
Time Robbery: The System Will Reboot

The universe was at the peak of demolition when Azazel set all the galaxies in a row and opened all the pathways of each globe. Two things could have happened, Number one the cosmos could have stuck into the time loops. Number two the universe could have lived his whole life within seconds and could have obliterated after a couple of minutes. His zeal for taking vengeance had made him wild. Luckily, the Monarch of Magic, Leonard was there, standing against Azazel to save his dominion and other planets. Monarch of Magic, Leonard's sharp reflexes and alacrity to save the universe earned the victory. Their fight could not destroy Azazel but his intentions. Their fight, Monarch Leonard's Victory, and his loss had made him more furious and eager to take his revenge.

Sumbal · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Heavens 13 part 3.

The Man drove his hands in front of his sternum and put them together as one does for prayer. After a couple of seconds, the fella curled his ring fingers and small fingers of both hands.

As he curved and separated them, a bright silvery light seemed to be formed between his hands and he pushed that light to the wound on his scapula by driving his hands forward.

"Please do it nicely. It is already hurting so much. Listen, I know I yell at you every time we meet, but please do not be sarcastic by taking revenge this way," Gavriel said. His voice was so pleasing.

The light that had risen, cured the damage on Gavriel's scapula within a couple of seconds. The wound that was alive with running blood and the movements of those weird things within his wound, seemed like a whole universe. The open wound had now closed. It was completely cured leaving its blemish behind like the other wound that the man could see by gazing at the half-naked torso of Gavriel.

After, the man walked in front of Gavriel with a fine smiling facial expression that had buried worry for Gavriel of those wound scars.

"What are you doing?" asked Gavriel without knowing that the fella had already treated his damage. "Are you not gonna do anything with my shoulder?" he added.

The faint smile on his face became a little more visible making Gavriel believe that he had done his job.

"But how and what time?" surprised Gavriel spoke up with wide eyes.

"A moment before," the fella replied with a fine smile.

Gavriel now could feel no pain. "But how?" with a deep frown he questioned.

"Who are you?" he added.

"You will know everything yet the person important here is you. See, now that I know and you are also acknowledged by those dreams and these scars, don't you want to know the reason behind all these?" he bend a little towards Gavriel and in a lower voice he uttered. After finalizing his words, the fella was now waiting for a satisfying answer from Gavriel.  

Gavriel then observes his surroundings. His gaze after following each thing in his surroundings landed on the fella. A wide torso standing in front of him.

"How would I believe you?" the silence in the room got disturbed by Gavriel's words.

The man was now numb-minded. He took his arms in the air, fell them down after the moment, and gasped.

"Really...! Still, you are saying this," said the man.

Gavriel drove his hands to his waist and seized a few steps.

"Tell something except that I could be the monarch of magic, Ok."

The fella was so fed up now but he did inhale a deep breath and buried his anger deep inside him.

"Listen Gavriel the wounds you are getting on your body after dreaming are not a joke. Listen, I knew all these before, that was the reason I came to you. And you cannot deny the truth. In fact, you should not deny it."

The man's voice was grabbing Gavriel's emotions. Yet, he wanted a little more justification.

"I exactly did not know the stuff which is happening to you, these dreams and wound. But it could happen in our world. I was surprised that all these is transpiring to you in this universe."

"The world needs you, Gavriel. This universe needs you."

The fella's last words 'the universe needs you' left a deep impact and they were lurking in the deep corner of his sanity.

"The universe needs me means I am certainly such an extraordinary personality," Gavriel talked to himself releasing a smirk gazing into the man's eyes but lost in his own world.

"Now that, at the age of twenty-three, I have achieved what I yearned for on this planet Earth, I think it's time to see what is out of the box. What the macrocosm has for me? I think it's time to take a break from my routine and go on a long adventurous expedition," Gavriel persisted gazing into the fella's eyes and the smirk on his face was the reflection of his concurrence with the man.

The fella had understood that Gavriel agreed with him yet he had to ask and confirm by him verbally.

"Do you agree with me? Do you accept everything that I told you? Will you be with me on this journey?" asked the man with eyes desperately waiting for his yes. Keeping his arms bound behind, the man could see something coming out from Gavriel's lips.

"Is there any other choice?" asked Gavriel.

"Well no.  There is not," answered the man with fine facial expressions.

"That is so great," Gavriel's bright smile spoke up the words of his happy soul.

"Let's begin then," on seeing Gavriel's fully satisfying retort that had now no reflection of the conflict with the wide torso in front of him, the fella grabbed a step backward after a little nod and spoke up.

"Are you ready?" the man asked. His gaze focused on Gavriel and his hands engaged with his back every time.

"No!," answered Gavriel

Gavriel's answer made the fella frown as he was guessing the reason behind his saying no.

"Name! You did not tell me your name. You never told me," before the man could say anything, Gavriel talked, making the man unstressed.

"Young one! Myself Young one," answered the fella and at last, he got his right hand from the back to the front for greeting.

While he was waiting for Gavriel to drive his hand for greeting, he witnessed that Gavriel was making an effort to control his breathing and after a moment, the silence of the big enclosure got disturbed as Gavriel burst into laughter.

The man silently brought his hand to the back and activated his mind thinking of the reason behind his sudden cracking into laughter.

The man thought for a minute and he got no such thing which could be the reason for laughter.

The fella when saw that Gavriel was laughing constantly, he made a sound by clearing his throat to seek his attention but the sound he made was nothing in front of Gavriel's laughter.