
Chapter 3: Max reveals his birthday

Elliot continues "The competition is about the fastest runner and first place gets 1,000 dollars, second place gets 500 dollars and third place gets 250 dollars."

Max said " Okay, is that all."

Elliot replied "Yeah."

He asked Elliot "Okay how do they sign up for the competition."

He replied "You have to wait until Tuesday if you want to sign."

Max asked "Were will you meet them?"

Elliot replied "They will come to each of the classes in our school and asked who want to sign."

"Okay,so when are they holding the competition." Max asked.

Elliot said "They are holding it on Thursday."

Max replied happily "Thank God, I won't miss my birthday."

Elliot and Moses both said "Your birthday?"

Max replied "Yeah."

Both of Max friends then said "When is your birthday?"

Max said "My birthday is on Friday."

Moses asked "Is it this Friday?"

Max replied "Yeah,is this Friday and am having a party at my house."

Elliot asked "Are we invited?"

Moses replied "Of course we're invited, We're his best friend."

Max said "You are right."

Moses replied "So Is it only us that is invited or everybody is invited."

Max said "Everybody is invited."

Elliot said "Okay."

Moses said "When are you giving out the invitations."

Max replied "Tomorrow."

Elliot replied "At what time is the party going to start."

Max replied "Well I have not thought of the time it will start,But by Wednesday I would have thought of the time and I will tell you."

Elliot said "if you're going to tell us when the time it's starting on Wednesday and your giving out the invitations on Tuesday aren't you going to write the time it's starting on the invitation card."

Max replied "I did not think of that at all."

Moses asked "So how are you going to do it?"

Max replied "I am going to move the date of when am sending the invitations."

Elliot asked "To when."

Max replied "Well....

Moses interrupted "Move it to Wednesday."

Elliot replied "Yeah, Wednesday will be a good date."

Max asked "How is Wednesday a good date."

Elliot replied Max "Because since your going to tell the time on Wednesday just add it to the invitation and then you will give it to the people you want to invite."

Max said "Okay, Wednesday will be a good date to do it."

Elliot replied "That is what I have been saying."

Max said "So it is official, I will do it on Wednesday."

Elliot replied "Good."

Moses said "That is enough talking for one day we should get ready the teacher will soon come."

Max and Elliot replied "Okay."

Then Max, Elliot and Moses sat down on their sit and waited for the teacher to come.

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