
Time Mysteries

In the bustling city of New York, there lived a brilliant but eccentric scientist named Dr. Alexander Grey. Dr. Grey had always been fascinated by the concept of time travel and had spent years working tirelessly in his laboratory to build a time machine. His wife, Emily, often teased him about his obsession, calling him a mad scientist. One fateful day, as Dr. Grey was on the verge of giving up his endeavor, Emily stumbled upon a crucial component that the time machine needed to function. Excitedly, she rushed to tell her husband, but tragedy struck before she could reveal the discovery. A sudden explosion rocked the laboratory, and Emily was lost in time, disappearing before Dr. Grey's eyes. Devastated by the loss of his beloved wife, Dr. Grey was determined to find her, no matter the cost. With a heavy heart, he activated the time machine and embarked on a journey through the ages, searching for any sign of Emily. As Dr. Grey traveled through time, he encountered countless obstacles and challenges. He witnessed historical events, met famous figures, and even found himself in dangerous situations. But through it all, his determination to find Emily never wavered. Months turned into years as Dr. Grey continued his quest, never losing hope that he would be reunited with his wife. Along the way, he learned valuable lessons about love, loss, and the true meaning of sacrifice. .... This is my first writing experience. English is my second language so bear with the grammar.

Alfred_Simango · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Indecisive 4

" So everything i know is a lie", Grey asks heavily disturbed by this information.

"Yes, every normal person on earth has been influenced by one of THE HALL's member giving them the illusion that everything is normal", the man says.

" Is that even possible", Grey asks even though he know it might be true.

" It wasn't always like this, there was a time when the nomals where aware of the superior natural, ability users protect the nomals they themselves treated as gods or champions of humanity. Everything in harmony as all is life, then 'they' came.", the man says.

The room suddenly gets cold giving a chill to his spine. In all his life Grey has never been afraid to ask a question, but he has to ask nonetheless.

"Who are 'they' ", Grey asks.

"Beings of unknown origins speeding like a plague, in powered by fear", the man says surprisingly going back to his normal expression.

" This is the reason nomals cannot be allowed to fear them. By taking away the nomals spiritual sight we then by make The TALIA's ability to absorb fear invalid. People cannot fear what they do not know. So one of our own sacrifice her life to make her ability influence the entire planet. She took away the sight of nomals to see supernatural phenomenon. The TALIA's became a thing of the past", the man says.

" Alright then, how does this have anything to do with me being in straps", asks Grey.

" You Dr Grey are what we call disaster category 5. This means you are too dangerous to be left alive.", the man said with a smile that's not a smile.

Panicing Grey ask" does that mean ur going to kill me". The man didn't reply for a long time making him panic even more.

"Look u messed with things u shouldn't now u have to pay for it. You now have two options making up for ur mistakes or die", the man says with a smile.

" That's not an option", Grey reply feeling vexed by the situation. He knows he has to pay for making the time machine but why does it feel forced. Can't he just not do it. Yes he can.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Alfred_Simangocreators' thoughts