
Time is worth gold

In a world where there is a lot of corruption on the part of the most powerful who put very high prices on everything, it causes a lot of poverty and discrimination, but not only that, but because of that there are many crimes that made the poor poorer and The richest rich, thus taking advantage of their authority and money, very greedy people who only care about money do bad things to make money and so people are afraid, but one day, the planet Earth where they live wakes up and seeing everything What is happening makes a very strong decision that will change the world forever and thus starting a new era The era of valuing your time ⏱️

Papaya_Pam · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 part3 Turtle friends

(Valen) - Well, I'll go pick up my friends.

*(So he got on a red motorcycle, he saw on his key ring a spider doll, a pine tree, a doll of a singer, a mini skeleton and a small watch).

*Start the motorcycle 🏍️*

He was on his way to school, but first he went to pick up his childhood friends, Abby and Ronald who were still studying together.



. After a while she went to pick up her friend Abby who was at her father's job, which was at the news office.

*she took out her phone and called her friend*.

<<Let's see, what was her number>>.

| <<Mmm, here it is>>





_- <[Aloh] >

(Abby) <[Aloh] > .

(Valen) <[Hello, friend]> (Valen) <[Hello friend]>

(Abby) <[Oh, hello friend, you're here already?]>

(Valen) <[Indeed, I'm already down here waiting for you]>

(Abby) <[Okay, just give me a minute]>

(Valen) - <[Okay, I'll be right here waiting for you]>

*(Valen) - <[Hanging up]> (Valen)

*Looks at the sky

| <<What beautiful clouds>>

. *Take a position* .

. *Take another position* .

. * ♪ Take another ♪

|<< What's he doing, I'm getting bored>>.




* Sigh loudly *





_ <[Hi Abby, are you coming already, we're going to be late]>

(Abby) <[Sorry sorry, I'm on my way downstairs]> .

*Hangs up* (Abby)


. Seconds later


(Valen) - There, I'm here jijiji.

(Valen) - Finally, you took so long and you bored them, they didn't teach you to be punctual.

(Abby) - Yes they did, only that my father asked me to order some papers (*She said it with an embarrassed tone*)

(Valen) - Alright, let's get on the bike and pick up Ronald, who by the way must be awake hahaha.

(Abby) - hahaha yeah, let's go get him.




(Ronald) - Finally they arrive, it took them a long time.

(Valen) - I'm sorry, it's just that

(Ronald) - Don't tell me, Abby was put to sort papers.

(Abby) - Yes (*she said it with a sad tone*)

(Ronald) - Never mind, let's go.

So getting on the bike to go to school.

Without noticing there was a man watching them and then they left for school.