

This a story about a boy that curses God every day and wants to die his wish finally came true.But god hate him because of his curses daily. So God gave him a job being a time period agent. A time period agents job is being summoned into different times periods and solving the mysteries .If he doesn't solve the mysteries in a certain period of time God will tear apart his soul. The process is very painful. As he goes into different times periods he possessed people that are dead and god gives him his mission. When he completes his mission he is then sent to a different time periods. Read as he try to survive God's punishment.

Natsu_Dargneel · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Audience with god part 2

Luke stand slowly, still feeling a bit unsteady on his feet. When you finally meet God's gaze, you steel yourself, ready to face the truth of your existence. "God," you begin, your voice quivering with emotion, "I know that I am hated by you." Hated?" God says, raising an eyebrow. "That is not quite accurate, Luke. I dispise You but you are one of my unique creations , and that uniqueness has brought with it both blessings and curses. I did not create you to be hated, but to do something extraordinary

But you Luke want to destroy my gift because of everything bad that has happened you blame me god says.I am sorry Luke said. At that time I was just a stupid boy that didn't know the meaning of living and I am sorry it took so long for to realize this beautiful gift you have given me.God smiles gently. "You are meant to be an agent of change, Luke," he says. "Throughout history, you will be reborn countless times, each time in a new era with new challenges. It is up to you to use

this gift I have given you however you see fit. This was meant to be your divine punishment but it still is your Divine punishment. But the condition of your failure still remains the same. Luke said I am okay with that I don't plan on failing.As the weight of Luke new purpose settles into his bones, Luke has one request. "God," Luke begins , hesitantly, "I need a place to train and prepare for my missions. A secret base, where I can travel to different time periods without using the grim reaper powers .God nods. "Your request is granted. I will build such a place for you, and it will be filled with all the resources and technology you need to succeed. In addition, I will create a holographic screen that will detail each of your missions, allowing you to prepare thoroughly before you embark on your journey. God's smile grows wider. "You are most welcome, Luke. Now go forth and make your mark upon history. The fate of the universe rests in your hands." The words echos throughs Luke mind, Luke bow his head in reverence once more and step forward, ready to embrace his destiny as a time period agent. The heavenly light envelops Luke , and Luke feels himself being lifted from the throne room, carried back to the mortal realm to begin his journey anew.