
Time Slayer : A Demon Slayer Fanfiction

In the mystical world of Demon Slayers, where blades clashed with demons and courage was forged from the depths of the heart, there existed a legendary slayer known as "Time Slayer." This enigmatic figure was said to have harnessed the powers of time itself, bending its flow to protect the innocent and vanquish the vile. Centuries ago, during the peak of the Demon Slayer Corps' glory, a young and talented swordsman witnessed his best friend fall victim to a powerful demon. Fueled by grief and vengeance, he dedicated himself to becoming a Demon Slayer to eradicate the demons responsible for the tragedy. But he was no ordinary swordsman; he possessed a legendary technique known as "Time Breathing." This extraordinary breathing style allows its users to manipulate time itself, granting them unparalleled speed and agility in combat. One day, the head of Demon Slayer Corps has reached The Slayer's ears about a high-ranking demon wreaking havoc upon a nearby village. The demon was said to possess unimaginable powers and had terrorised the villagers, leaving destruction and despair in its wake. The Slayer, hearing the cries for help, knew that their journey had found its purpose. Note: "Time Slayer" is a work of fanfiction inspired by the manga "Demon Slayer" (Kimetsu no Yaiba) and pays tribute to its universe and characters while introducing original elements to create a new narrative.

Gravu · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Time Slayer

"Where am I?"

"Why is this place so foreign, so mercilessly indifferent?" he questioned, bitterness creeping into his tone. "What have I done to deserve such a fate?"

"Am I still me?"

In the hallowed chambers of solitude, The Slayer stood alone, his heart heavy with a melancholic burden.

"If only there were a path to natural death," he murmured softly. "To embrace mortality once more, to feel the ebb and flow of life's essence, untethered by the chains of endless time."

"To seek respite in the finality of death," he continued. "To depart this world as a mere mortal, unbound by the curse of immortality."

"In this ceaseless existence," he whispered, "each passing moment loses its meaning, and the purpose that once guided my path has faded into obscurity."

"If only I could bid farewell to this immortal coil," he confessed. "To relinquish the burden of eternity, to reunite with the cycle of life and death."

"Yet, I am bound by an unbreakable fate," he lamented. "To be forever shackled to this plane, where time stretches infinitely before me, and the prospect of true death remains a distant dream."

"Is there no salvation in the expanse of time?" he wondered aloud. "To find peace in the arms of death, to relinquish the weight of eternity, and to breathe my last as a mortal man."

"The world still yearns for protection, and demons yet prowl in the shadows," he declared, his eyes ablaze with purpose. "I am the shield that guards the innocent, and I shall embrace this noble task with every fibre of my being."

Like a celestial comet streaking through the heavens, he set forth on his mission. With each step, the weight of eternity rested upon his shoulders, but he bore it with grace and conviction.

His eyes closed, and his heart steadied, The Slayer accepted his fate with a heart attuned to the symphony of existence. In the tapestry of eternity, he knew that the harmonious melody of his life would continue to resonate, an eternal symphony of hope, valour, and the unwavering pursuit of purpose.

Under the cloak of a moonless night, The Slayer embarked on an arduous journey to rendezvous with the esteemed Head of the Demon Slayer Corps. Leaving the comforts of his home behind, he ventured into the deep woods, the dense foliage concealing the path ahead.

The air was thick with an aura of trepidation, and the shadows seemed to dance with malevolence as he pressed on, guided by the flickering light of distant stars. The journey was as much a physical trial as it was a test of his resolve.

With each step, the dark woods enveloped him, their eerie silence accentuating the gravity of his mission. He traversed through tangled undergrowth and ancient trees, the branches above forming a canopy that blocked out the faintest glimmer of the night sky.

Yet, The Slayer pressed on, his heart resolute, and his mind focused on the weight of his destination. The Head of the Demon Slayer Corps, a revered figure known for their wisdom and valour, awaited his presence, and the fate of humanity rested upon the outcome of their meeting.

As he forged ahead, memories of his training and the camaraderie forged with his fellow slayers flickered through his mind. Their unwavering dedication to the cause provided him with strength, even in the darkest of hours.

Though uncertainty gnawed at his thoughts, The Slayer knew he could not falter. The fate of countless lives rested upon his shoulders, and the burden of the Demon Slayer Corps' legacy weighed heavily upon him.

As the woods gradually gave way to an open clearing, The Slayer felt a surge of hope. The meeting place was near. He could sense it in the air—a subtle shift in the ambience, an ethereal presence that spoke of powerful forces converging.

The sound of rustling leaves grew louder, and the silhouettes of other Demon Slayers came into view. They stood as guardians, protectors of the Head of the Corps, forming a circle of strength and unity.

The Slayer approached the gate of the Demon Slayer Corps, he was greeted by the Head's wife. Clad in traditional robes, she exuded an air of regal grace and warmth that eased the weariness in his heart.

"Welcome, brave Slayer," she said, her voice gentle like a soothing melody, "your presence is an honour to us all."

The Slayer bowed respectfully, acknowledging her kind words. "Thank you, Lady," he replied, feeling a mixture of reverence and humility in the presence of the esteemed Head's wife.

Her eyes held a wisdom that seemed to pierce through the veil of time as if she could see the burdens he carried on his journey. "You have come from afar," she remarked, her voice tinged with a touch of concern. "Please, come inside and rest. The night can be unforgiving, and the halls of the Corps are a sanctuary for weary souls."

