
Chapter 19:“There he is!!"

David nods switching on the hologram screen again,Nicolas gets up kneeling before molly as he kisses her hand,"Goddammit!!"David says switching off the hologram screen,"We didn't send him inside to play Romeo for God's sake"David says as Craig chuckles.

" We should listen to Molly,what happened had to happen,how can we rely Earth's faith on a man with Amensia"Craig says with a humorous tone,"We should redraw him back"Craig says walking away.

David just turns to the screen switching it on,as he grabs a chair to sit on,"I believe you Nicolas,you won't fail me"David says nodding,"Do this for Rachel"David says with a smile.


"Nicolas get up from there"Molly says giggling,as Nicolas stands up with a grin,"What?,am trying to be romantic" Nicolas says smirking,"if this is romance then I don't want in"Molly says surprising Nicolas.

"Why do you say so?"Nicolas askes with arched brows,"Romance is too risky for us,you remember the last time Zac caught us"Molly says as Nicolas nods.


Nicolas sucked and nibbled on her neck making her Wince at the feeling,"Ah"molly mutters, Nicolas kissed her neck and took in her ear lope sucking her sensitive spot,"hmmm" molly says, Nicolas removes one of her bra hand as he traces kisses down her shoulders.

The door flew open shocking the both of them,they turn in sinc towards the door to see a furious Zac, Nicolas puts down Molly and places her behind him and handing her,her shirt.

*******BACK TO REALITY********

"And you remember what happened next"Molly adds as Nicolas nods,"Zac punched me in fury"Nicolas says nodding.


Zac walks towards him and in a spilt of a second punched him sending him to the ground,"Shit Zac!!"Nicolas groaned from the floor,"Nicky!!"molly says about to help him as Zac gribs her hand pulling her away.

*******BACK TO REALITY****

"Dont forget him kicking you out of the house and you going to missing for a week and two days,then coming back with Amensia saying you got into an accident of some sort and had been in a coma ever since the disappearance" Molly says taking a deep breath.

"Listen...,you came back the first time,I don't want to be put in a situation wondering if your dead or would come back ever again in the sake of romance, please I beg of you"Molly says pleadingly with sealed palms.

"I beg of you"Molly says with teary eyes as she falls on her kneels,"please Nicolas,I don't want to loose you again"Molly begs,Nicolas frowns at her,"Mo-","Molly!!?"Zac calls out as Molly gets up immediately wiping her tears turning to Zac.

"And here we go again"Nicolas mumbles under his breath,"Why were you kneeling?"Zac askes confused, Molly and Nicolas exchange glances,"Why was she kneeling?"Zac turns to Nicolas.

"she was pleading that I take her with to the mall with my car"Nicolas lies smoothly as Zac nods,"Is that true?"Zac askes molly as she nods in agreement, "Yes I've always wanted to ride in a car like that,retro is one of the best car's,I would like to live the dream"Molly says with a faint smile.

"I see"Zac nods,"well your not gonna be able to, because am working on it, plus I must be present when you ride with cassanova over there, our boy Romeo never seazes to amaze me"Zac says going outside with his tools.

"So your going to do it!!"Nicolas says with excitement,"yes"Zac says going down the hall,"Awesome"Nicolas says as he turns to Molly,"What is he fixing in your car?"Molly askes.

"He wants to implant Rachel in a watch"Nicolas says as Molly gasp,"How can a human fit into a watch"Molly askes,"oh no, Rachel's my car"Nicolas says as she nods,"i have to go by the way bye"Nicolas says as he gives her a smack on the lips before rushing off.


Nicolas was driving in a jolly mood after bidding his long time buddies goodbye,he hums a tone looking out the window,"today was eventful and pleasing I must say"Nicolas says as he looks at the screen.

"Rac-",[Am in your watch you motherfucker] Rachel says as Nicolas widen his eyes,"oh yeah"Nicolas says lifting up his wrist,"Hi RIRI"Nicolas teases,[Do you want me to put you in an accident you piece of shit] Rachel says as Nicolas hushes it,[thought so] Rachel says as they stop at a red light.

"You know what Rachel"Nicolas says,[What?] Rachel responds,"This whole trip thing,kidda made me forget about my whole Amensia and being stalked thing"Nicolas says with a smile.

[Till you said so] Rachel responds, "True"Nicolas says nodding,[who is stalking you,should I cont-],"No need" Nicolas cuts her short,[Let me speak you dick head]Rachel retorts,"Oh sorry,sorry,my ba-",[yes,you we're at fault]Rachel adds,"And am so-",[don't interrupt me again]Rachel adds as Nicolas nods.

"it was my fault"Nicolas says,[yes] Rachel responds,[So who has been following you all this while?] Rachel askes,"A man in a black cloak,I caught him following me once"Nicolas says.

