
Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators

Completed but under editing. Continues in: Reign of the Time Gap Queen The plot thickens as you read. MATURE CONTENT! Free Reading. Give it a fair read before disregarding it or you'll miss out on a lot, or at least read the second novel and come back after editing is completed. No love-triangle. Vol 0: 1-15 "What else did you find?" "Well, I found our first female pregnant corpse but..." I paused not sure if I wanna share this with him or not. "But?" Orlando repeated. "I don't know something is odd about how she died. Her neck wasn't broken but it appears to be crushed. On the side of her neck, I saw two round holes resembling to look like fangs or some sorta sharp pointed teeth." I finally just told him. He first looked at me weirdly before bursting out into laughter. "Fangs like a vampire?" He teased and I should've seen this coming. I burst into a hard enough uproar to pee myself. "You are so mean!" I chuckled. "Alright, I'll be nice to my vampire nerd," he said winking at me. "You haven't found anybody else that lived in the city?" He asked just wondering. "Oddly enough, we haven't," I shared. Yet Orlando does it again. "Yup, that definitely sounds like a vampire to me!" 24-year-old Victoria Perkins is a trainee archeologist and paleontologist. On her way to earning her first degree with the best outscoring records in her class. Victoria was given a lifetime opportunity to excavate in Egypt. Many team members were chosen and hired by Mr. Collin who is funding the excavation to find a Pharaoh. During the excavation, her psychic gift to mentally travel between past and present was triggered. By using her time-gap gift she found the clues the Pharaoh had left behind for his love to find him. Which made her team leader and boss named Tom envious that she keeps finding these artifacts. Following each clue, Victoria found the Pharaoh but was fired by Tom the next day. So her team carried on without her to study this mummified Pharaoh. Something about his remains didn't seem natural. Before any questions could be answered the whole team was Murdered. All but Victoria. She was blamed for the crime and arrested. Without trial, she was found guilty and left to rot in her cell awaiting execution. ~ Vol 1:16-377 Kai strides up and embraced his hands around my waist. "Humm," Kai hummed so poetically that I found myself captured by how sexy he is. He leaned forward into my ear whispering seductively. "Or maybe it's because deep down inside. You like me more than you are willing to admit." His words breathed into my ear like an easy-flowing breeze. I found myself melting in goo for this man who kidnapped me. ~ One of the most powerful multi-billionaire Empire CEOs of the world was the Collin Royal family business. Kai Collin came to Egypt and bailed her out and paid for her Freedom. Well, her Freedom from jail but not from him. Victoria learned the hard way she was now the property of Kai Collin. But who was this mysterious Kai Collin? Everybody knew the Collin family but Kai Collin's name had submerged from out of nowhere. Yet that wasn't half of the mystery. Victoria was trapped by this mysterious attractive man who acted strange; Kai didn't know how to drive or what a cell phone was. Even though her heart belongs to her fiance, Orlando Mill the son of an equally powerful Empire CEO family too. But this doesn't stop Kai from becoming possessive of her enough that he steals her away from Orlando. Between her lover, kidnapper, and much worse that lurks within the shadows; How much heartbreak and loss can Victoria face? Who is the real villain creeping into Victoria's life only to kill everyone she's dearest to? Vol 0: Is about the excavation in Egypt and Victoria's relationship with Orlando. Vol 1: Kai joins the story. Murder will happen. There will be some hot steamy love scenes. Things will get dark, sensitive, emotional, creepy, and a bit bloody for some viewers.

Sara_Weber_9938 · History
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378 Chs

Ch 124: In the Office [R-18]

The next thing I knew, Kai was behind me when he removed my hair to the side. Sexually, his hands wander down my body. As his lips invade multiple kisses up and down my nape.

"Kai, what are you doing?" I gasped in a mere whisper as his lips still pecked my sensitive skin.

"Kissing you," he innocently justified it when he whispered breathlessly into my ear. Goosebumps covered my body that second he nibbled and chewed on my earlobe.

"Oh, Kai, you need to stop," I moaned nearly out of breath.

"Why?" He teasingly questioned. "You seem to be loving my attention. You're less tense from whenever you first walked in."

Above my clothing, His hands fondle up my body. And his lips snogged me in many light pecks running along my upper shoulder. On the outside of my clothes, his hands kneaded both my twin peaks and squeezed them tightly in my bra. Instantly, my nipples harden and perch underneath the silky fabric bra I wore.

