
Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators

Completed but under editing. Continues in: Reign of the Time Gap Queen The plot thickens as you read. MATURE CONTENT! Free Reading. Give it a fair read before disregarding it or you'll miss out on a lot, or at least read the second novel and come back after editing is completed. No love-triangle. Vol 0: 1-15 "What else did you find?" "Well, I found our first female pregnant corpse but..." I paused not sure if I wanna share this with him or not. "But?" Orlando repeated. "I don't know something is odd about how she died. Her neck wasn't broken but it appears to be crushed. On the side of her neck, I saw two round holes resembling to look like fangs or some sorta sharp pointed teeth." I finally just told him. He first looked at me weirdly before bursting out into laughter. "Fangs like a vampire?" He teased and I should've seen this coming. I burst into a hard enough uproar to pee myself. "You are so mean!" I chuckled. "Alright, I'll be nice to my vampire nerd," he said winking at me. "You haven't found anybody else that lived in the city?" He asked just wondering. "Oddly enough, we haven't," I shared. Yet Orlando does it again. "Yup, that definitely sounds like a vampire to me!" 24-year-old Victoria Perkins is a trainee archeologist and paleontologist. On her way to earning her first degree with the best outscoring records in her class. Victoria was given a lifetime opportunity to excavate in Egypt. Many team members were chosen and hired by Mr. Collin who is funding the excavation to find a Pharaoh. During the excavation, her psychic gift to mentally travel between past and present was triggered. By using her time-gap gift she found the clues the Pharaoh had left behind for his love to find him. Which made her team leader and boss named Tom envious that she keeps finding these artifacts. Following each clue, Victoria found the Pharaoh but was fired by Tom the next day. So her team carried on without her to study this mummified Pharaoh. Something about his remains didn't seem natural. Before any questions could be answered the whole team was Murdered. All but Victoria. She was blamed for the crime and arrested. Without trial, she was found guilty and left to rot in her cell awaiting execution. ~ Vol 1:16-377 Kai strides up and embraced his hands around my waist. "Humm," Kai hummed so poetically that I found myself captured by how sexy he is. He leaned forward into my ear whispering seductively. "Or maybe it's because deep down inside. You like me more than you are willing to admit." His words breathed into my ear like an easy-flowing breeze. I found myself melting in goo for this man who kidnapped me. ~ One of the most powerful multi-billionaire Empire CEOs of the world was the Collin Royal family business. Kai Collin came to Egypt and bailed her out and paid for her Freedom. Well, her Freedom from jail but not from him. Victoria learned the hard way she was now the property of Kai Collin. But who was this mysterious Kai Collin? Everybody knew the Collin family but Kai Collin's name had submerged from out of nowhere. Yet that wasn't half of the mystery. Victoria was trapped by this mysterious attractive man who acted strange; Kai didn't know how to drive or what a cell phone was. Even though her heart belongs to her fiance, Orlando Mill the son of an equally powerful Empire CEO family too. But this doesn't stop Kai from becoming possessive of her enough that he steals her away from Orlando. Between her lover, kidnapper, and much worse that lurks within the shadows; How much heartbreak and loss can Victoria face? Who is the real villain creeping into Victoria's life only to kill everyone she's dearest to? Vol 0: Is about the excavation in Egypt and Victoria's relationship with Orlando. Vol 1: Kai joins the story. Murder will happen. There will be some hot steamy love scenes. Things will get dark, sensitive, emotional, creepy, and a bit bloody for some viewers.

Sara_Weber_9938 · History
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378 Chs

Ch 71: Make It In Time

[Backtracking an hour before that woman's death.]

Before the club, we hit the mall and I found this sexy tight shoulder strap black dress. The length was just merely two inches below my thighs. It was cut real low so my breasts were surely showing off. When I looked in the mirror from inside the changing room. The cut of the bodice was sorta like a heart-pointed v-shape at my breasts. Wow, I looked hot! This real short skimpy dress curved my body shape nicely and made my long slender legs enhanced to look sexier.

"Are you dressed?" I heard Ava ask me from outside the door.

Ready or not, I opened the door and stepped out modeling my dress for Ava, Mia, and Rose. Their eyes seem to illume.

"Perfect!" Ava gleamed in a chirp. "Get dressed, we gotta go before the mall closes in like ten minutes!"