[oh I see] Rachel says,[Don't ever hide anything from me again you bastard, I don't keep anything from you] Rachel says as Nicolas bites his lip,"Am sorry"Nicolas says,[oh no actually I don't really care] Rachel says as Nicolas facepalms himself.

"Good I didn't want to tell you about your birthday secret"Nicolas mutters to himself but Rachel heard,[what about it?]Rachel askes,"you know those designer tire I got you"Nicolas says rubbing his neck.

[yes,oh those tire you got me made me feel like the most important bitch in your life,I killed them at the car gala everyone kept asking where I got them from,I felt so special,thank you] Rachel says.

"Fuck,...um...well actually..those where just a pare of old tires I got from Zac,it wasn't the right size for Dominic,which is Zac's car,and he couldn't return,so he kept them ever since in his garage, he gave them to me the day I went to his house"Nicolas says truthfully.

[YOU LIAR] Rachel says,[And I wore it proudly to the gala saying my bestie got em for me, that nigga love me more than y'all] Rachel says,"Am sorry Rachel but those designer tires you requested for your birthday cost alot of credits, why waste when I could just give you Dominic's old pare"Nicolas says.

[are you listening to your self] Rachel says,"Am sorry,are you mad at me?"Nicolas says with puppy eyes,[Am dissapointed] Rachel says as she begins to drive at green light.

Nicolas sighs looking at the window,"Rachel please roll down the window"Nicolas says,[okay liar] Rachel says rolling down the window as Nicolas looks out of it feeling the cool breeze.

"Awesome"Nicolas says with a smile,[Should I switch of the air conditioning Liar] Rachel says as Nicolas shakes his heard,"really Rachel can you not just forgive and forget"Nicolas pleads.

[I can forgive,but not never forget] Rachel says as Nicolas sighs looking out the window as he spots the cloaked stranger standing on the pavement watching him.

Nicolas eyes widen"There he is!!"Nicolas says as Rachel stops the car,[who is] Rachel askes but Nicolas just got out of the car immediately rushing to the guy.

"Wait up you prick!!"Nicolas screams rushing to the cloaked man,the man just stood there patiently, Nicolas comes to a halt a few meters from him,"Wait your not gonna run off,dissapear and all that shit"Nicolas askes confused.

'What the hell is he surrendering' nicolas thought to himself,"Um..sir.. aren't you running?"Nicolas askes taking little steps forward,on getting there Nicolas was shocked as he looked up.

"you seem to be taller than the other creep I met"Nicolas says,"Am 6ft3 what about you,you seem to be at least 6ft 4 or 5"Nicolas says judging from the height difference.

"What is it can't you talk?"Nicolas askes confused,"6..4"the cloaked man says, Nicolas was astonished,"wow you voice,"Sooooo deeep.....wait what the hell why am I talking like this....well I am bi after all....but wait shit!!"Nicolas says with a confused expression.

"You...you...no... praise..no..more..?" the cloaked man askes, Nicolas looks up,"you obvi a man,why you stalking me you gay?"Nicolas askes,"Inferior lifeform seems to respond in a odd and peculiar way,no sign of fear that I recognized from before"the cloaked man says to himself.

"What the hell bro,who you talking to?"Nicolas askes,the cloak man tilts his head,"you...me..he..hear...me...you..do?"the cloak man askes,"Yes aren't I supposed to?"Nicolas askes.

"ArZan"the cloak man says as Nicolas faints.


David was sleeping on the controls not paying attention to the hologram screen, Molly enters along with Craig,"DAVID YOU FOOL!!"Craig yells rushing to the screen,"his made contact with them"Craig says with a broad smile.

"Oh really"David says turning to Molly with a cocky look,"this mission was destined to fail right?"David says with a smug look,Molly rolls her eyes as she walks towards them,"His made contact with the Xitals"molly says with a smile.

"YESS!!"Molly screams,"I'll go tell the commander"Molly rushes out,David turns to the screen with a smile,"I knew you could do it"David says.

Molly rushes to the commander immediately,"Commader operation mind sinc dash B wouldn't be put on hold but will commence again till the blue prints are recoverd and Sergeant Nicolas can be brought back"Molly says with a smile.

The commander nods "Very well, I'll let Andrew know of that,that would be all deputy Mol-","MOLLY COME SEE!!"Craig calls out as Molly rushes out.

"Look the Xitals are taking him somewhere"David points out,"where?" Molly askes curious,"i dunno"David says shaking his head,"Maybe to their space ship"Craig says,"Nah!!"molly and David says in unison.

They look back to the screen seeing that the cloak man taking Nicolas to the back of a bluiding entering a play ground dropping Nicolas on a swing as the cloak man sits in the other.

