
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 64: Kiss Mark

"Ugh!" Argos, like half of the Undertaker members, suffered from a hangover. However, unlike Inori and Ayase, who drank Yuki's Tea to cure their hangovers, Argos had nothing like that.

He, like everyone else, headed to the kitchen in search of water. Surprisingly, he found people up so early.

"Good morning... Argos?"


Looking at Yuki, Argos nodded. Glancing around the kitchen, he was amazed to see it clean now, considering the mess from the previous day. He also noticed the three girls.

Inori, as usual, was expressionless, eating. Tsugumi was teasing Ayase, all normal as ever.

"Here, for the hangover."

Handing him the tea cup, Yuki only hinted with a look. Unlike the others, Argos had no issue with Yuki; in fact, he made sure to observe him closely, like a child admiring their favorite character.

Drinking the tea in one go, Argos felt the headache gradually fading.

"Thanks, friend. I needed this."

With a smile, Argos placed a hand on Yuki's shoulder. However, his smile stiffened upon seeing Tsugumi's neck with a very obvious kiss mark. Simultaneously, he wondered if Tsugumi's skin was so thick, as she practically displayed it for everyone.

Suddenly, a strange memory appeared in his head. Last night, on his way to his room, he heard Tsugumi having sex with someone.

(Wait... No, it can't be.)

At that moment, Argos had been denying reality, blaming it all on alcohol. But now, with a shocked expression, he looked at Yuki, who now had a soft smile.



Yuki's body trembled a bit upon hearing this, but he quickly recovered.

"Oh! I remember now. Gai called us a moment ago... Come with me, Argos."


Ignoring Argos's reaction, Yuki took him by the nape and left the room. The women were a bit surprised by this. Inori just glanced before returning to eating; she didn't care.

"Hey... Tsugumi... You." Looking at Inori, Ayase took Tsugumi's head against hers and whispered in her ear.

"You did 'that,' didn't you?"


Tsugumi's body trembled, and she couldn't help but pull away abruptly from Ayase. Seeing Tsugumi's reaction, Ayase's suspicions deepened.

"Hey, Tsugumi, how about you come with me? My baby has been really stiff lately; maybe you should check it out."

Though there was a smile on her face, Ayase's eyes were dangerous. She couldn't accept this and wanted Tsugumi to spill the beans.

However, Tsugumi didn't believe her; she was very nervous.


"You'll come, right?"

With a tone that didn't accept a refusal, Ayase smiled.


Nodding, Ayase left the kitchen, and Tsugumi followed with heavy steps.

Inori, who saw all this, said nothing. After a few minutes, she also stood up and left the kitchen, following Ayase and Tsugumi.


"Tell me, did you see it?"

After getting a bit away, Yuki confronted Argos. Yuki had been careless; the fact that Argos mentioned last night meant he knew something. Yuki didn't mind others finding out about his relationship with Tsugumi; he wouldn't keep it a secret. What mattered was others looking at his woman's body.

"No... I haven't seen anything... I just overheard by accident."

Scratching his head, Argos couldn't meet Yuki's gaze. Despite knowing each other for a short time, he looked at Yuki as a friend, maybe something more, seeing him like a superhero.

"I understand."

Sighing in relief, Yuki promised himself to be more careful next time.

"But, Yuki, weren't you dating Inori?... Do you..."


Shaking his head, Yuki didn't let Argos finish his words.

"I won't deny my relationship with Inori, and I won't deny my relationship with Tsugumi."

Pausing slightly, Yuki scratched his cheek.

"I just couldn't help but love these two lovely women... don't you think so too?"

Honestly, Argos didn't know what to say. This was a surprise for him. His relationship with Inori was well known, but the fact that he didn't deny or try to avoid his relationship with Tsugumi was new.

(A two-way relationship... I see, as expected.)

Even though he saw it for the first time, Argos could understand. Loving more than one woman was something every man would think about at least once in his life. Now he was curious about what Yuki had done to win Tsugumi. However, he didn't take long to find out. He knew Yuki was a cute boy, and being domestic gave him many points with women. Thinking about this, Argos envied Yuki's Shota power but more than envy, he felt excited seeing his superhero conquering women.

Yuki was like a protagonist in a story; that's how Argos saw him.

"Haha, yes, I understand, my friend. What man wouldn't love such beautiful women?"

Patting his shoulder, Argos smiled.

"Now tell me, how was it?"

With a perverted smile on his face, Argos held his chin while looking at Yuki.


With a mysterious smile, Yuki simply turned around.

"It's a secret~"

"Oh, come on!"

Not wanting to give up, Argos followed Yuki, but no matter how much he tried, Yuki didn't tell him anything, only smiling, increasing Argos's curiosity.



"Will they be happy?"


Answering Argos's question, Yuki nodded with a firm look.

"Good." However, Argos sighed in relief; he was worried. Inori and Tsugumi were precious companions to Argos, and he didn't want to see them suffer. But looking at Yuki's determined and confident face, his worries disappeared.


"Now, spill the beans."

With a furrowed brow, Ayase looked at Tsugumi.


"How do I know?" Not letting Tsugumi finish her words, Ayase just sighed.

Staring at her intently, Tsugumi was very nervous, twisting her body here and there.

"See for yourself." Taking out a small mirror, Ayase pointed to her neck.

Still not understanding, Tsugumi took the small mirror before her face blushed.

There was a small kiss mark on her neck, although small, it was very noticeable against her fair skin.

(Yukin!!) internally shouting, Tsugumi wanted to strangle Yuki. She was also very embarrassed, now understanding why Inori had been looking at her so much. Making a mental note, Argos had also seen it.

(Damn Yukin!) cursing internally, Tsugumi clenched her fists; she really wished the earth would swallow her.

"Now, do you understand?"

"Yes." Lowering her head in embarrassment, Tsugumi covered her neck with her hand. She was too embarrassed to look at Ayase.

"You know, it doesn't matter much... Just, how far have you two gone?"

Still with her head lowered, Tsugumi looked around. Seeing no one else, she couldn't help but spill all the beans. After all, Ayase was her best friend.

"What?! Tsugumi! You?!"

Pointing at her with a trembling finger, Ayase was in shock. She assumed their relationship had progressed to kissing and hugging, which would also explain the mark on Tsugumi's neck. But she never thought their relationship had advanced to such an extent, crossing the line.

She couldn't help but look at Tsugumi and feel lost. Indeed, Ayase was older than Tsugumi, but Tsugumi had already climbed the ladder into adulthood before her.

(I lost.)

Feeling an internal void, Ayase was sad. She also wanted to experience romance.

While Ayase was in complete internal chaos, Tsugumi, with a flushed face and hands on her face, moved her body here and there in excitement. Like Ayase, Tsugumi still couldn't believe she had entered adulthood; it felt like a dream to her.

However, while they were in excitement and internal chaos, a figure with pink hair had been listening to their entire conversation.

Inori, hidden behind a wall, heard everything. Her head was lowered, and a deep pain struck her chest. She didn't know when, but a small tear ran down her face.


With hands on her chest due to the pain, Inori couldn't help but call Yuki. She didn't know it, but listening to Ayase's conversation with Tsugumi hurt her a lot. So much that she wanted to cry and scream, while at the same time, a hot flame of jealousy burned within her.


Unable to bear staying in that place any longer, Inori returned to her room before opening the chat.

"Inori Yuzuhira: Yuno..."


Author's Note: Don't think Inori will accept this easily; no woman would.

TN: Sad Inori :<

Well anyways give powerstones to make her happy :D