
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 377: Journey to the Past

"So, you're the Shukaku, the one-tailed Bijuu..."

In a dark space, Yuki walked with both hands in his pockets, while in front of him, a huge Monster Tanuki glared at him angrily.


(TN: Junior dares!?!)

This was Gaara's spiritual space, where Shukaku lived, as well as his prison.

"My name is Yuki Uchiha, it's an honor to finally meet you, Lord Shukaku. The Nine-Tails, Lord Kurama, has told me a lot about you."

Smiling, Yuki's Sharingan spun. This was the second time he spoke with a Bijuu; the first time was with Kurama, who, unlike Shukaku, possessed more chakra and exerted greater pressure. Shukaku couldn't compare.

Of course, Kurama never spoke to him about Shukaku. This was just a trick to anger Shukaku, and it worked perfectly.


Lowering his enormous claw, Shukaku had no mercy, attempting to crush Yuki.

Yuki, on the other hand, smiled. His spiritual power condensed, and a huge demonic claw made of black gas faced Shukaku's claw, repelling each other.



Unfortunately for Shukaku, this wasn't over. Several purple chains made of spiritual power materialized and began binding him.

Shukaku was in shock. He tried to move, but the chains that bound him were too strong.


This time, Shukaku couldn't help taking this ninja in front of him seriously. The fact that he could subdue him in such a short time showed that his chakra had become as vast as his own or even greater, on the verge of entering the realm of the greatest, like Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju.

"I've already stated my name, but for now, I need you to sleep a bit, Lord Shukaku..."


Shukaku hadn't finished speaking when endless black gas poured out of a strange door, covering the entire spiritual space...

Drowning Shukaku in darkness...



Kankuro couldn't believe it; Gaara had been knocked out. This had never happened before.

Just when he thought Gaara would unleash the monster inside him, the sensor knocked him out.

Temari was equally surprised. At first, like everyone else, she didn't worry much about the Sensor. He was an arrogant brat who became a Jonin much earlier, but that was it. They never thought of him as a threat and just followed his orders in these exams to avoid disqualification.

However, now, Temari looked at the sensor in a new light.

There was fear, uncertainty, and above all, interest in her gaze.

For Yuki to become a Jonin was not just for show. This Sensor was very strong.

He knocked out her fearful younger brother in the blink of an eye....

Simply, someone younger than her was much stronger than her younger brother.

(So it's him!)

Baki, on the other hand, swallowed hard, and cold sweat began to fall from his face.

In this move by Yuki, Baki discovered his identity.

The Devourer of Konoha...

Only the Devourer had enough strength to knock out Gaara in the blink of an eye.

There was a very small rumor that the Devourer was a child, others thought that his stature was simply small. There were many rumors about this Devourer, but until now, his identity had always been a secret.

Until now, as Baki immediately found out.

(We can't act... Not with him here!)

As long as the Devourer is in Konoha, their invasion plan would be useless. Even if Gaara fully awakened Shukaku, they might suffer a great loss.

Fortunately for the Sand Village, the Sound Village had promised to take care of this little Monster.

"He's even faster and stronger than the last time I saw him..."

Combining the 8 Inner Gates and the Byakugo no Jutsu, a terrifying Taijutsu was born.

Guy was aware of this Taijutsu of Yuki's and knew how dangerous it was for both the user and the target.

However, Yuki's control over this forbidden Taijutsu increased, allowing him to move at high speed and hit with brute force simultaneously.

Because of this, Guy was very curious about how Yuki managed to stabilize the chakra pressure of the 8 Inner Gates and control them to the level required to use the Byakugo no Jutsu.


"The winner is Gaara of the Sand Village... Medical personnel, please..."

With both hands in his pockets, Yuki left Gaara on the ground and walked towards Rock Lee, who was looking at him in shock...

Unfortunately, Rock Lee lost the match the moment Yuki intervened. After all, if he didn't, that Sand would have killed him, and Rock Lee understood this, so he didn't utter a single word of complaint.

"And I thought I had caught up to you... But I see I was wrong..."

Smiling bitterly, Rock Lee lowered his gaze, seeing that Yuki had instantly knocked out his opponent saddened him more than knowing he had lost the fight.

Apparently, talent would always win against hard work...

"Not really, you've already surpassed me. I still can't open the sixth gate..."

But Yuki denied his words. In terms of 8 Inner Gates Taijutsu, Rock Lee surpassed Yuki.

This excited Rock Lee, and the smile on his face brightened. However, he didn't let this go to his head. He also understood that because Yuki doesn't train only the 8 Inner Gates, but rather divides his time into the medical field and many other areas, that's why Yuki still hasn't been able to open the sixth gate.

"Hehe, I guess I have to work harder and catch up to you, Rock Lee..."


With both laughing, Guy came down to the arena and accompanied Rock Lee to the hospital. The same happened with Baki, who took Gaara to the hospital along with Kankuro and Temari, who saw him twice before continuing...

"Alright, let the last contestants come down to the arena."


"You have a month to improve your skills and face the finals! Remember that many important people will be watching your matches; don't disappoint us."

After explaining and organizing the future encounters, Yuki disappeared.

There was no need to be in these exams anymore.

His goal was accomplished, and he had accumulated a large part of chakra, most of which he stole from Shukaku, also borrowing from Kurama and Orochimaru.

Back in the world of Mirai Nikki, much of his accumulated chakra was consumed in the Demon King, and his army of clones was lost.

He needed to recover the lost chakra. Fortunately, he had two Bijuu very close to him, who kindly provided him with the necessary chakra...

"I think it's time to go back...."

Muttering towards the sky, Yuki's eyes moistened...

The time had come to return to the past...

[Travel to the past? Interesting. Even in my world, I've never heard of such a feat before.]

(TN: 90% Chinese regressor MCs would disagree)

Upon hearing Yuki's words, Eggy brought a hand to her chin and thought deeply. After all, going back in time was something she never imagined could be done.

It was very dangerous, as even slight intervention could create parallel timelines, altering the present. The will of Yuki's native world prohibited the use of such a technique.

So, this was the first time Eggy experienced it.

"You'll be surprised."

*Tick Tack

Entering his astral suit, Yuki looked toward the moon and prepared for the journey.

[Why do you want to go back in time?]

However, Eggy was very curious about the reason for the journey. During the time she spent with Yuki, Eggy learned a lot about him and the motives behind his actions. Yet, there were times when his actions made no sense, and other times when his own actions became part of a grand plan for the future.

Eggy couldn't understand why Yuki needed to go back in time.

"I need to see someone very special to me..."


Eggy didn't ask any more questions. However, she could understand; Yuki's words were filled with sadness and longing.

Without saying anything more, Zafkiel appeared behind him, and his chakra increased...

"Get ready."

[I'm ready!]

*Tick, Tack

"Zafkiel: Yud Bet-1"


With the sound of a bullet, Yuki was swallowed in the darkness of the night...


TN: hmmm i smell a bit of drama 👁️👄👁️