
Time is worth gold

In a world where there is a lot of corruption on the part of the most powerful who put very high prices on everything, it causes a lot of poverty and discrimination, but not only that, but because of that there are many crimes that made the poor poorer and The richest rich, thus taking advantage of their authority and money, very greedy people who only care about money do bad things to make money and so people are afraid, but one day, the planet Earth where they live wakes up and seeing everything What is happening makes a very strong decision that will change the world forever and thus starting a new era The era of valuing your time ⏱️

Papaya_Pam · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Part S2 A punctual friend

In another place of the city you could see a pharmacy where you could see a boy waking up by the sun rays, he was Valen's friend Ronald.

(Ronald) <<What awaits me this day, well, time to change and wait for my driver go school, although knowing them they will be late make an excuse their unpunctuality>>.

So he started to get ready to go to school, he put on his shirt, pants and shoes, picked up his books that he was going to take with him and went downstairs to have breakfast.

After a while he saw on the table cookies in the shape of a skeleton that his mother had made for him.

(Mother) - Hello son, look, I made cookies for you to take to school.

(Ronald) - That's good mother, you cook very well.

So he took a few of these and put them in his backpack and a few to eat on the way.

| (Ronald) - Good

*(opening the door)

_ - See you mom

(Mother) - Bye son, have a good school day.

(Ronald) - See you

*(Closing the door)

| (Ronald) - well, let's wait for them


. Minutes passed and they didn't come .


_ - it can't be, they never come on time, well, let's play a little bit so I won't get bored.

Tututututu you, TA TA TA TA TA TA TA

Minutes later ...

You could see a boy and a girl on a motorcycle, they were Ronald's friends.

(Valen) - Hello Ronald, we are already here.

(Ronald) - At last they arrive, I was getting bored

(Valen) sorry it's just that

(Ronald) - Don't tell me, Abby was put to order papers.

(Abby) - Yes (*she said it with a sad tone*)

(Ronald) - same excuse, well, it doesn't matter, let's go, we're going to be late.

(Valen) - you're right, let's go fast or else they won't let us in hahahaha

(Valen) - you're right, let's go fast or else they won't let us in haha.