
Still The End

Time check 9:58.

I'm going to get an ear full if I don't reach home by 10:00 tonight.

"Asha, hurry up! Your momma's gonna kill me." barked Sam as she's pressing her palms together, the very obvious sign that she's freaking out. Sam, my best friend since I can remember.. well, I do remember, since Freshman year.

"girl, chill. We still have 2 minutes" I barked back at her through the noise of the wind, low-key addressing myself because I'm nervous as hell too.

The audacity of this girl to pressure me while I'm the one driving this stupid scooter, while she's the one who hates me driving real fast. Sam and me? We are the total contrast of each other.


"Asha! there is no way my life will be spared. She's gonna kill me. She will never trust me again. 1 minute left. How?! do you think we can magically reach your 15-minute-drive-house in just 1 minute?! You've got to be --"

she paused, I continued driving, taking my time, because why not? 1 minute is such a long time, I can tour around the city within a minute. I hate it, but I love it especially at times like this, ONLY at times like this.

9.. 8.. 7..

"Mother, I'm home!" I screamed as I'm removing my shoes, taking off my coat, putting then on their racks.

6.. 5.. 4..

"Momma, I'm home" I said calmly this time, composing myself because I know she knows I've used it again, she always knows.

3.. 2.. 1..

"Momma?" the house is silent, the place eerie, the place empty.

I forgot once again, I am alone. They are all gone.