"ArZan do you remember when I swung with you as a child?"The cloak man askes Nicolas who begins to regain compulsure,"huh?"Nicolas askes looking around.

"wait a sec"Nicolas says looking around,he soon begins to feel pain as a flash glows in his memory,A younger version of Nicolas was swinging in this very playground,his eyes move to the left seeing the cloak man standing there watching him.

"This memory"Nicolas says,his younger version stretches out his hand as the cloak man takes hold of his hand,the cloak man hands where ash and full of vain but it didn't seem like the little him was scared but holding the hand normally.

"Vinn look am swinging"the little him says swinging higher,"Careful"the cloak man says,"okay Vinn"Nicolas says swinging,"This memory,I-I had this memory some time ago when I wondered to this park,but I fully remember it now"Nicolas says with teary eyes as he roams his hand through his hair.

"Who are you?..Vinn?"Nicolas askes the cloaked man,"You would know soon, do you remember the conversation from cumazon?"Vinn askes, Nicolas shakes his head,"No"Nicolas says,"He talked to you,at platinum gate,when you were in car,got accident,beam,no rememberance".

"Accident?,beam?,wait at blue avenue?"Nicolas askes as vinn nods,"No Vinn,I got Amensia from the conversation"Nicolas explains, Vinn nods,"Go,talk another time"Vinn says walking away.

"Wait!!"Nicolas says rushing to him,Vinn turns around as Nicolas takes off the cloak, Nicolas freezes at what he saw,Vinn's skin was ash and he had no features,"Youre face-less wh-at"Nicolas says with widen eyes.

The cloak man eyes opens his eyes where pure blue as Nicolas falls down,Vinn eyes later close back as he walks away.

David switches off the hologram with a sigh,"What the hell"Molly says,"I didn't get a shit they said"molly said confused,"They spoke in some language"David explains,"Weird"Craig says shaking his head.

"will ask Nicolas"David says,craig leaves then suddenly rushes back,"ITS OVER HEATING WE NEED TO GET HIM OUTTA THERE!!"Craig yells as they rush out of the room.


Nicolas wakes up to see he was alone and it was dark,"Shit!!"Nicolas says checking his phone"its almost midnight"Nicolas says rushing to his car but stops.

"Vinn?"Nicolas calls out but nothing so he rushes back to the car getting in,"I need to find Vinn,his my only hope of getting memory back"Nicolas says as the car switches on.

Nicolas lifts up his wrist,"Rachel",[yes Master?],[Should we leave] Rachel askes, Nicolas nods,"Yeah"Nicolas says as the car begins to move,"will look around then go back to blue avenue again"Nicolas says .

[okay master,but what Happened] Rachel askes,"long story I'll tell you later"Nicolas says looking around,"roll down the window"Nicolas says as the window rolls down.

He sees the cloak stranger go in an alley,"Stop!!"Nicolas says as the car come to a halt,[what is it] Rachel askes but Nicolas just got out rushing to the alley but pauses.

He feels pain as slowly everything turns blurring,"My head is on fire" Nicolas says with a groan,soon it turns completely blank as he feels drawn away out of his body, everything was dark as Nicolas heart begins to pound rapidly,"Rachel!!!, Molly!!,Zac!!!, Rachel!!"Nicolas screams but no response.

He slowly sees light as he feels his face become lighter as if something was being removed,He hears beeping sounds as a bright light overcomes him,"A-am I-I dea-d?"Nicolas askes with teary eyes and shaking voice. Nicolas slowly opens his eyes to see a blurred face soon his vision becomes clear.

He sees Molly,"Molly?"Nicolas askes confused,"your here?"Nicolas says soon he notices that her hair had grew,"what the hell,did I wake up from another coma?"Nicolas askes as Molly shook her head,"no"she says as her eyes swell with tears.

"But I died"Nicolas says confused,he looks around to himself in a space ship,"What"Nicolas says as he looks to his left,his eyes widen to see a head set,"so how was it?"Molly askes.


have you ever thought that this life wasn't really,or that it was a video game like the sims, programmed and can run on its own,made by someone of a higher evolution and a total different and colonized specie.

with technological advances to great lengths breaking our imagination,how funny would it be like,just imagine that when you die someone takes off a head set off you,asking this three words that could alter your view of life and your original perspective.

The three life changing words which changed my life"How was it?".

HI my lovely readers (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ, how was ya'll day hope it was nice,if you just read this chapter please vote thank you,I hope you like it,I know you guys most be shocked.

You most be like,wait it wasn't realllllll,like what the fuck,and what happened to the earth, who's Vinn only heavens know.

,find out on the next chapter byeee ლ(´ ❥ `ლ),thanks for the loads of collections this chapter is a total of 2680 words thanks for the 13 collections love you guys ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱ ( ˘ ³˘)♥, don't forget to vote.

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