
Time Emperor Champion

Imagine winning a second life lottery and reincarnating in the Naruto world with the power of the worst spirit. Follow Yuki Uchiha, a former assassin, as he embarks on his journey to become the best Champion. - First World: Naruto - Second World: Guilty Crown - Third World: Danmachi - Fourth World: Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) - Fifth World: Naruto - Sixth World: Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A Certain Magical Index) - Seventh World: God Eater - Current World: Date a live - Next World: ?? ---- Discord Link:- https://discord.gg/ZRZ7pQH9w3 ---- This is a translation of the book available on the webnovel with same name and all the credit goes to author.

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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667 Chs

Chapter 215: Situation

"Eh? The barrier..."

"It disappeared."

Feeling as if a great weight had lifted from their shoulders, Tiona and Ais exchanged glances. They watched as Kurumi snapped her fingers, uncertain why she had dispelled her ability.

Even Riveria felt doubt, but she continued with her treatment.

"Well, even though I'm new to this city, it doesn't seem like I'm welcome..."

Speaking again in her playful tone, Kurumi turned her head again. She had been surrounded.

Four new people had encircled her at different points. They were Finn, Gareth, Bete, and Tione.

"I don't think anyone is welcome if you destroy part of the city..."

Responding to her question, Finn analyzed the woman. He had witnessed her death at Yuki's hands, but seeing her here as if nothing had happened left him surprised. However, it also made her more dangerous.

"Hihi, my mistake~... But you can't blame me, Yuki-san... He's so 'charming' that I couldn't help myself."

Licking her lips, Kurumi blushed. For her, Yuki was to blame. He was just too cute, and the fact that they shared something beyond a spiritual connection was something she had never experienced.

Kurumi had no doubts that Yuki was someone destined to be with her. Even though she lost this time, there were many opportunities in the future.


"Ugh! That hurt."

Touching his head, Yuki opened his eyes. This free fall was more painful than he thought.

"Champion-sama... Are you okay?"

Looking at him with concern, Riveria took his hand. Yuki was badly injured, and with how quickly the elixir healed him, Riveria had her doubts.

"Oh? Yes, I'm fine... Thank you."

Organizing his thoughts, Yuki smiled at the elf. Then he turned to see Kurumi raising her hands in surrender as she was surrounded by the Loki familia, even with a white flag.

"What's going on?"

"That woman surrendered, Champion-sama... It seems she ran out of strength."


Surprised by this, Yuki saw Kurumi sticking out her tongue and winking at him.

Out of strength?

Like hell!

As long as Kurumi had 'Time,' her powers could be replenished infinitely.

"Why did she surrender?"

However, Yuki was curious. This girl's thought process was very similar to his, so he already had an idea, but he still wanted to hear it.

"The thing is..."


With nothing to hide, Riveria told him about the situation.

Being surrounded, Kurumi dropped her weapon and raised her hands. She began spouting nonsense, and even Tiona felt a bit dizzy listening to her. Kurumi told an incredible story about herself and why she was in this place. Although most of it was a lie, her ability to turn things black and white was amazing. However, the more she talked, the more she blamed everything on Yuki. According to her, he harassed and intimidated her, and everything she did was in self-defense. If someone had to pay for the damages, it was Yuki.

She even went to the extreme of wanting to show her 'mark,' claiming that Yuki had marked her as his property and that now she had no choice but to give her pure heart and body to that lustful beast seeking to devour her.

It was a tragic story...

Faced with all this, Tione even began to believe her. Kurumi's tears and performance were top-notch, and if she were in Hollywood, she would win an Oscar. So Tione thought that Yuki deserved all this. As for the rest, they just smiled ironically; they didn't know what to think of all this crap.

Fight to the death with your harasser?

This crap wasn't very believable!

But her performance was top-notch, and suspicions began to arise.

However, there was someone who didn't believe her.

This was Ais. In defense of Yuki, she argued that he preferred spanking girls rather than wanting to 'mark' them. Although she didn't understand anything about the mark, she didn't like someone tarnishing her master's reputation.

