
Time-limited F-Class Housewife

“CONGRATS, Miss Baek— you’re pregnant with South Korea’s #1 Hunter’s baby!” Baek Gyubin, the leader of a flopped Kpop girl group, is beyond shocked after hearing that she's carrying Hunter Han Wooju’s baby. And to be informed that she's pregnant as a twenty-five-year-old virgin? That's crazy! It's even crazier that her ‘baby daddy’ is the Guildmaster of Blue Dragon— the strongest guild at the moment. Plus, Hunter Han Wooju is the CEO of a luxury shopping mall and a known member of Korea’s W1 Trillion Club. In short, Hunter Han Wooju is way out of Gyubin's league! “How did I get pregnant with your baby, Hunter Han Wooju?” Gyubin asked awkwardly. And then she remembered THAT incident, causing her to gasp out loud. “Is it because I ate your dragon ball?!” Wooju let out a long sigh. “Miss Baek, it was an egg and not a ‘dragon ball.’”

sola_cola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


WHY DOES he look shocked?

Gyubin didn't understand Wooju's reaction after she asked him a simple question.

We're both adults here. And we're married. My question isn't weird, is it?

"Gyubin, do you like me that way?" Wooju asked awkwardly. "Are you physically attracted to me?"

"I am, just a little bit."

"You are?!"

"I won't marry you if I'm not mildly attracted to you, Wooju-ssi. Unlike you, my sense of justice isn't that strong," Gyubin said casually. "But I know that you only married me to take responsibility for what happened. I only asked if we're supposed to consummate our marriage because I'm wondering if being your wife requires me to meet your needs as a man."

"No, it's not a part of your role as my wife to do… that," Wooju said, swallowing hard before avoiding her gaze. "Do you want to… sleep with me?"

"If we feel the same way, sure. But you obviously don't like me that way. So, don't worry— I won't jump your bones."

"I know you wouldn't do that."

"Thanks for the trust," Gyubin said, pausing for a moment. She observed Wooju and realized that the man still looked flustered. "I'm sorry. Was I being tacky by bringing this up?"

"No, you're not being tacky. I'm not good at reading the room or playing mind games, so I appreciate that you're being straightforward," Wooju said, facing Gyubin. This time, his usual calmness was back. "I was just surprised since I never thought about our, uhm, sleeping arrangement."

"Wooju-ssi, you don't see me as a child just because I'm younger than you, right?"

"I wouldn't have agreed to marry you, even if it was just a contract marriage, if I see you as a child— I'm not attracted to kids."

"Good. I'm already twenty-five years old, so my frontal lobe is already fully developed. So, I promise to make sound decisions while we're together. And that includes setting a healthy boundary," Gyubin said, pausing for a moment. "But don't hesitate to call me out if I'm crossing any line, Wooju-ssi. Don't be too kind and too generous to me just because I'm a survivor of the Nami Island Tragedy."

Wooju fell silent for a moment, and then he nodded. "I'll keep that in mind, Gyubin."



"I SWEAR I'm not usually a glutton," Gyubin said, shocked by how much she had eaten for dinner. "I can't believe I had five steak and fries and I'm still hungry."

She was embarrassed because she acted like she had been starved for days.

Fortunately, Wooju looked like he didn't mind.

"Do you want dessert?" Wooju asked. "I can order some for you."

"No, thank you. I need to watch my weight…" Gyubin said, and then she trailed off. "I don't need to watch my weight anymore since I'm no longer an active idol."

"What should I get for you then?"

She shook her head. "That doesn't mean I should be a glutton. I'm not a mukbanger, so eating five rib-eye steaks with fries isn't normal for me." She patted her stomach. "I need to digest my dinner first. Do you mind giving me a tour of your penthouse, Wooju-ssi?"

Initially, she wanted to ask him to walk with her in the park.

But she realized that Wooju's penthouse was just as big.

"Sure," Wooju said, and then they started walking together. "As you can see, this is a duplex. We have six bedrooms— all with en-suite bathrooms."


"I use the master bedroom," Wooju explained while they were climbing the stairs heading to the second floor. "And the other three rooms are occupied by my friends."

"The other Pillars? They each have a room in your house?"

"They treat my house like our secret base."

"Then am I going to share the house with them once they're back?"

"They're not always here," Wooju assured her. "They just visit every time we have the same rest day."


For some reason, Gyubin felt uncomfortable with that.

And the System seemed to agree with her.

She stopped walking and stared blankly into the air when her Status Window popped up.

[<I'm the Homemaker Skill Warning!>

As the Homemaker, you must build a home with your husband where the two of you can raise your child together!

A family of three!

The Baby Dragon doesn't want a nest full of strangers!]

Oh, no.

The System was putting Gyubin in an awkward position.

How can I tell Wooju-ssi that, according to my <I'm the Homemaker Skill>, his penthouse isn't an ideal 'nest' for our baby because his friends practically live here?


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sola_cola's thoughts: Your friends or your fake wife? Hmm...

Reviews, comments, and power stones are badly needed and highly appreciated. Please let me know your thoughts if you enjoyed the story. Thank you. T_T <3

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