss over a small scratch. Arthur said you are an antique piece to me I can't afford a scratch to you . Hyena drolled her eyes . In the car Arthur was telling I will do you the first aid this hurts bare with it . Hyena said I took bullet wounds you are telling me to bare with a knife scratch . Arthur placed the antiseptic over the Hyena wound . Hyena shouted and said can't you be a little soft . Arthur you are the one who said I I fine look at you how you are shouting and smiled. Hyena said where do you think the reporter would have places the script . Arthur said I know a place Hyena said is that the painting . Arthur said yes it was the painting I think it should be there . Hyena said ok let's check for it tomorrow morning . Now let's go to hotel . Arthur drove to the hotel but meanwhile Hyena fell asleep so he carried her in his hands to her room and laid her on the bed and pulled blanket over her . said good night to her and he went to his room.