I didn't have time to argue if it dress was too revealing or not since the club had already started and the mall closed at 10:30 pm. So I quickly changed and walked back outside for Ava to snatch the dress from my hand. We all giggled and hurried after her to the register. Barely, making it within time to pay for our dresses.

My heartfelt pathetic because Ava bought her dress along with mine. Unbelievable! I have money if only I could get my account unfroze. Then everyone could stop buying me stuff. Between the Mill's and now the Collin's I am in so much debt, but I plan to pay everyone back. Plus I still need to find a job on top of that.

"I promise, I'll pay you back," I told Ava when she handed me my bag.

"Don't worry about it, we're family," replied Ava as I could recall a deja vu moment when Crystal said the exact same thing to me.

"Would you mind if we used your dressing room to change?" Rose asked the cashier lady who happened to be the manager at the checkout desk.

"I suppose you could if you hurry up," she gave a friendly response.

"Right," said Rose, taking her bag. Then we all flew back into the changing room and changed into our new sexy dresses we bought for a night of fun. Rose was wearing the same style of dress as me, only hers was red and black. Then Mia bought a pink three inches above the knee-high tight silk evening gown, and Ava bought a new tight cocktail golden dress.

Once we were dressed we said our goodbyes to the manager and walked out the glass doors before she locked up. Then we sprint to Ava's white modified Camry car.

Mia and I sat in the back. Ava drove and Rose sat in the passenger seat since she was pregnant. Even though she wasn't showing I was sorta surprised she was going to a club while pregnant. Then again who can blame her for wanting to have some fun? I mean she's a married woman having her husband's baby. There is nothing to judge about her.

Within the perfect time, we pulled into the club's parking lot just a little after 11:00 pm. Then we each quickly fixed our makeup and out the door, we went.

Inside the music's bass was up high enough that it bounced into my heart. Not to mention the whole place from high and low was crowded. Playful entertainment lights were beaming and flashing up the atmosphere to make you wanna dance and have a drink.

We walked around and found the VIP area where other friends' of Ava, Mia, and Rose were waiting for us. Then Ava's in-laws were here but lucky I didn't have to see Samantha.

I sat at the high stool bar just listening in. The bartender just passed around these girly drinks. Rose rejected hers and skidded it my way.

"You can have this," she said smiling. "I can't drink."

"Sure." I was going to say I wasn't one to drink but I suppose one wouldn't hurt.

"Would you like me to order you some juice?" I instead asked her.

Rose smiled at me, "I'm good if I drank too much I'll be peeing all night."

I laughed, "You're not that far along."

"Maybe not but I'll still be peeing nonetheless," She laughed back telling me.

"Maybe you should have some water," I suggested. "You don't wanna get dehydrated."

Rose strangely veered her eyes around the people with this eldritch smile. "I'll be fine." I wasn't sure why but her words sounded slightly uncanny and she wasn't looking at me. Matter-of-factly she was licking her lips as she scanned her sights within the club.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

She stood up from her chair saying. "Yup, I'll be back, I saw somebody I know." Unable to ask anything more because she took off and was gone between the crowds within a matter of seconds.

"I wonder who she saw?" I pondered out loud to Mia next to my left.

"Oh..." Mia seemed to stutter lost in her utterance. "S-she... yeah, she must have seen an old friend."


There was nothing new here with everyone acting weird. This is my new normal.

Over across the bar, I overheard Ava talking to one of her in-laws.

"I am so glad we will be Uniting our cl..." Suddenly I saw Ava hold the young woman's mouth shut in the middle of their conversation.

"Our families together!" Ava blurted out loudly at the same time.

They both looked at me since the opposite side of the bar wasn't that far away from where you couldn't hear a conversation. The bartender was just working in a big enough space within center to make drinks and chat-chat himself.

"Yeah, that's what she meant," a young lady with brown hair on Ava's right said. "Since Kai canceled his engagement to marry Samantha. We were so happy to hear that John chose you."

"What!" I shouted fairly loud for other people not part of our group to hear me pass the music.

"Oh..." the same girl stumbled on her words when trying to speak. "S-she didn't know, did she?"

As Ava shook her head and then she sincerely looked at me with that soft expression she had.

"I'm sorry, Victoria," Ava apologized. "We felt Kai should be the one to tell you."

"He doesn't tell me anything!" I snipped. "Most of the time I hardly see him during the day to ask him anything. Why would he break off his engagement to marry me when he knows I love Orlando?"