
Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators

Completed but under editing. Continues in: Reign of the Time Gap Queen The plot thickens as you read. MATURE CONTENT! Free Reading. Give it a fair read before disregarding it or you'll miss out on a lot, or at least read the second novel and come back after editing is completed. No love-triangle. Vol 0: 1-15 "What else did you find?" "Well, I found our first female pregnant corpse but..." I paused not sure if I wanna share this with him or not. "But?" Orlando repeated. "I don't know something is odd about how she died. Her neck wasn't broken but it appears to be crushed. On the side of her neck, I saw two round holes resembling to look like fangs or some sorta sharp pointed teeth." I finally just told him. He first looked at me weirdly before bursting out into laughter. "Fangs like a vampire?" He teased and I should've seen this coming. I burst into a hard enough uproar to pee myself. "You are so mean!" I chuckled. "Alright, I'll be nice to my vampire nerd," he said winking at me. "You haven't found anybody else that lived in the city?" He asked just wondering. "Oddly enough, we haven't," I shared. Yet Orlando does it again. "Yup, that definitely sounds like a vampire to me!" 24-year-old Victoria Perkins is a trainee archeologist and paleontologist. On her way to earning her first degree with the best outscoring records in her class. Victoria was given a lifetime opportunity to excavate in Egypt. Many team members were chosen and hired by Mr. Collin who is funding the excavation to find a Pharaoh. During the excavation, her psychic gift to mentally travel between past and present was triggered. By using her time-gap gift she found the clues the Pharaoh had left behind for his love to find him. Which made her team leader and boss named Tom envious that she keeps finding these artifacts. Following each clue, Victoria found the Pharaoh but was fired by Tom the next day. So her team carried on without her to study this mummified Pharaoh. Something about his remains didn't seem natural. Before any questions could be answered the whole team was Murdered. All but Victoria. She was blamed for the crime and arrested. Without trial, she was found guilty and left to rot in her cell awaiting execution. ~ Vol 1:16-377 Kai strides up and embraced his hands around my waist. "Humm," Kai hummed so poetically that I found myself captured by how sexy he is. He leaned forward into my ear whispering seductively. "Or maybe it's because deep down inside. You like me more than you are willing to admit." His words breathed into my ear like an easy-flowing breeze. I found myself melting in goo for this man who kidnapped me. ~ One of the most powerful multi-billionaire Empire CEOs of the world was the Collin Royal family business. Kai Collin came to Egypt and bailed her out and paid for her Freedom. Well, her Freedom from jail but not from him. Victoria learned the hard way she was now the property of Kai Collin. But who was this mysterious Kai Collin? Everybody knew the Collin family but Kai Collin's name had submerged from out of nowhere. Yet that wasn't half of the mystery. Victoria was trapped by this mysterious attractive man who acted strange; Kai didn't know how to drive or what a cell phone was. Even though her heart belongs to her fiance, Orlando Mill the son of an equally powerful Empire CEO family too. But this doesn't stop Kai from becoming possessive of her enough that he steals her away from Orlando. Between her lover, kidnapper, and much worse that lurks within the shadows; How much heartbreak and loss can Victoria face? Who is the real villain creeping into Victoria's life only to kill everyone she's dearest to? Vol 0: Is about the excavation in Egypt and Victoria's relationship with Orlando. Vol 1: Kai joins the story. Murder will happen. There will be some hot steamy love scenes. Things will get dark, sensitive, emotional, creepy, and a bit bloody for some viewers.

Sara_Weber_9938 · History
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378 Chs

Ch 194: Apologies

Wednesday, the 9th rolled in fast for the second week of September. So far the weather has been warm this month. Another clear blue sunny sky greeted today's forecast. Just to enjoy what is left of these last sunny warm days, before fall brings the chilly wind and rainy weather. Today after class, Nora and I decided to work outside at this picnic table nearby her dorm.

The spot was nicely shaded from the tree that was changing its leaf color into this beautiful yellow before they initially fall.

"I'll be back, I need to get something from my dorm," Nora said, standing up.

Before she walked off I replied. "Sure, I'll be here working on how we survived the plane wreck."

"Ok," I heard her voice amble off.

After that, I heard myself writing out notes. Along with some birds chirping in the tree. And somewhere nearby, I heard squirrels fighting over an acorn. It was slightly distracting but I didn't mind. Overall, being outdoors was peaceful after how my life had taken such an unexpected twist.

