
Time Loop: Rebirth of the Time God [My Time System]

On the eve of a celestial alignment, four children were born under an extraordinary convergence of stars. As the heavens whispered their secrets to the ancient seers, a prophecy was unveiled, foretelling the intertwining destinies of these young souls. "When four shall be born, blessed by celestial light, Their paths shall intertwine, in the tapestry of might. Together they shall rise, a force both fierce and bold, To forge a new era, as the prophecy foretold. In the twilight of chaos, when darkness taints the land, Their union shall spark, the cataclysmic grand. The beginning of the end, mankind shall bear witness, As their powers converge, a destiny so boundless. Time, like a sword, shall be their chosen might, A new world god born, to set the world aright. With wisdom in their gaze, and courage in their hearts, They'll weave the strands of fate, embracing their noble parts. Through trials and tribulations, their spirits shall ascend, The realm of mortals to transcend. From shattered ruins, they'll build anew, A world reborn, radiant and true. Yet, heed this warning, dear mortal kin, The balance hangs on a delicate spin. For their actions hold weight, both light and dark, A choice must be made, to ignite a spark. Embrace unity and love, the ties that bind, Or succumb to greed and power, leaving morals behind. The fate of mankind rests in their hands, As the prophecies unfold in shifting sands. So, mark this day, when their journey begins, The four shall rise, as destiny grins. The birth of a new world god, they'll bring, With time as their weapon, and hope as their wing." Thus, the prophecy was passed down through generations, spoken in hushed tones, revered and feared by those who understood its magnitude. The four children, unaware of their intertwined fate, would soon embark on a journey that would shape the very fabric of existence, and the world would hold its breath as their destinies unfolded.

Zone8 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Stretched out

"You may be stretchy, Sinclair, but can you stretch yourself out of oblivion?"

Sinclair's expression remained unyielding, even as the vortex closed in around him. Suddenly, his body contorted in a remarkable display of flexibility, squeezing through the smallest gap within the vortex's maelstrom. Emerging on the other side, Sinclair retaliated with a lightning-fast strike, his fist connecting with Draco's chest.

"Incredible! Sinclair got a clean hit! Is the pounding finally about to begin?", the commentator's voice raising above the loud gasps of the spectators.

Draco staggered backward, the force of the blow sending him sprawling to the ground. He lay there for a moment, panting heavily, before slowly rising to his feet with a crooked smile.

"Alright, Stretchy, you got me good. But don't think for a second that this fight is over. I'm just getting warmed up!", Draco's crooked smile still in place.


"Did you see that? Draven just unleashed his full Mage powers on Sinclair!," Feng had his eyes wide open. He couldn't believe it.

The three have been sharing a room for weeks. They knew he was from the Mage sect but they never thought he would be this strong.

"I can't believe it! I've known Draven for years, and I had no idea he was such a skilled Mage. He's always been so goofy and unpredictable," Lin was astonished as he spoke.

A cold sensation creeping up his spine as he remembered the conversation he had earlier with Draco.

May gazing at the fight, "Wow, Lin, you're friends with someone so amazing. Draven is incredible! Look at those lightning bolts!," her voice filled with admiration.

"Yeah, May, looks like you've been swooning over the wrong guy all along. Who knew our quiet roommate had such hidden talents?", Feng giggled.

"I'll admit, I never expected Draven to be this powerful. But it just goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover," Lin replied with a mix of surprise and pride trying to steer the conversation to a direction direction.

"I... I've always admired Lin's skills and strength, but seeing Draven like this, it's... captivating. He's like a different person in the heat of battle," May replied blushing.

"Oh, May, are you developing a crush on our Mage friend now? Looks like Lin has some competition!," teasing May, " You were just all over Lin a moment ago. Typical women"

"Feng, cut it out. May's allowed to appreciate Draven's abilities without it turning into a competition. Besides, I'm confident in our friendship," Lin rolling his eyes at Feng.

"You're right, Lin. I just... I never knew Draven had this side to him. It's impressive and intriguing," May replied putting her head on Lin's shoulder, trying not to let Feng sarcasm get to her.

"Well, May, if you're interested in powerful Mages, I'll have you know that I can do some pretty impressive tricks with fire. Who needs lightning when you have flames?", Feng said playfully, wanting his sarcasm to skin in.

"Feng, don't let your ego get the best of you. Let's just enjoy the show and cheer for Draven. He deserves it.

"Agreed! Go, Draven! Show them what you're made of!," May grinning.

"Do Draco seem off to any of you or is it just me," Lin asked, his expression hardening, "I mean, his speaking pattern has changed and he even walks differently."

"Is that what envy smells like?," Feng replied mocking Lin, "give him a break. We were also shocked at what you could do. The battle field changes us to what we need to survive".


As Draco pushed himself back into the fray, the battle continued with renewed intensity. The clash between Draco's fierce determination and Sinclair's adaptable nature intensified, each combatant refusing to yield.

The fight raged on, their dialogue mingling with the sounds of powerful magic and the clash of their abilities. In that moment, as their energies intertwined, it became clear that the battle between Draco and Sinclair would be remembered as a clash of strength, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of victory.

