
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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538 Chs

Chapter 82: My Son is a Champion

"But what do I see here, if it isn't the chibi Goddess."

Turning her head, Hestia furrowed her brow; she knew the woman who had just entered very well.

"It's you... What do you want?"

It was evident from Hestia's furrowed brow and disapproving look that Loki wasn't very welcome.

Loki, however, just smiled before the other three girls accompanying him caught up.

"Nothing... I just heard that a certain Chibi Goddess was descending... Hahaha, but from what I see, the rumors are true. So what? Have you found members for your family? Of course not, hahaha."

A vein popped on Hestia's forehead at Loki's words. She narrowed her eyes before saying, "You're just a flat-chested Goddess, as flat in the heavens as you'll be in the underworld, hahaha."

"What did you say?!"

"What you heard, ironing board!"

Growling at each other, both touched their foreheads while grinding their teeth.

On the other hand, Hephaestus sighed. It was the same thing again.

Loki and Hestia were rivals in the heavens, and it seemed they would continue to be so in the underworld.

So, shrugging, Hephaestus looked at the three girls following Loki, recognizing them instantly.

One of them was a very beautiful woman with long golden hair and golden eyes, dressed only in a black and white battle cloth that highlighted her slender figure.

The other two were twins, with black hair and brown eyes, dressed in very revealing clothes, clearly indicating their Amazon race.

Despite being twins, there was something that distinguished them, and that was that one of the sisters had a well-endowed chest.

"There they go again..."

"Ha~ it never changes."

While both sisters shook their heads, the golden-haired girl only tilted her head with interest.

Looking at the trio, Hephaestus merely nodded; they were clearly from Loki's family.

Their names were Tiona Hiryute, Tione Hiryute, and Ais Wallenstein, all famous and powerful adventurers in Orario.

"Hmp! I won't argue with a Chibi who probably won't find a family member."

Turning her head annoyed, Loki glanced sideways at Hestia, waiting for her next expression. However, instead of the irritated reaction she expected, Hestia looked at her with a cheeky smile.

"Hehe~ too bad for you, Loki. I've already found members for my family."

Patting her chest with pride, Hestia looked at her disdainfully. "Ha?! You've already found a member?! Where is he?!"

Looking around for the adventurer who bravely decided to join her family, there was no one. She then turned her gaze to Hephaestus, expecting an answer, but Hephaestus just shook her head.

"Where is Chibi? How come I don't see him?"

"Hmp! He's not here at the moment."

"Oh? Are you lying to me, Chibi? Or maybe your son was so embarrassed that he ran away? Hahaha."

With a hand over her mouth, Loki mocked Hestia. She didn't believe a word; Hestia just arrived in the underworld, and she already has a member? In her dreams!

"No! He would never do that!"

However, Hestia frowned deeply as she stared at Loki.

Loki, on the other hand, raised her eyebrows at this.

(Has she already found a family member?)

After years of knowing each other, Loki knew that Hestia wasn't lying, not after seeing her expression. But despite being surprised, she just shrugged.

(Doesn't matter, my kids are better.)

With that in mind, Loki mocked her again.

"Well, don't get so worked up... After all, your kids can never compare to mine, right, my dear Ainz?"

Turning her head to the blonde-haired woman, Loki smiled proudly. As a first-class adventurer, Loki had a lot to brag about. However, once again, she was disappointed.


Because this time, it was Hestia who looked proudly at her.

With a smile on her face, Hestia swelled her chest with pride.

"My son is the strongest in all of Orario; no one can beat him."

With her head held high, Hestia uttered those words that probably attracted hatred and offended all the families in Orario.

Loki, Hephaestus, and Eina opened their mouths in shock, while Tiona and Tione couldn't help but give another look to the chibi Goddess in front of them. As for Ainz, curiosity was piqued by those words, particularly by the phrase 'No one can beat him'—those words carried weight.

"Hey, Chibi, it's okay to brag about your son, but don't exaggerate."

Even Loki could see that Hestia was exaggerating; after all, the strongest adventurer belonged to the Freya Familia.

Loki had to admit this.

"I'm not exaggerating; it's the truth."

However, Hestia didn't give up. She knew what kind of being her son was, so it wasn't an exaggeration to say he was the strongest mortal in the world.

But if she said those words, Loki would treat her like a madwoman and mock her. That's why she claimed he was the strongest in all of Orario. After all, she wasn't wrong.

"Really? What kind of son do you have to brag like that?"

Frowning, Loki narrowed her eyes; she felt both curious and angry. Angry because she found out what kind of person Hestia managed to capture, and angry because Hestia completely ignored Ainz, a level 5 adventurer, as if she were just an ordinary one.

As if expecting this question, Hestia smiled sweetly.

"Listen well, because I'll only say it once."

With a hint of suspense in her voice, Hestia looked at the entire group.

Hephaestus also looked at Hestia, very curious to know what kind of son she had in another world.

Eina was the same; knowing almost 90% of the adventurers, she knew that the title of the strongest belonged to the Freya Familia.

Tiona and Tione approached, their faces showing curiosity and some anger. Hestia saw them as if they were nothing in front of her son, sparking their curiosity.

As for Ainz, he moved his hair away from his ears and narrowed his eyes. If this chibi Goddess's son was the strongest and invincible, he wanted to meet him.

"My son is a Champion."


With a proud smile, Hestia looked at Loki, who now had a shocked, stiff body. Both she and Hephaestus had widened their eyes at this revelation.

Others might not know the significance of that title, but they did. As Goddesses, they knew very well the weight that title carried.

So, Loki just opened her mouth before a scream escaped her.



TN : Ehhhhh????