
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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538 Chs

Chapter 451: Puppet

"I understand now, this is how it works..."

With the Sharingan analyzing the effect pattern of Imagine Breaker, Yuki assisted in understanding. Its effect is not very complicated when reproduced. With the Gap Dojutsu, Yuki is also capable of that feat. However, unlike Touma, who possesses a large amount of energy, Yuki still had to go through some inconveniences.

(TN: What International BS is this)


"Don't underestimate me!"

Suddenly, the 3000 Celsius monster attacked, using a cross of flames. Yuki simply watched as the fire burned around him...


At the same time, Touma used his right hand to destroy all the chains around him, while a wall of fire formed in front of them.

"Did we do it?"


Stiyl just watched and didn't answer Touma's question. After all, this was too easy, so he remained alert...

"Good move... But not enough..."


Suddenly, the flames weakened, and an ice lion attacked Innocentius. Fire and ice clashed, creating small swirls around them.

This caused the duo to protect themselves with both hands...

"Imagine Breaker, huh? Truly worthy of being the ability that is beyond God..."

Coming out completely unscathed, Yuki smiled under his mask. With Rasiel in his possession, he knew exactly the origin of this ability, its reaches, and its weaknesses, so he didn't panic.

"But... Will you be able to nullify this?"

With Innocentius and the ice lion fighting, Stiyl and Touma looked at their opponent, waiting for the next attack. Although Touma didn't understand most of what this clown was saying, for Stiyl, this was a surprising revelation. If this clown's words were true, then Touma's right hand was more than it seemed at first glance...


Yuki's shadow expanded, and several white hands emerged from it.


The fire and the white hands clashed, but like the golden chains, the white hands had great strength, extinguishing the flames upon contact. At the same time, they destroyed the runes of their activation, which made Stiyl open his mouth in shock.

These white hands were even stronger than the golden chains.


Backing away in panic, Stiyl managed to evade the white hands, but unfortunately, in his shadow, other white hands emerged and grabbed his legs, causing the other white hands to hold him tightly.

Touma, who was next to him, tried to help by hitting with his right hand, but unfortunately, this time Imagine Breaker couldn't negate the existence of the white hands.

Negating all supernatural abilities, this effect was quite terrifying but also easy to counter as long as your opponent has knowledge of the laws or their power is overwhelmingly powerful to destroy this effect. After all, although Touma could negate Yuki's spiritual techniques, he couldn't negate his Time clones.

The Time clones are his past and also something that exists in another Time line. For the Mother of All, these Time clones were natural. Otherwise, if they could be negated, it would mean that Yuki would cease to exist in the past, creating Time-space holes. Not to mention that Yuki is a Champion, so he definitely couldn't be negated due to the Order energy and the crown.

There were several factors that prevented Imagine Breaker from being useless.

This was a fatal weakness that Yuki took full advantage of.


Touma was surprised. So far, this right hand had never failed, destroying all supernatural abilities, even Level 5 espers couldn't escape this, but now, when the white hands were attacked, they hit him hard, while the hands in his shadow held him, ending up in the same position as Stiyl.


Suddenly, Innocentius let out a roar, while the ice lion destroyed it, lowering the temperature rapidly.

The ground was covered with a thin layer of ice, and snow began to fall.


Roaring like the winner, the ice lion disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and the hands holding the duo tightened...


"I advise you to give up all resistance if you don't want your head to explode~"

Stiyl, who was muttering a spell to escape, suddenly stopped. A spark gun touched his head, and several clowns materialized and aimed their spark guns at him. But that wasn't all; the runes around him were destroyed by the ice, and his magical power was severely damaged...

"You Clones!"

Seeing so many clowns around him, Stiyl gritted his teeth and stopped resisting. From the unusual gleam in the eyes of these clowns, he knew they were serious. If he didn't stop, his head would explode...

He needed to get Index out of this city, and for that, he needed to stay alive...


"It's useless; your right hand can't nullify my ability..."

At the same time, other clones also aimed at Touma's head, mocking his futile resistance. Both of them were weaklings in terms of endurance and physical power, so they were completely powerless against Yuki's monstrous strength...

With their weak struggle over, Yuki put a hand on his hat while negotiating his terms.

"Very well, as losers, I suppose I have the right to do whatever I want with your pathetic lives, but I don't want to dirty my hands with a Priest and a Puppet..."

Yuki also has a goddess who is part of his family and knew how important a God is to a Priest, not to mention that he didn't want to be on bad terms with the Church.

At the same time, he also didn't want to mess with the 'Puppet,' Touma, being the bearer of Imagine Breaker, is one of Aleister's puppets, as well as one of his weapons against the magical side.


Blinking in confusion, Touma asked, knowing he wasn't the priest, so he must be the 'Puppet' this clown mentioned...

"You didn't know? Well, more than a puppet, you're simply extremely ignorant. Have you ever wondered why your right hand is special?"

Smirking mischievously, Yuki pointed his finger at his right hand, and Touma could only blink in response...

Yuki's smile widened, but he didn't bother with Touma anymore. To Yuki, this guy was just another victim of Aleister's plans, who took advantage of his habit of getting involved in other people's business for his benefit.

Therefore, until Touma frees himself from Aleister's control and can control those 8 dragons, Yuki won't see him as an opponent.

"It's quite boring, so I'll let you go as long as you don't set foot in Academy City again and leave Index..."

"Bastard! What do you want with Index? Is it the Grimoires you're after?"

"I won't talk to Puppets; be quiet~"

Putting his index finger to his mask, a white hand emerged from Touma's shadow and sealed his mouth.

Yuki didn't have the patience or the time to listen to his words of justice. After all, if Yuki wasn't mistaken, this guy was loved by the world and consequently someone with high potential as a 'Hero.'

"What do you say, Priest~"

With Touma unable to speak, Yuki turned his gaze to Stiyl, who frowned...

The fact that this clown didn't kill them meant he wasn't a vicious magician, but at the same time, he didn't know the reason this clown wanted Index.

"As a Priest of the Anglican Church, former companion, and protector of Index, I'm not willing..."

Even if it means death, Stiyl wasn't going to give up on Index. This was what Stiyl conveyed with his words, and seeing his serious face and sharp gaze, Yuki knew he wasn't lying. After all, this guy was accumulating Mana, ready for an explosion if necessary...

(The art of explosion, huh?)

A desperate but effective measure, and as someone who has used that technique, Yuki acknowledged Stiyl for it, so he decided to give him hope...

"Is that so? Even if it means I have a way to save that Nun?"

Stiyl's body trembled, and even Touma, who had just learned about Index's condition and was resisting against the white hands, opened his eyes in surprise...


TN: 🍪🍪🍪