
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 362: Fifth Hokage

"So, Naruto ended up tied to the post. I guess that was to be expected; he's strong but very reckless."

Sighing, Yuki didn't know what to think. Initially, he thought Sakura would be the one tied to the post, but Naruto was too impulsive and decided to test his luck with Kakashi. If only he had teamed up with Sasuke, things would be different.

(These two are still like oil and water.)

But due to their rivalry and pride, these two kids still refused to cooperate with each other.

"Well, they'll improve in the future."

With Kakashi on the team, Yuki wasn't worried. Although he had to admit he was a bit envious of his clone, as he enjoyed watching that team.

(For now, there are many things to do.)

Sinking into the shadows, Yuki smiled beneath his mask. After all, the day had come for the new Hokage to officially take office.


Several days had passed since the elections, and with it, the most important event of the year was about to unfold—the appointment of the Fifth Hokage.

"Who would have imagined, Tsunade as the Fifth Hokage. This calls for a celebration, hahaha!"

Laughing heartily was an older man with long white hair, dressed in green attire with a red cloak featuring two yellow circles. He wore sandals and carried a massive scroll on his back. Notably, he didn't wear Konoha's ninja headband but one from Mount Myōboku.

This man was Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin.

"One more word, and Konoha will lose another Sannin!"

Facing Jiraiya, Tsunade had a flushed face and was wearing a green jacket.

The day had come, and Tsunade wanted to escape. She honestly wasn't cut out for the Hokage position, but it was too late to cry over spilled milk. Tsunade's face was red from frustration and anger, and Jiraiya's mockery only fueled her ire.

"Calm down, Tsunade. We can talk... No need for violence."

Swallowing hard and raising both hands in surrender, Jiraiya felt the fear of Tsunade's fist. As a former teammate, he knew how terrifying that fist could be.


Clicking her tongue, Tsunade crossed her arms while her right foot impatiently tapped the ground.

"You've really changed, Tsunade."

Sighing, Jiraiya recalled the past.

As teammates, Jiraiya knew Tsunade very well. However, in approximately three years, Tsunade had changed too much, to the point where she was on the verge of becoming the Fifth Hokage.

The legendary loser had transformed from a woman without ambitions, with a broken heart, carefree, to a family-oriented, happy, and concerned woman with a future ahead.

"Hmp, people change, Jiraiya."

"Is that so? I guess I should thank the brat for this..."

Of course, Jiraiya knew that Tsunade's change was mainly due to Yuki, who mysteriously appeared in her life. The change was so significant that now, thanks to this kid, Tsunade was willing to govern a village.

Although Jiraiya didn't know if this was good or bad, given Yuki's sinister motives, which he had to intervene in the past.

Unfortunately for Jiraiya, he underestimated Yuki's courage, as well as the bond he shared with Tsunade. Tsunade was so protective that she didn't hesitate to hit him for the boy, similar to how Asuma was treated by Kurenai.

So, with blood tears, he could only helplessly watch as Yuki enjoyed Tsunade's enormous mountains.

But he was also happy for Tsunade, as she had finally found the warmth of a family again.

"That brat!"

Just remembering Yuki, Tsunade clenched her fists. She had gotten herself into a big mess, and now that they lived together, she was like his mother, closely watching to ensure he didn't cross any boundaries with Tsubaki.

"Tsunade-sama, it's time."

Opening the door, Shizune entered with Ton-ton in her arms and reported. Tsubaki also peeked out from behind Shizune.


Raising an eyebrow, Jiraiya was somewhat surprised, as he didn't know this girl, and her intimate behavior with Shizune indicated she wasn't a stranger.

"Let's go!"

Accepting the inevitable, Tsunade no longer hesitated. She furrowed her brow, took a step forward, and following her were Jiraiya and Shizune, who looked at each other and smiled, while Tsubaki followed in silence.


"I've aged..."

Atop the Hokage Mansion, with the Hokage monuments behind him, Hiruzen sighed.

People gathered outside the mansion, waiting for the new Hokage.

On the terrace were the highest-ranking individuals in Konoha, such as the council and clan heads, but as expected, Danzo did not show up.


Suddenly, several shadows flickered on the terrace, and about 20 Anbu members materialized.

Hiruzen wasn't surprised, and neither were the others present. The council turned their heads, ignoring the Anbu, while the clan heads approached them.

*Tap.. Tap.. Tap

With the sound of heels, Tsunade had made her entrance. Her gaze was firm as she walked step by step. Her eyes scanned those present before stopping at the Anbu members.

Simultaneously, the shortest among them stepped forward and knelt on one knee. Following his movements, the rest of the Anbu also knelt.

"Princess Tsunade, as Captain and Anbu leader, I am willing to be your sharpest blade. We will be the shadows and protect your rule. We will see it prosper over the years, and nothing will stop us from fulfilling our duty. For the protection of our families and the future of our Village, we will shed blood and die for this... FOR THE PEACE OF KONOHA!"


As some had guessed, the Anbu immediately submitted to the new Hokage, with Yuki as their leader, this was natural.

However, it was still shocking for those who were unaware of Yuki's existence. The uncontrolled Anbu, who didn't follow orders, had sworn loyalty to the new Hokage.

Several of those present opened their mouths in surprise, even Jiraiya blinked several times, confused.

He thought that the biggest obstacle Tsunade would face as Hokage would be the Anbu. His master, the Third Hokage, had failed to control the Anbu, this elite assassination squad. Their being out of control was not good news.

He even investigated the cause of this internal conflict, only to run into a wall—the new Anbu Leader.

This new leader was powerful, able to fight on par with him and even win using never-before-seen abilities.

With what Jiraiya knew, this new leader was very proud and absolutely wouldn't submit to the Hokage. Therefore, Jiraiya accompanied Tsunade on this day as a deterrent to this elite group and to facilitate the ceremony for Tsunade.

Who would have thought they would submit to Tsunade so easily?

Such behavior screams conspiracy and dirty tricks, but with this, Tsunade's position is unmovable.


Snorting coldly, Tsunade turned her head and continued walking, ignoring the Anbu leader's declaration.

Reaching Hiruzen, who was already waiting with the Hokage hat in his hands, she joined him.

"Tsunade, you have inherited the Will of Fire of our village. I count on you for the future, Fifth Hokage."

Handing over the hat along with her position, Hiruzen didn't know what to think. On one hand, Tsunade was his beloved student and the granddaughter of the First Hokage. On the other hand, she was Yuki's godmother, who brought an infinity of problems to the Village and created conflict among the highest ranks.

But he also knew that Tsunade was the only one who could stop that monster. So, he decided to entrust everything to her, for a future where the village would not be destroyed.

"I'll do it."

Accepting the responsibility, Tsunade placed the hat on her head and walked toward the edge, where the crowd eagerly awaited her.


As expected, upon seeing the Fifth Hokage, the crowd applauded, and the ovation echoed.

Narrowing his eyes, Yuki looked at Tsunade's back. Nostalgia hit him; Tsunade, after all, reminded him of his mother. They were similar—both loved him immensely. His mother raised him, and Tsunade protected him.

(It's time to see you again, Mother.)

Clenching his fist, the Sharingan activated involuntarily, and a tear fell from his eye.

[Such love... An intensely profound love.]

Murmuring, Eggy was surprised. The amount of emotions Yuki was releasing was spreading throughout his spiritual world, even affecting the Heavenly Castle.


TN: Hmmm are people still reading? 🤔