
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 199: Rex Monster


"Here it comes, get ready, Est."

[Yes, Master.]

Taking a battle stance, Yuki maneuvered his sword. This floor marked the end of the waterfall, signifying a vast lake named Lolog de Melen and consequently the nest of the Rex Monster, the two-headed dragon, Amphisbaena.

Since entering floor 25, the dungeon had accumulated immense energy on this level. Yuki knew that facing this Rex Monster wouldn't be easy.

"What's happening!?"

It goes without saying that the adventurers on the boat were shocked. They were sailing peacefully on the lake, expecting to cross it and reach the next floor, but now...


Unfortunately, their questions were swiftly answered. Emerging from the water with a tremendous impact, two massive black dragon heads appeared. That wasn't all; the heads rose, and two enormous scaly necks, each over 20 meters long, covered a part of the lake.


Roaring, the colossal black heads opened their eyes. The right head had red eyes, while the left one had blue eyes.

Needless to say, the adventurers instantly recognized the monster. The huge necks and dragon-like body made it easily identifiable.

"Oh, damn! We're screwed!"

"What is this doing here?! Wasn't the Amphisbaena dragon supposed to have died yesterday?"

"No, that's not the Amphisbaena dragon. This one is black."

"Since when the heck is it black!?"

"Hey! Does that even matter!?"

Panic spread among the adventurers on the boat. They lamented their bad luck since this monster typically took a month to reappear after being killed. That's why these adventurers didn't hesitate to take the boat, thinking that with this one dead, no other monster posed a threat.

"Wow, that darn thing is beautiful."

Smiling, Yuki praised the dragon's beautiful body, its jet-black scales constantly shimmering.


Roaring again, the dragon ignored the small boat, focusing on its target – Yuki.



However, this didn't prevent the waves from hitting the boat, almost causing it to collapse.

Fortunately, the waves pushed the boat away from the jet-black dragon.

"Let's go, Est!"

[Yes, Master!]


Expanding his smile, Yuki didn't hesitate to move forward, creating a small impact wave.


Observing this, the dragon roared again. Simultaneously, its left head exhaled blue flames, causing the temperature to rise several degrees in an instant.


However, this didn't affect Yuki in the slightest. He skated on the water with great agility, much like a professional skier on snow, easily dodging the fire breath.

However, it wasn't over. The right head accumulated energy, simultaneously releasing a powerful lightning bolt.



But this only made Yuki laugh maniacally as he swung his sword, colliding head-on with the lightning breath.



For Shakti Varma, life had been tumultuous in recent days.

Life in Orario had been very bothersome since a legendary figure was mentioned among the gods, turning several families, including hers, upside down.

Her God was excited about it, sending them to the dungeon three days ago to find powerful monsters to tame for a spectacle.

There was no doubt that her God wanted to impress that legendary figure. With no other option, Shakti decided to venture into the deep floors to capture monsters from floors 30 or 32. To do that, they had to kill the Rex Monster on floor 27. So her group split into two, with almost all members at level 5, killing the two-headed dragon and capturing monsters from the deep floors.

She, of course, did not participate in the hunt but handled provisions and transportation. Taking another level 5 adventurer with her, Shakti stayed with the rest of her family with lower levels.

So, upon reaching floor 27, she didn't hesitate to use a boat to carry cages and provisions, believing that with the Rex Monster threat resolved, they had nothing to fear.

"Hey, look at that guy..."

But as she crossed her arms, waiting for the boat to reach the other side, a small commotion occurred with her members.


Turning her head, Shakti widened her eyes.

There was a boy with a mask and strange clothes walking calmly on the water.

Needless to say, her common sense was shattered by this boy.


As if that weren't enough, the boy turned his head, greeted her with a wave, and winked.

This only added chaos to her already confused mind.


However, as she tried to understand what kind of artifact could make a person walk on water, the lake began to fluctuate.

"What's happening!?"

With several thoughts running through her head, Shakti frowned.


"This is not good..."

And upon seeing the massive dragon heads emerge from the water, Shakti's expression sank.

After all, her family had supposedly defeated this monster a day ago, so its reappearance was impossible.

"No, this isn't the Amphisbaena dragon. This is different."

Examining the black scales instead of white, Shakti quickly analyzed the situation. However, her expression sank further because this monster was larger and seemed stronger than the ordinary two-headed dragon.

With only two level 5 adventurers on the boat and several at level 3, taking down this monster seemed impossible. So her only solution was to escape, but even that was in doubt since their boat wasn't faster than this beast. Shakti was already contemplating a plan where the fewest members of her family would die.


Fortunately, the monster didn't pay them any attention. It was interested in the masked boy walking on water.


As the waves pushed her boat away from the monster, Shakti relaxed. At the same time, she felt guilty for leaving the boy to his fate.

"There's nothing to be done; being an adventurer requires risks."

Consoling herself with those words, Shakti looked at the boy with pity.

However, what happened next left her speechless.

She saw the boy run towards the two-headed dragon without hesitation.

"He's insane!"


But as if that wasn't enough, Shakti opened her mouth as she watched the boy skate on the water, skillfully dodging the fire breath.

"This... is..."

Shaking her head a couple of times, refusing to believe what her eyes saw, Shakti sighed.



Hearing the laughter, Shakti didn't know what to say as she watched the boy withstand the lightning breath with his sword. After all, dodging was one thing, but receiving it was entirely different. Trying to resist that attack would be a grave mistake, yet again, the boy surprised her by enduring it.

"I must be seeing things..."

Sighing, Shakti escaped from reality. Today was the craziest day for her...


TN: Hmm kinda beeen some time since we saw the chatroom interaction