
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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529 Chs

Chapter 257: Ranking

"Emilia: Hola"

After Yuki decided to follow the returning expedition group, he faced a challenging moment. Ais continued clinging to his back, making it difficult for him to walk due to their uneven height. Despite the discomfort caused by the slight height difference and four legs, he didn't complain and continued ascending with Ais.

Of course, he also sent a clone to his family to inform them of the reason for his absence.

Taking a brief rest on the 26th floor, Yuki managed to free himself from Ais for a bit. However, even on the bed, Ais continued hugging him. Just as he contemplated returning to the shadows, a message blinked in the chat – the new member, who had apparently already changed their nickname.



[Yuki Uchiha (Champion) is online]

[Yami is online]

[La Folia is online]

[Kurumi Tokisaki is online]

[Inori Yuzuhira is online]

"La Folia: Huhuhu Hello, new member... Ara? Is Miss Gasai not here? How unfortunate ~"

"Kurumi Tokisaki: Fufufu, she must be very 'busy' if she can't connect. But I agree, how unfortunate ~. She's a very active member."

"Yuki Uchiha (Champion): You two just want to tease her, don't you?... And welcome back, Emilia? It seems you're already up to date."

Reading La Folia and Kurumi's messages, Yuki rolled his eyes. These two women instantly noticed Yuno's absence, anticipating the resumption of their game, as she seemed to be an easy target.



Sighing, Yuki had completely forgotten about Mikoto.

On the other hand, Mikoto gritted her teeth, and electricity flickered. She was furious with Yuki for leaving her to deal with the new member.

Needless to say, explaining everything to Emilia was a pain.

She kept writing things like 'Eh? Are you from another world? Do other worlds exist? But are you my friend?' 'Do elves not exist?' 'Where is my knight?' 'Why can't Puck see you?'

She had to explain everything, even the use of honorifics. Unfortunately, she gave up when Emilia wouldn't stop calling her by her name.

Well, at least she found out a lot of things, like how dangerous Emilia's world is, with witches and dragons running around. Mikoto couldn't help but compare it to Yuki's world and thought that living in those worlds was very dangerous, not knowing that her world is possibly the craziest of them all.

"Yuki Uchiha (Champion): I'm sorry... but I'm a bit busy. I'll make it up to you."

"Mikoto Misaka: I hope so! Don't think this will be forgotten!"

"Yuki Uchiha: I know, I know..."

Rolling his eyes, Yuki didn't take Mikoto's threat seriously. After all, he was sure her anger would pass soon.

"Yami: Reward?"

"Inori Yuzuhira: Yuki... Hestia-sama is drinking again."

Reading the new messages, Yuki couldn't help but shake his head. Hestia surely takes advantage of every moment he's not around to buy wine. Fortunately for him, his income in Karma is stable; otherwise, he'd only be able to cry.

"Kurumi Tokisaki: Fufufu, this wine is delicious... It's a shame Yuki-san isn't here. I'd like to give him a 'taste.'"

"La Folia: Oh my~ it seems Miss Tokisaki is having fun. I'm a bit jealous Huhuhu."

With La Folia understanding the hidden message in her words, she brought a hand to her mouth. After all, if she guessed correctly, Kurumi seems to have traveled to another world and is possibly with Inori.

"Emilia: Hmm, when will my knight come to my world? Puck wants to meet him."

Emilia, who had gone through Mikoto's classes, asked with curiosity. There were many things in her world that needed attention; the royal elections were approaching, and she needed her knight. Moreover, Puck seemed to be interested in this 'knight,' checking if Yuki wasn't just her imaginary friend.

"Yuki Uchiha: I have some pending matters in my world, but don't worry; when I'm done, I promise to come to your world."

There were many things he had to do, as well as several worlds to visit. Kurumi had also told him that she needed his help. Fortunately for him, the chat room had time manipulation, so one day for Emilia could be two years for him.

"Emilia: Okay, Yuki... You don't have to rush."

Clenching her fist, Emilia stared intently at the chat room. Yuki being willing to be her knight was already a gain for her, a step forward in a world without racial discrimination.

"La Folia: That reminds me, Yuki-sama... What's this about ranks? Some extra chat function?"

"Yuki Uchiha (Champion): Oh? About that, it's a new function. Check it out; you'll surely be surprised."

"La Folia: Is that so? If you say so~"

"Mikoto Misaka: Well, I'm a bit curious too."

"Yami: Okay."

"Emilia: Ranks? What's that?"

Now remembering the ranks, Yuki had to admit that the chat room had a very detailed system for that, besides being self-aware. After Hestia informed him about it, the Chat Room created its own power ranking function.

Of course, Kurumi, Inori, and he had already checked it. It's just that, due to being busy and afraid that Mikoto would catch him, he hadn't mentioned it before.

As for Emilia, apparently, no one was willing to help her now. Sometimes you have to explore the world on your own.

Opening the ranking function, La Folia pursed her lips. After all, the chat room described the power ranks and danger levels.

And that wasn't all; it also had its own power ranking of chat room members.

**[1: Yuki Uchiha (Champion)**

**Rank: ???**

**Status: Injured**

**Current Power State: Rank 6, Medium Tectonic**

**Danger Level: High**

Seeing that he was in first place, Yuki couldn't believe it. After all, he knew he was still too weak to be considered number one. But his curiosity increased even more when he saw his 'Status' as injured.

What was his true strength?

This was a mystery he still had to solve...

**[2. Hestia (God)**

**Rank: 5, High Destroyer**

**Status: Healthy**

**Current Power State: Sealed, Rank 10, Regular**

**Danger Level: Variable**

In second place was Hestia. Being a God, she was very powerful. This also made Yuki raise his eyebrows in surprise because even Hestia couldn't surpass him in power. This meant that his hidden power exceeded that of the gods.

(What exactly did I miss?)

Tilting his head in confusion, Yuki was even more eager to get to the city and have Loki treat his injury.

On the other hand, the girls also raised their eyebrows because they didn't know anyone named Hestia, let alone a God. However, they continued scrolling to find her name.

**[3. Konjiki no Yami (Hero)**

**Rank: 5, Medium Destroyer**

**Status: Healthy**

**Current Power State: Sealed, Rank 6, Low Tectonic**

**Danger Level: Variable**

Yuki, upon seeing this, opened his mouth wide. Yami was the strongest in the chat at the moment, even surpassing his imagination. She was a planet destroyer, and even with her power sealed, she remained very strong.

Not only was he surprised, but everyone in the chat was also shocked because Yami, despite being the quietest, was third in the ranking.

Yami, on the other hand, was also surprised. She read the rank explanation and accepted the rank 6 level, never thinking that she had power beyond what she knew, especially since it was sealed. However, in reverse, it wasn't surprising; she didn't know what those researchers had done to her when she was a child.

(Maybe... I should investigate a bit)

Moved by her curiosity, Yami thought she should 'visit' some people to find answers.

**[4. Emilia (Hero)**

**Rank: Variable**

**Status: Healthy**

**Current Power State: Rank 6, Low Tectonic**

**Danger Level: Variable**

Emilia was next. Yuki brought a hand to his chin when he saw her status. She was the newcomer, and she had the most mystery. Her rank was 'Variable,' indicating that something must be happening in her world for her rank to be in that state.

Emilia, on the other hand, was looking for the rank function, so she was unaware of this.


TN: Alright just 2 more chaps of this volume

Well there are few AmongSus side chapters tho