
Did Oliver did the right thing?

In the prison they met the guy Paul suggested to them . The guy asked them why did they come to prison . Arthur said we came here to know the relation between Robert and Oliver . And how did their relation made you brought here . I know you got to know something about this. The gut said why should I tell to you what do I get by doing that you just came here just to talk to me that is even worst than a negotiation I want something in return. Hyena said we did our investigation before coming to you so don't worry we will make sure that your who is in relationship with a toxic guy will get break up soon. That guy asked how do you guys know at present I am persisting my daughter regarding the breakup of that guy.

Arthur said we are doing business so we know how to make deals and negotiations those aren't our cup of tea . He said that now tell me about Oliver. Oliver use to be a good and cheerful kid until he turned into 8 . It all started with that rainy day . Oliver teacher called the buttler and asked about Oliver father and the butler said Oliver father was in a meeting so I will give the phone to Oliver caretaker that is how I got the phone into my hands. The homeroom teacher said Oliver is behaving odd these days in the school . He is not behaving well in the school he is throwing objects on the fellow students . And also he is drawing some weird things in his book . Please take care of him . I went to see Oliver at that moment he was studying maths in his room. I tried to sneak into Oliver's book . He was actually drawing blood drops . I was shocked that was too cruel for a 8 year old kid to draw blood drops . So i thought of informing it to Oliver's father after he come from meeting . But that night Oliver father unfortunately died in a accident . so Oliver went to live with his mom . Oliver's mom took divorce from Oliver father and married Robert father after Robert mother's death. When Oliver went to Robert house I thought Robert will get into a huge trouble but the fact was Oliver was the one who got into trouble because his own mother . Her drinking habits made her to nod head to Robert's father each and every word it was at that time Oliver was forced to donate his one of the kidney to Robert. After these many years I thought Oliver would have let it go but he didn't I think he was the one who killed Robert.

Arthur asked how did you end up in jail . The guy replied I lived all my life for my daughters sake when I have no money to treat my daughter illness Robert father asked me to get to jail for one of the mistake he did I can't reveal the mistake so inorder to escape him from the mistake and also to save my daughter I came to jail . The guy said I told you what all I know . And now it is your responsibility to make my daughter break up happen .

After talking to him Arthur and Hyena came out of the prison talking. Arthur asked Hyena does she belive that Oliver was the one who killed Robert. Hyena replied there maybe chances we can't exclude other possibilities . Arthur said what are we going to do next .Hyena replied first we have to make a breakup between that guys daughter and her boyfriend. Arthur said let me know more about it.