
Time Escape (Evasion du temps)

She wanted to escape, she found her escape

RavenCaya6 · Teen
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2 Chs


No matter how you feel the sorrow

Just smile, it's the only thing you can borrow

Think positive there is tomorrow

Go on and follow the right arrow

I let out a deep sigh after I finished the last stanza. Smile was formed on my lips while reading every line that I wrote in the notebook. Another piece had been formed, another frustration was being hidden. Tiredness surrounds my body, making my brain drained again. I closed my notebook and then examined the engraved words. "évasion du temps" words written there and then I smiled bitterly before turning off the study lamp.

I yawn because of tiredness.

"Hay, Rain it's night once again and you're alone again." I told to myself.

I walked towards the veranda of my condo then gazed at the sky.

When will I be alright?

Can't I be genuinely happy about my life?

How long will I fake my stories?

Tears began to fall from my eyes. Again I am crying. I don't know what to do anymore.. All my life, I live it without sharing to other people what I truly feel. Day by day, I try to forget my painful past but it always haunts me.

I look to the moon and then I remember why I love looking at it. Moon is really wonderful isn't it? It keeps shining and giving its best to have light though darkness will cover the whole sky.

How about me?

When will I can face the truth and not hide on my playful and deceptive words?

I was drowning again. This problem never fails to destroy my mood.

I wiped my tears and decided to go to bed. I have a lot of work for tomorrow. I should rest.

Another lie, another lie awaits...

My mind says before I close my eyes.


"Good morning"


"Good morning Rain"

I heard my work mates mumble good morning as I reached our workplace but I didn't bother to reply. What is good at mornings if you have to pretend that you are okay? Oh, by the way I have been working as a writer here at Luna Stella Inc. for almost 4 years, but for those 4 entire years I do not usually interact with the people here. Why? I don't know. I just want to isolate myself, and if you think I don't have any friends here you're probably right. Weird? No, I befriended my words and metaphors and I think that's enough. Too many characters in our life will make it more complicated.

"Everyone, everyone listen up. I have something to announce."

Oh, so our boss is here. His name is Mr. Evan Lee and oh again he's with someone.

"I would like to introduce you to Mr. Ace Harry Lee. He is my cousin and from now on he will work here as a writer too. Are we clear? "

"Yes sir"

"Copy sir"

My workmates said in chorus. Me? I just shrugged. I am not interested by the way.

"Ace, you can now seat beside Ms. Davis cubicle."

When I heard my surname that made me flinch and stunned for a minute. Did I hear it right? On my side? Hell, in my 4 years no one dares to sit on my side because they think I'm scary then now? I want to protest but I can't. I know I shouldn't think of it because it wasn't a big deal but why the hell there are a lot of vacant seats why on my side!!

"Ms. Davis?"

I looked at Sir Evans with a questioning look. What now sir?

"Yes sir? "

"It is okay that Ace will occupy the seat beside you? You don't mind right? "

I answer our boss with a nod because of annoyance. Geez, he is my boss. I can't complain.

"Okay. Ace, go to your seat now and everyone go back to work. Ms. Evangelista I want to see your manuscript sent to the office. Copy? "

I didn't hear Cecil say yes because I am damn irritated about the set up. Gosh, Rain focused, is it just a seat okay? Out of annoyance I let out a deep sigh and continued typing for my manuscript.


Suddenly silence filled our workplace. I lift my head and to my surprise, our new writer is in front of me and did I hear it right? He said hi to me? Really, as in on me? Wow! Too friendly man I hate it.

I just looked at him and didn't open my mouth for a reply. I look again to my desktop, a sign that I don't want to talk to him. And I was about to start typing when I heard him speak again.

"What a hostile lady."

With that, I looked at him with irritation but then he just smiled. Hell! the grudge of this guy. We are not close for him to smile at me when I am irritated. Gosh, this is why I hate having a seatmate.

I hate my boss for doing this. He is good at ruining moods too.