"Kai... Stop... Please..." I tried to reason but my groaning gave him a different message.

I couldn't stop this. So Kai grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to the front of my desk. In the process, he kicked the chair on wheels out of his way.

"Kai, no, we can't do this in my office," I protested when he pushed my bum into the edge of the desk.

"Why not?" Kai's naughty voice said. "Sex in the office will be hot."

I groaned as he groped his hands up my skirt and yanked down my panty.

"Kai, we shouldn't," I said when he pulled my panties down my thighs and then over my knees. I glanced at the long panel window behind him viewing other tall buildings. "Somebody might see us from another office building."

"Let's give them a good show then," Kai said, not caring. My panty got pulled off my heels before he dropped it on the floor. He spread my legs with his knee and then goes up my skirt between my legs.

"Spread them open," he demands in a huskier voice.

I do as I am told. Already I feel my core pulsating for attention so I could no longer protest. Lust overrides my conscience to go against this desirable need to have him right now. All I could think about is how he makes me melt underneath his gorgeous built body. Every time he pleases me in our bed.

His fingers tickled my core as he rubbed around to find the wetness.

"Mmm, nice and juicy for me," he purred deeply and then kissed my lips as his fingers went into play.

Powerless to control my response, my legs spread wider for him to go in deeper. He took the invite and started pumping me. Already we could hear my wetness making audible gooey noises. Skillfully, he rubbed his thumb on my clitoris. And our tongues cruise like a vessel between our juicy sea.

"Oh, Kai..." I released his lips and scooched further back on the desk for my palms to support my weight. Using his free hand, Kai rolled my skirt up past my waist, as I lifted my naked butt cheeks to sit on my desk. I looked down and watched as his hand worked me really nicely.

Sticky cum was smearing on the desk as his hand pumped me faster and harder. Gently, his thumb rubbed between the creases on my clitoris. My head flew back as I groaned louder and spread my legs for him to reach my womb.

"Oh, Yes!" I grunt rawly when he hints at my g-spot at the perfect angle.

"I told you this would be hot," Kai leaned in closer to whisper seductively.

Then he started kissing around my chest while my head stayed slanted back. Never once did his hand stop pleasing me. His lips kissed the delicate skin under my neck. Not a moment later, he worked his delightful lips down to my collarbone. Before he nibbled back up to the one side of my neck.

While I could feel my g-spot flexing around his fingers hitting every corner inside me. My core throbbed up against the walls as I took his fingers. Even my clitoris was swelling from him caressing dead on that sensitive spot that drove me wild. Just when I was coming close to climaxing he pulled out.

"What are you doing?" I asked out of wind as he lifted me off the desk. With no reply, he turned me around and pushed me flat on my stomach. With my naked rear hoist up on display for his perfect view. Then I heard his belt unbuckling before declining to the floor with a clank.

"Ahhhh!" I yelped when his hard rock cock rammed into my naked rear. He thrust me non-stop as he mated me like a horny bull. His thrust was so hard and deep. With one webbed hand, he slapped my naked butt cheek bright red which made me yelp. Next, he gripped my hips and slapped his sack and groin each time he swung in and out.

In high heat, my vagina throbbed from his rough momentum. Loudly, he grunts as he speeds up more. I could feel the full force of his hips rocking into me as his naked skin whacked into my bare butt cheeks. Beads of sweat were collecting on my face as I groaned with pain and pleasure. Soon he hit that magical spot that makes my head spin. Instantly, he turned me into mush and I wither into this boiling orgasm.

"Ahhhh, Kai!" I cry out from feeling myself cumming heavily. My messy nectar spewed between our bodies as he rammed me. My walls tighten around his cock as the muscle inside my core flex and grip around his length and enormous size.

He groans as I feel his sweat dripping on my back. Depleted grunting falters between his parted lips while he tries inhaling gushy breaths. He groaned as his seed shot off while he pounds it deeper into my womb. His pace slowed before he pulled out. Like me, he was out of breath too. Then he pulled his pants back up and fixed his suit.

As I tried to regain feeling in my legs. After I stood straight and turned around, I leaned up against my desk to rest. I looked at him dead tired from him draining my energy. Reality snapped my fogged mind back awake, from lust overtaking me to the clouds.

"See I told you sex in the office would be hot," Kai pridefully grinned while I rolled my eyes annoyed. On days like this, I'd kill to have his stamina.