But her words only made Kurumi's story more believable. Even Bete opened his mouth at this, and his weak heart couldn't take it.

"Don't you hear something breaking?"

And if to rub salt in the wound, Tiona heard the sound of something breaking.


"And that's it... Champion-sama, regarding Miss Tokisaki... This..."

Not knowing how to ask about it, Riveria swallowed hard. Yuki's reputation was significant, and his liking for women's breasts had become known at the Banquet. So, Kurumi could be right about her story, but there were also many crucial points that weren't clarified.

"Well... In my defense, I'll say it's not what you think."

Sighing in defeat, Yuki didn't know what to think. Part of what Kurumi said is true; he sought to make her his property, and for this, confrontation was inevitable. Although, if he didn't, Kurumi would devour him to the bone.

This little encounter was senseless!

But it had to happen; otherwise, Zafkiel within them wouldn't be quiet.

So, Kurumi had half the blame, but knowing how women always get away with things, Yuki shook his head. No matter what he said, he would dig his own grave if this continued.

"I appreciate everything you've done, Riveria. I owe you one, but I'll take it from here. Don't worry; we won't cause any more destruction."

Getting up, Yuki wanted to return to his familia as soon as possible.

"Champion-sama... Very well, I understand. I'll take care of my familia... I hope in the future you can fulfill a request of mine."

With clenched fists, Riveria also didn't want to fall behind. Ais caught a slice of the pie, and her curiosity about magic was significant. Although this wasn't the right time to bring up such matters, Yuki was elusive, making finding him nearly impossible—a fact demonstrated when the Goddesses were in chaos and searched almost all of Orario for the boy.

"Hehehe, all right~... I'll fulfill any request you make, as long as it's within my power."

"Thank you very much, Champion-sama."

Bowing in gratitude, Riveria sighed with relief. Perhaps with this, the magic system could advance a few more steps.

"Call me Yuki from now on; it's annoying dealing with the title."


Waving his hand, Yuki no longer worried about Riveria but walked toward the captive Kurumi.

"Yuki-san! Haa~ please don't abuse me at this moment; my pure heart won't be able to take it."

With small tears at the corners of her eyes, Kurumi covered her chest, wearing a pitiful expression mixed with feigned fear.

(Pure heart? Yeah, right, and I'm the greatest saint in the world.)

Rolling his eyes at her performance, Yuki snapped his fingers, and several white hands emerged from his shadow, trapping Kurumi within them.

"Ara~ ara, so impatient... Yuki-san, you're a beast; everyone, when you see me next, I might not be the same."

Still not giving up, Kurumi tried to appeal to the girls in the group, who only looked at her with pity. Although they wanted to do something, they couldn't; this was a matter for the Hestia familia, and they couldn't intervene.

"Don't worry! I'll seek justice for you."

Clenching her fist, Tione assisted in her plea. She had believed Kurumi's story, although she thought it wasn't that bad; after all, Yuki was a cute boy.

However, abuse was abuse, so someone had to teach him a lesson, even if it wasn't her.

"I apologize for all the trouble. Please ignore my companion; she's a bit mentally unstable. As for the inconveniences caused, don't worry; I'll make sure to compensate for it. So, the guild and the Gods can rest assured."

With a slight bow, Yuki sighed and thought about what to do with this woman.

(I need to put a leash on her.)

"How rude~ Yuki-san."

Ignoring Kurumi's comments, Yuki smiled at the group.

"It's okay; Champion-sama, you shouldn't apologize. I'll inform the guild about this; don't worry."

Sympathizing with his situation, Finn looked at him with pity. After all, he could see that this girl had a few screws loose, and with that girlfriend at home, Yuki's life was a ticking time bomb.

"Thank you..."

Snapping his fingers and preventing Kurumi from speaking, he sent her back home. He also looked at the rest of the Loki familia before departing—or at least he thought he was going to be stopped.
