
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 97: Gratitude

"Mikoto Misaka: What?! Uchiha-san, are you in Yuzuhira-san's world?!... Wait, sleeping?! PLAYBOY! PLAYBOY!"

With a deep blush on her face, electricity flickered around Mikoto, drawing the attention of passersby, but Mikoto paid no mind. She opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She wasn't sure when, but this guy dared to extend his claws to Inori. Without hesitation, she dubbed him Playboy. He already had Yuno and La Folia, not to mention the new member who seemed to be getting along well. Now that Inori joined his harem and even called him to sleep, Mikoto reconsidered if bringing him to her world was a good idea, especially considering the indecency of a man and a woman sleeping together, something reserved for married couples.

"La Folia: This is quite a surprise. Their relationship has progressed so much... I'm really happy, isn't that right, Miss Yuno?"

[Yuno Gasai is offline]

La Folia, on the other hand, was surprised at the rapid advancement of their relationship but smiled, not without adding a bit of salt to Yuno's wound, who disconnected without hesitation.


Yuno, on the other hand, had a deathly gaze. The shadow of her hair covered much of her face, making her eyes dangerously shine in the moonlight.

"No matter, enjoy it while you can, damn bitch. Yuki will be mine in the end."

She already knew about Inori and Yuki's relationship and had innocently supported it before. Now, it seemed like she shot herself in the foot, but that was in the past.


Looking at her phone, Yuno read multiple entries, and a smile formed on her face.

"I knew it... Yuki~ you will be mine~ you love me as much as I love you~"

Entering her own little world, she continued reading her diary.


"La Folia: Huhuhu, Miss Yuno, you must be so thrilled that you disconnected from happiness."

"Kurumi Tokisaki: Fufufu, this is fun, but Champion-sama, you are a sinful man~"

As if sharing La Folia's thoughts, Kurumi was having fun. La Folia was a black belly after all, and Yuno was an easy target.

"Yuki Uchiha (Champion): You two, don't make fun of her, please."

"La Folia: Okay~"

"Kurumi Tokisaki: Please don't worry, Champion-sama~"

Shaking his head, it seemed La Folia found a comrade, while poor Yuno was the victim, and honestly, Yuki got a headache from it all.

After all, there were multiple messages from Yuno in his private chat. She disconnected from the group chat but continued chatting with Yuki.

And Yuki was now burning his brain cells trying to console her. But what could he do? Inori dropped the bomb so suddenly.

And seeing La Folia and Kurumi's messages, they weren't going to stop.

"Inori Yuzuhira: Yuki..."

On the other hand, Inori didn't care. She woke up and didn't find her cuddle pillow (Yuki). So, in confusion, she saw the chat room blink, so she decided to call Yuki through it. Unfortunately, she wrote in the group chat.

"Yuki Uchiha (Champion): I'll be there in a moment."

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion) is offline]

With a tired sigh, Yuki consoled Yuno while giving a reward to Yami, who also sent several messages asking about them.

As for Inori? He decided to take a break and wait for Inori to find him. After all, her message gave him a headache, so he took it as a small punishment for Inori.

Although he thought about it, he wasn't angry. This would happen sooner or later, and Inori wasn't to blame. So his real reason for doing this is...

"Do you enjoy the view?"

Approaching with long strides, Yuki sat next to Ayase. After all, even though he conversed in the group chat, Yuki had stolen glances at the lonely Ayase.

"Yuki?!... What are you doing here?!"

With a bit of nervousness in her voice, Ayase was surprised to see Yuki. After all, it was late, and everyone was asleep.

"Hm~ I wanted to get some fresh air, I suppose?"

Scratching his cheek, Yuki smiled wryly.

"But Ayase, even though I understand your enthusiasm, you shouldn't be here. You're still in recovery."

Sighing, Yuki looked at her with one eye. This was one of the reasons he stayed. Ayase walked all the time, as if afraid her legs would stop working.

"Is that so? Hehe, sorry." Smiling bitterly, Ayase apologized. Yuki was her doctor, so she took his words seriously. However, only she could understand what she was feeling, the ability to feel the coldness of the sand and the sea water.