I thought when I felt the picnic table sway. Since Nora was sitting next to me, I knew it wasn't her. My heart ached and I embraced myself to see Orlando or one of my friends, whom I can't talk to anymore.

I veered up and narrowed my eyes in annoyance at this intrusion. Rome and Jack both take a seat across from me. I looked back at my notebook and hoped they'd take the hint and go.

"What's up, Princess?" Rome asked sociably but I still ignored him.

Jack exhaled, "Come now, Victoria. You can't stay mad at us forever."

Dishearten, I bit my bottom lip and glared at them, but they gave me pouty puppy dog eyes. However, I wasn't in any mood to cut them a break.

"Watch me!" I slashed my feelings like a blade. "I trusted you, Jack, to get me the morning-after pill but instead you only misled me! Now I'm pregnant with this..." I couldn't even finish my sentence with Jack, so I glowered at Rome. "And you played a sick prank on me that lead me to think I could reject Kai! Your little joke made a mockery out of me!"

Firstly, Rome and Jack kinda glanced about since eyes were staring at us weirdly because I told them off fairly raucously. Other than seeing I was furious. Nobody fully heard what was being said because they were only bypassing us within the general vicinity.

Jack sighed, stressing, "I know you feel like I betrayed you but I cannot cross Kai, or else I would have opposed. However, it's out of my boundary because Royals are accepted to have babies right away."

I rolled my eyes, not caring to hear this excuse as Rome apologized. "And I admit, I took my joking a little too far but you can't hate me for being myself." I glared ghastly at his epic failure to apologize. "Or maybe you can," Rome added to understand I was very much irritable.

So Jack tried again. "You can be mad at us and hate us forever but it doesn't change the fact that we care about you. Rome and I will always have your back."

"I don't wanna be mad forever but next time consult me, Jack," I told him and then looked at Rome. "I don't expect you to be someone you aren't but don't make jokes about my lack of knowledge with what I've learned recently."

Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones or I found a soft spot in my heart for their attempt to apologize and explain their actions.

"Alright, that's fair enough, Princess," Rome chuckled a smile and Jack agreed with him. Then Nora came back out with a pencil pouch.

"Oh, I didn't know you had company," Nora said shyly and blushing red over Rome and Jack.

Although I was slightly worried since they are vampires and she can't know that or else she's dead.

"Yeah, this is Jack and Rome," I awkwardly introduced. "They work for my husband. This is Nora, my assigned partner for this journal project we are working on."

"Nice to meet you, Nora," Jack held out his hand and politely greeted her.

"Same here," Rome childishly waves his hand with this flirty smirk on his face.

"Nice to meet you guys," Nora said with an anxious tone. "Is anybody hungry?"

I could tell she was googling over them and didn't know what to do with herself. Meanwhile, I just wanted to get rid of them.

"They were just lea..." I tried saying but Rome interrupted.

"I love food!" He announced, gleefully dancing his flirting brows at her.

"Ok, I'll order pizza and grab snacks," Nora nervously tucked a hair behind her ear before she adjusted her big glasses. Then she waddled away nearly tripping on her long brown skirt.

Once she was gone, I looked at them scolding. "I accept your apologies! Now leave! The last thing I need is Rome flirting with her!"

Of course, they both laughed at me. "Relax Princess, she isn't my type," Rome chuckled.

And I couldn't stop my sassy mouth, "Oh, I'm sorry her butt isn't sticking out of her skirt and her boobs aren't popping out of her bra!"

Rome turned pinkish and bit his bottom lip when he looked down at his hands on the table, and fought his hardest not to laugh.

"Sleazy girls aren't my type either, Princess," Rome shared when he brought his head upward and chuckled.

"Nope, they are the ones you take a bit out of," Jack teased when he bites the air with his normal teeth to imitate his coaxed meaning.

Yeah, I knew he wasn't entirely kidding but I couldn't sass anything more because Nova came back with loads of tiny chip bags, Cheetos, and whatever else she could carry. Rome popped open a bag of chips and started pigging out with Nora. I nibbled on a bag of Cheetos but Jack didn't touch anything. Now I can recall, never once have I seen Jack eat human food like Kai. Which tells me, he solely thrives on blood. Whereas others might eat both. Either way, I read in those vampire books that all vampires and vampiresses need blood, or else they dry out like mummified corpses and remain dormant. Till blood enters their mouths. Theoretically, it's what Kai did to himself, I thought when remembering when I found Kai's mummified body inside that chamber in Egypt. Who knows how long he stayed in that detained sleep?