Her words touched his heart, and he followed her into the sanctum of the Corps. The hallways were adorned with ancient tapestries, depicting the valour and triumphs of generations of Demon Slayers. Each step he took felt like a step into history, and The Slayer was humbled by the weight of the legacy he now bore.

As they walked together, Lady's presence felt like a comforting beacon amidst the shadows of the night. "The Head has been anticipating your arrival," she said, her eyes filled with a glimmer of pride. "Your reputation as a stalwart warrior precedes you."

A sense of reassurance enveloped him, knowing that his efforts had not gone unnoticed. "I shall do my best to fulfil the expectations placed upon me," The Slayer replied, his determination renewed.

Inside the heart of the Corps, The Slayer found camaraderie and a sense of belonging. The Head's wife ensured that he was welcomed by his fellow slayers, forming bonds that would strengthen their resolve in the face of darkness.

In the presence of the Head's wife, The Slayer found not just a gracious hostess, but also a confidante. Her wisdom and counsel were gifts he cherished, guiding him on his path as he faced the challenges that lay ahead.

The Slayer approached the centre of the circle, where the Head of the Demon Slayer Corps awaited, his presence emanating an aura of both command and grace. With a nod of acknowledgement, the Head welcomed him into their midst.

In this pivotal moment, The Slayer knew that his journey had just begun. The meeting held the promise of revelations and challenges that would shape the course of his destiny. As the night enfolded them in its embrace, he steeled his heart, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead, for the darkness of the night could not extinguish the flame of hope burning within him.

The Head's piercing gaze met The Slayer's, and without a word, a sense of urgency passed between them. The silence spoke volumes, conveying the dire nature of their meeting.

"Sit," the Head finally spoke, his voice resonating with authority as he gestured towards a zabuton opposite him. "There is a matter of utmost importance we must address."

The Slayer took his seat, his heart pounding in sync with the weight of the impending discussion. He braced himself for what was to come, knowing that the fate of innocent lives hung in the balance.

"The village nearby," the Head began, his voice a potent mix of concern and determination, "has been beset by a powerful demon of unfathomable strength. The reports indicate that its malevolence knows no bounds."

The Slayer listened intently, his mind focused on the gravity of the situation. The image of the terror-stricken villagers flashed before his eyes, fueling his resolve.

"We have a duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves," the Head continued, "and this demon's rampage must be quelled before it claims more lives."

The weight of responsibility settled on The Slayer's shoulders like a mantle. He knew that this was a challenge like none other, one that would demand every ounce of his skill and fortitude.

"The people of that village look up to us," the Head stated, his voice firm. "Their hope rests upon our shoulders."

A steely determination flickered in The Slayer's eyes as he nodded in agreement. He understood the gravity of his duty, the importance of his sworn oath to protect the innocent.

"We shall make our preparations," the Head declared, his gaze unwavering.

The room fell into an absolute silence, and The Slayer felt the weight of the moment. This was a test of not just his abilities as a warrior, but of the indomitable spirit that bound the Demon Slayer Corps.

As they concluded their discussion, The Slayer knew that the fate of the nearby village lay in their hands. With the guidance of the Head, they would face the darkness that threatened to engulf their world.

The night rest, and the moon remained an ever-watchful witness to the unyielding spirit that resided within the hearts of The Slayer. his resolve, utter like the stars above, was a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty. He would rise to the challenge, ready to confront the malevolence that lurked in the heart of the nearby village. For the Demon Slayer Corps, duty was the very essence of their existence, and they would stand united to vanquish the darkness and preserve the light that shone within the souls of all those they swore to protect.

Under the moon's attentive gaze, The Slayer made a decision that weighed heavily on his heart. His mind was set on venturing into the nearby village at night, a time when darkness wrapped itself around the world like a cloak. With resolute determination, he bid farewell to the hallowed halls of the Demon Slayer Corps, leaving behind the camaraderie of his fellow warriors.

Dressed in his humble attire, he donned a pair of sturdy sandals and carried a duffel bag, containing only the essentials for his journey. Though his path diverged from the Corps for this moment, he knew that his duty to protect extended beyond the bounds of its walls.

Silent footsteps carried him through the winding paths of the village. The cobblestone streets bore the memories of countless lives, their footprints etched into the passage of time. As he roamed, the night seemed to whisper secrets, each breath carrying the weight of the past.

With every stride, The Slayer's senses heightened. His heart pounded in tandem with the rhythm of the night, and the air was imbued with an aura of mystery that both intrigued and unsettled him.

In the midst of his nocturnal exploration, he stumbled upon a shop that defied the norm, its doors ajar, and its lights still aglow in defiance of the late hour. Intrigued, he stepped inside, curious as to who might keep their doors open in the dead of night.

Amidst the shadows of the 15th-century village, The Slayer's nocturnal odyssey led him to an extraordinary sight—a quaint yet mysterious establishment adorned with a wooden sign bearing the kanji characters of a traditional Japanese bar. Its doors stood ajar, and a warm, inviting light spilt onto the muddy streets, drawing him like a moth to a flame.

Curiosity stirred within him, and The Slayer stepped inside, his senses immediately awash with the mingling aromas of aged sake, fragrant incense, and the faint hint of cherry blossoms. The wooden interior exuded an atmosphere of rustic charm, with polished beams and lanterns casting an amber glow that danced upon the walls.