"Well, as long as you understand."

Shaking his head, Yuki looked at her once again before leaving. Inori was waiting for him, after all.


However, before leaving, a hand stopped him.

Turning his gaze, Yuki looked confused at Ayase, who hid her face, lowering her head.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yuki, do you... love Inori?"

"Yes... I love her."

Though a bit confused by her question, Yuki still answered.

"Do you love Tsugumi?"

"Of course, I love her."

"Good... Good."

Nodding, Ayase smiled before lifting her gaze to look at Yuki.

"Could you love me too?"

Even though her body was trembling, Ayase had gathered all her courage in those words. However, Yuki only sighed before giving her a tap on the head.

"Ugh! That hurts!" Touching her head, Ayase looked at Yuki with teary eyes.

"Love you? Don't get confused, Ayase. Love is not something you ask for; it's something you give. As for whether I can love you, I'm sorry, but I can't."

Looking at each other for a moment, Ayase's eyes turned red, and a bitter smile formed on her face.

"I understand... I... was... rejected... I'm sorry... I..."

While Ayase was struggling to say those words and run away, Yuki approached, taking her in his arms.

"Don't get confused. I didn't reject you because you're unattractive. You're very beautiful. But what you feel for me isn't love; it's pure gratitude. Therefore, I can't accept those feelings, at least not now."

Closing his eyes slightly, Yuki shook his head. What he said was true; he had noticed Ayase's change towards him, but he also knew that Ayase was confusing her feelings of gratitude with love. He didn't want a relationship based on gratitude. He wanted a relationship like the one he currently had with Inori and Tsugumi, where their feelings developed of their own accord.

Although he came to this world for Inori, she never felt feelings like Ayase's. Inori fell in love because she was an empty shell, where Yuki entered her heart, becoming her purpose and way of life, standing shoulder to shoulder with Yuki.

Tsugumi was different; she fell because Yuki seduced her. But that was how it was in today's society—men had to woo women.

As for Ayase, her feelings stemmed from her legs healing. So, her feelings were gratitude, not love.

"But... I!"

Still not giving up, Ayase clung tightly to his body. However, her lips were sealed by Yuki's finger.

"I understand. If your feelings remain the same in a year, then I'll be the one to confess."

Opening her eyes at this, Ayase looked at him for a moment before smiling.

"Alright. I'll await your confession."

Completely sure, Ayase didn't give up. She refused to believe that these feelings were just gratitude. But she understood what Yuki had said, so she let go of his body before turning and looking at the sky again.

(Gratitude, huh?)

Closing her eyes, Ayase enjoyed the night wind, making her hair dance in the moonlight.

Yuki, on the other hand, shook his head. He hoped that this girl would open her eyes and see her mistake. But if she truly fell in love, he would return to this world and take her to the shinobi world.


While he was thinking about this, Inori found him.

Just as Yuki thought, Inori would look for him, and it didn't take her long to find him.

Well, Inori could find him as long as their hearts were connected, so it was only a matter of time.


"I'm sleepy."

Murmuring these words, Inori approached, taking Yuki's hand. At the same time, she pulled him, wanting her cuddle pillow.

"Alright, I get it... Ayase, are you coming?" Yuki sighed, turning his gaze to Ayase, who had a bitter smile on her face.


Shaking her head, Ayase felt envious seeing the couple.

"I'll stay a bit longer."

"Alright, just don't take too long; there's still time tomorrow."

Once saying those words, Yuki followed Inori to bed. Inori was yawning, and her eyes were closing, so Yuki just smiled at this.

Ayase, on the other hand, only watched them, before looking at the sky again.

"One year... One year is nothing." With a smile on her face, Ayase murmured before returning to her room.


TN :

Elder : Junior you dare!?!?

Junior : Dare what Senior?

Elder : You dare to question me what you dare!?!? Courting Death!!

Donate your powerstones to me , knowtow 100000 times and break your right hand and this generous elder shall forgive you

(Sorry ehe)