The battle between Draco and Sinclair reached its crescendo, the air thick with tension and the ground shaking beneath their feet. Their movements became a blur as they exchanged blows, each showcasing their unique abilities in a dance of skill and determination.

Draco, his expression a mix of fierce determination and mischievous glee, conjured swirling orbs of elemental energy around him. Fire, lightning, and arcane forces swirled in a chaotic display of power.

"Time to turn up the heat, Stretchy! Let's see if you can handle the full force of my elemental fury!", Draco grinned.

With a sweeping gesture, Draco unleashed his elemental onslaught, hurling bolts of lightning, torrents of fire, and blasts of raw arcane energy at Sinclair. But Sinclair's body contorted and morphed, adapting to each attack with uncanny precision.

"You're relentless, Draco, but flexibility is the key to survival. Your fury cannot match my adaptability!", Sinclair replied remaining composed.

Sinclair stretched his limbs with incredible speed and fluidity, evading the elemental onslaught with a grace that seemed almost impossible. He retaliated with calculated strikes, his limbs solidifying into hardened shapes, landing blows that sent Draco reeling.

"Not bad, Stretchy, not bad at all! But I'm not done yet!" Draco's knee to the ground as he held his side.

Draco's eyes blazed with furry as he pressed his palms against the ground, tapping into a wellspring of raw magical energy becoming one with the elements.

"Yakuse!"Draco muttered.

A vortex of swirling energy formed around him, growing in intensity and power. He became a conduit of pure magical force, his every movement crackling with energy.

The Yakuse, the highest ranked elementary spell.

"Witness the true power of a mage unleashed!" Draco crackling.

With a thunderous roar, Draco unleashed a devastating wave of pure magical energy, a torrent of arcane power that surged toward Sinclair with unstoppable force. Sinclair's form contorted and twisted, his body pushed to its limits as he stretched to absorb the energy onslaught.

Sinclair's voice strained with effort as he fought against the overwhelming power.

"I won't be broken, Draco! I am more than mere flesh and bone. I am limitless!", Sinclair strained.

Sinclair's body expanded and reshaped, pushing against the magical onslaught. Slowly, he managed to redirect the energy, channeling it away from himself and back toward Draco. The surge of power hit Draco with explosive force, sending him sprawling across the battlefield.

"Haha! Now we're talking, Stretchy! Give it everything you've got!", Draco laughed out maniacally.

Draco rose to his feet, his expression a mix of exhilaration and determination. He focused his energy, his magic crackling around him once again.

"You've stretched yourself thin, Sinclair. But I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve!", Draco continued laughing maniacally as he watch Sinclair trying to catch his breath.

"Have some more stretchy pants", Draco muttered as he casted his fury on Sinclair.

With a burst of speed, Draco closed the distance between them, his fists wreathed in flames. He unleashed a barrage of fiery punches, each strike fueled by his unwavering resolve. Sinclair stretched and contorted, attempting to evade the onslaught, but Draco's relentless assault proved difficult to evade entirely.

Sinclair grunted with effort, his body pushed to its limits. But he refused to back down, summoning his reserves of strength and adaptability to continue the fight.

"You fight with unmatched determination, Draco, but I won't yield. I am the embodiment of resilience!," Sinclair said drenched in sweat.

"Enough already!" Draco shouted.

Draco wiped the sweat from his brow, a smirk playing on his lips as he addressed his resilient opponent.

"You've got grit, Stretchy, I'll give you that. But let's see if you can handle my grand finale!", he said obviously having fun right now.

With a flourish of his hands, Draco summoned a vortex of swirling energy around him, merging the elements of fire, lightning, and arcane forces into a cataclysmic storm. The tempest crackled with immense power, threatening to consume everything in its path.

Sinclair's eyes widened, a flicker of uncertainty momentarily crossing his face. But he quickly steadied himself, his body elongating and shifting into an impenetrable fortress of solid material.

"You won't break me, Draco! I am the embodiment of adaptability!" Sinclair said maintaining his composure.

With a burst of energy, Sinclair lunged forward, his hardened form barreling through the storm of elements. The clash was cataclysmic, the air crackling with an intensity that seemed to defy comprehension.

The two combatants grappled with each other, locked in a struggle of strength and willpower. Draco's ferocity and power clashed against Sinclair's unyielding resilience. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the very fabric of reality seemed to strain under their relentless assault.

Draco, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and amusement, couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.

"You've got me on the ropes, Stretchy! But remember, in a combat duel against a mage, never close the distance!" Draco smiled with blood trickling from the side of his lip.

Sinclair's eyes widened as he looked into Draco's eyes.

"Infinity Void", Draco cursed.

Sinclair dropped cold to the floor, his body landing with a bang.

"Not bad, Stretchy, not bad at all. You've given me a run for my money. We'll meet again, and the battle will continue!", Draco crackled as he walked over Sinclair's body out of the arena.

"What was that?" The commentator went wild as the cheers from the spectators roared.

"This is definitely a new record. The record of the longest duel ever fought at the Tournament of Honors", the commentary continued.


Infinity void, a spell that turns the strength of the opposition against them leaving them in a void till the curse is lifted.

The Infinity void, filled Sinclair's mind with fog and had he solidify himself from within.

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