
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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538 Chs

Chapter 210: You Belong to Me!

Preparing Nightmare Invocation... 10... 9...

*Boom, boom

With his heart pounding and Zafkiel sending spiritual pulses, Yuki stared at the holographic screen.


Sensing the spiritual pulses, Est was concerned about Yuki's abnormal actions.

"Do you need to go out? You could have summoned her inside."

Covering her eyes with both hands, Hestia asked irritably. Her eyes had changed due to prolonged confinement, unable to tolerate sunlight, making every moment exposed to light torture.


*Tick, tock

However, Yuki didn't hear her. He entered battle mode, materializing his astral suit.

"What's happening? Yuki..."

This naturally worried the women. Inori even materialized her sword and entered battle mode, knowing that if Yuki was ready to fight, something significant was about to happen.

[5... 4...]

"Master... "

"Don't move... Whatever happens, don't intervene."

Stopping Est, who was about to transform, and Inori, who was already prepared for battle.

[Tell us what's happening! Why are you entering your astral suit? What are we facing?!]

Mana couldn't handle the suspense anymore. Yuki had been acting strange since they talked about the new member.

"Just do as I say..."

However, Yuki refused to explain further, as even he didn't know why he entered battle mode; only his instinct and Zafkiel were activating on their own.

"Fine, we'll listen to you."

Returning to normal, Inori decided to trust her boyfriend. Est did the same, staying on the sidelines, while only Hestia watched, still unaware of what was happening.

"Huh? What did I miss? Why the suspense?"

[I don't know, but if you don't want to go back to the heavens, it's better to stay out of it.]

Frowning intensely, Mana was tempted to eliminate Hestia, but she changed her mind. Unlike the other goddesses, Hestia was calmer and more domestic, though lazy. Mana had grown accustomed to her presence.

"Huh? Is that okay?"

Surprised by Mana's warning, Hestia also stayed on the sidelines, watching Yuki staring at the holographic screen.

[2... 1]

[Nightmare has been successfully summoned.]

"Here it is!"

A flickering light and a woman's body materialized. Yuki's breath became irregular, like an animal seeing its favorite prey.


With the sound of a gunshot, Yuki tilted his head, dodging the attack, while also looking at the attacker.

"Kihihihi... Good! Good!"

With a sinister voice, a girl with black hair tied in uneven pigtails, an extraordinary beauty, and porcelain-like white skin appeared.

Wearing gothic lolita clothes with crimson and black patterns.

[Astral Suit!]

Recognizing her outfit instantly, Mana and Inori widened their eyes. After all, this power was exclusive to Yuki.


Est, on the other hand, was very confused. This girl's spiritual pulses were very similar to Yuki's, emitted in the same 'wave' and 'frequency.' If it weren't for the contract she had with Yuki, Est would be unable to recognize them.

"Eh? What's happening to those two?"

Hestia, like Est, was confused. Both Kurumi and Yuki were staring into each other's eyes, breathing heavily, and if looked closely, saliva could be seen dripping from their mouths.

The desire they had for each other was impressive.

Not to mention the spark gun that this girl, Kurumi, was holding, aimed at Yuki.

"I've been waiting to see you!" x2

Speaking simultaneously, both of their eyes shone.

*Boom, boom

Their hearts were pounding at full throttle.

"Zafkiel!" x2

*Tick, tock

Simultaneously calling their angels, an antique golden clock appeared on their backs.

"I desire you!"

With his Sharingan spinning, Yuki expressed his feelings. Since pressing [Yes], the hidden desire within him went wild.

"You don't know how much I've been waiting for this!"

Kurumi was the same. Since she was invited to the chat room, she had been waiting for this moment, the moment to meet her soulmate.

"Kurumi, your existence belongs to me!"

There was no doubt. Yuki was sure that the woman in front of him belonged to him alone. He could feel it. Zafkiel within him wanted to make that woman his.

"Yuki-san, you were created especially for me! Every part of your body belongs to me! I claim what is mine!"

Kurumi felt the same way. The man in front of her was made exclusively for her. His very existence represented her desire and longing, as if someone had taken pity on her and created this man as a gift for her efforts. Someone who rightfully belonged to her, someone with whom she would share all eternity, someone to become one with...

"That's why I..." x2

Shouting their most primal desires, both took out their weapons, and the shadows beneath them expanded as they stared intensely at each other.

"I will make you mine!"

"I will devour you!"

*Bang, Bang

*Bang, Bang

Pulling the trigger simultaneously, both tilted their heads to dodge the bullets, while the white hands in their shadows attacked each other like whips.


Canceling each other out, the long hands crashed into the ground, raising a dust cloud that covered them.

*Bang, bang, bang.

But this didn't stop them; they continued shooting at each other.

"Splendid! Absolutely splendid! As expected from my soulmate! You make my heart race!"

With a chilling smile, Kurumi was delighted. Every bullet she fired was useless; Yuki's bullet strength far exceeded hers, not to mention his superior reflexes, easily dodging each of her bullets.

But if she couldn't win in power, she could win in speed and skill in using her angel.

"Let's have fun!... Zafkiel: Aleph!"


Shooting herself, Kurumi moved at extreme speeds, instantly appearing in front of Yuki...

Or so she thought, as Yuki, upon seeing Aleph activate, didn't hesitate to fly. This bullet was very problematic, almost unavoidable.

"You won't escape!"

*Bang, Bang

Chasing him, Kurumi continued shooting, while Yuki rotated in the sky, evading each of her projectiles.

"Yes! This is how it should be! Let's dance! Hahaha"

*Bang, bang

Laughing, Yuki shot back. This battle made his blood boil, and the same was true for Kurumi.

"Toki Hami no Shiro!" x2

Again simultaneously, both activated their ability, with their shadows expanding over each other, covering all of Orario in their barrier.

"Kihihihi... This is not over yet! Come on, everyone, come out!"

"Hahahaha... Come out!"

With their shadows expanded, several clones materialized, covering a large part of the sky.

They didn't know how many there were, but there were hundreds of them in the sky, especially Kurumi, who summoned more than double Yuki's clones.

"Kihihi, this is fun."

"Yuki-san looks very delicious~"

"Ah~ ah~, Yuki-san~"

With terrifying smiles on their faces, Kurumi's clones looked at Yuki. At the same time, they licked their lips and aimed their spark guns at him.

"Hahaha, the party is just beginning!"


The same was true for Yuki, who had a burning look in his eyes.

"All right, then~... Shall we continue?"

"Let's do it!"

*Bang, Bang


TN: Shit went 0 to 100 real soon