
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 104: Calm Before the Storm

"It was about time this fell into my hands."

With a smile on his face, a silver-haired man murmured while holding a metal cylinder, gazing at it fervently. This man was the ultimate authority of GHQ in Japan.

"That's right, General Yan. With this, your plans will come to fruition."

Assisting Yan was a beautiful blonde woman named Emily, Yan's secretary.

"You're right... Haha, but it's a surprise. Shuichiro actually dared to steal this thing. Well, he did a good job."

Satisfied, Yan smiled at Emily. With this Apocalypse Rock in his hands, his ambition to become the President of the United States would no longer be a dream.

Although he didn't know why Shuichiro would risk stealing this rock, it was now a good excuse to take it. After all, the facility where it was located was one that even he couldn't access.

(No matter, I have to bring him back.)

Despite his doubts, Yan didn't hesitate to return to the United States. Staying longer in Japan was dangerous, with the Undertakers lurking and the remaining nations potentially entering conflict. Keeping this rock was no longer safe. With each passing day in Japan, chaos escalated, and he wouldn't be surprised if the United Nations joined the fray.

"Let's go back."

"As you command, General."

With a smile on her face, Emily assisted, taking Yan's hands.

It was needless to say what kind of relationship they shared.


"Well done, Shuichiro. With this, all the rats will be forced out of their holes."

Floating with an apple in his hand, Yuu looked at Shuichiro, now tied to a chair in a metal cage with a blindfold.

Yuu had to admit that stealing the Apocalypse Rock was a good move. He also wanted to steal it, but it was a pity that the protection system in that area was too complicated, even for him.

"Um, everything is going as planned."

"Hehe, that's right. With so many humans in Tokyo, it would be a waste not to take advantage."

With a dangerous glint in his eyes, Yuu thought about all those OAU and Undertaker soldiers, not to mention the ordinary people. Tokyo was a feast for his eyes, with so much energy. Reviving Eva would be a piece of cake.

(I hope you don't regret it, Yuki Uchiha.)

With a smile on his face, Yuu wanted to see what kind of expression Yuki would have when he found out that all his efforts to protect Eva (fake) would be in vain.

(It's time for the true King to claim his throne.)

Turning his body, he glowed before disappearing. After all, he still had to send the true Adam in search of Eva.

On the other hand, Shuichiro remained silent. He didn't know what thoughts were passing through his head, but after a moment, he smiled like a child who found a new toy.


"Our goal this time is to retrieve the Apocalypse Rock."

Pressing a button, the screen in front of Gai flashed, displaying an image of the rock.

"Our spies have confirmed that the rock is in General Yan's possession. We must prevent him from leaving Japan with it, so we need to stop the plane he's on."

Looking at all the members of Undertaker, Gai furrowed his brow. This mission was of utmost importance, so a single mistake was not allowed.

"All right, I'll assault the plane and retrieve the rock."

"No, Yuki. Your job will be to distract GHQ and OAU."

Although it was rare for Yuki to take the initiative in missions, Gai didn't allow Yuki to assault the plane. After all, Tokyo was already in chaos with OAU and GHQ facing off. Trying to steal the Rock was a challenge, so Yuki would be more effective distracting these two forces.

"As you say..."

Yuki, on the other hand, didn't argue. It was the same anyway, so he just shook his head and shrugged.

However, Tsugumi and Ayase frowned deeply. After all, Yuki had warned them that all of this would happen. Every action and word they heard had been described by Yuki a day ago. It was as if he really could see the future.

(Damn traitor!)

Looking at the mole with hatred, Tsugumi gritted her teeth as she cursed in her mind. She couldn't believe it, but the truth was right in front of her.

The same went for Ayase; her eyes became teary as she clenched her fist. She felt deeply hurt by this person, but she sighed, trying to calm herself.

"That's all. Our operation starts in two hours. Get ready."

Dispersing, both Ayase and Tsugumi refused to stay another minute in that room.

Yuki, looking at them, just shrugged before taking Inori's hand and following them.


"Yukin, is it true? Are we just tools?"

After walking for several minutes, the group was now outside the Undertaker base. Seeing that they were alone, Tsugumi couldn't help but ask.

"No, you are the most important people to me in this world. I won't let anything happen to you."

These words made both Tsugumi and Ayase look at him with tears in their eyes.

They couldn't understand why this person was doing all this, but if what Yuki said was true, then death was what they expected.

And Yuki was furious about this; the mole had touched his bottom line, so he would make sure to make him pay. After all, Yuki didn't lie when he said they were the most important to him in this world.

As for Inori, she hugged Yuki's body; something inside her felt a lot of fear, so she held onto him tightly.

"Inori... It's okay. Everything is okay."

Caringly stroking her hair, Yuki understood Inori's fear, but this had to end.


But while being embraced by Inori, Tsugumi and Ayase approached, hugging him as well. Yuki was the only person they could trust now, so being close to him made them feel safe, as if a great wall was protecting them from the world.

(No matter what, I will protect them.)

Despite only having known each other for a month, for Yuki, that month felt like years.

So, looking at the sky, Yuki frowned.

(Now then, it's your turn, Yuu.)

There were many traps scattered, and he would make sure all his enemies fell into them.


TN : Help I've been kidnapped and they are asking for powerstones please save me :(