
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Among Us 3: To Be Popular Is To Be Stabbed To Death

With the sound of the game activating, several avatars gathered in the command room of the spaceship.

"Emperor of Time (Champion): Well, let's continue the game..."

"Biri-Biri: Don't think you'll get away with it again, Uchiha-san!"

"Black Belly Princess: Huhuhu, let's keep playing."

"Golden Darkness: Traitor..."

"Guilty Crown:..."

"Love Sick: Come on! Come on! Start!"

After Yuki won the first game, Mikoto quickly challenged him to another, and the same happened with the other members. Each of them hoped to seek revenge; being humiliated and betrayed didn't sit well with them.

"Emperor of Time (Champion): Alright, let's wait for the other members."


Fortunately, the other members didn't take long to connect, and their avatars appeared in the control room.

"Nightmare: So, this is among us? Interesting~"

"Silver Witch: This... What should I do?"

While Kurumi's avatar ran in circles, Emilia's avatar looked around. After all, this was new to her. Yuki briefly explained what she should do in this game, but more than half of the explanation went over her head. On the other hand, Kurumi was eager to start.

"Emperor of Time (Champion): Welcome, and let's start the game... Emilia, just follow the yellow arrow."

With a brief explanation, Yuki didn't want to complicate things and repeated what he had said, initiating the game.


[Crew, there is an imposter among us]


With the start sound, multiple avatars appeared in the command room.

"Hump! Don't think you'll fool me again."

Snorting with coldness, Mikoto didn't trust anyone. The last time her carelessness cost her the game, and now she was determined not to let her guard down, running to prevent others from following her.

Following her example, everyone scattered to complete their missions. However, this time, no one followed Yuki. As the traitor, no one was willing to trust him anymore.

Folia was the same. Being the first to die, she didn't run towards the electricity; that place wasn't safe. Instead, she ran towards the meteor zone, where the yellow arrow pointed. However, before clicking on [Use], she looked around to avoid being surprised and killed like the last time.


Not seeing anyone, she clicked on what appeared to be a screen with several passing meteors.

*Beep... Beep...

Unfortunately, while Folia was shooting the meteors, the screen was large enough to cover her view, preventing her from noticing an avatar coming out of the vent.

*Stab... Stab.

With her screen interrupted, Folia opened her eyes as she saw her avatar being stabbed to death.

"Die! Die! Dieeee! Bitch!"

Yuno, on the other hand, had a terrifying smile while stabbing Folia's avatar. She had wanted to do this for a long time.

Folia continued making jokes, pushing her limits. This girl dared to flirt with Yuki, and she had to die.

Now, seeing her avatar alone and unprotected, Yuno didn't hesitate to kill her.

"You deserve it for being a slut!"

*Stab... Stab.

Spitting and kicking the corpse, Yuno once again lowered her knife, cutting the stomach of the avatar, creating a gruesome scene.

Seeing her work done, she quickly slipped away. But before doing so, she made sure to kick the avatar's face once more, forming a pool of blood, and Folia's adorable face became disfigured.

This is a brutal scene...

"Wow~ What a temper Miss Gasai has."

Folia blinked, her ghost leaving her body, surprised by all the hatred Yuno had for her. She had to admit, Yuno had a talent for dismembering people.


Quickly gathering, the avatars looked at Folia's brutally murdered body.

"Emperor of Time (Champion): Ughhh... This is a bloody scene."

Inhaling a breath of cold air, Yuki felt a terrible chill down his spine. After all, Folia's body had guts hanging out, and her face was disfigured. Fortunately, the game censored this a bit; otherwise, girls with weaker minds wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Biri-Biri: Ugh! I don't know what to say... This is too much."

"Nightmare: The one who did this has a lot of hatred."

"Silver Witch: Poor thing..."

"Golden Darkness: First Blood... Again."

"Guilty Crown: First blood x2."

Shaking their heads, each member prayed for Folia's soul. At the same time, Kurumi looked at Yuno.

"Emperor of Time (Champion): Did anyone see anything?"

Again, everyone shook their heads. Even Yami, who reported, didn't see anything. However, they looked suspiciously at Yuno.

"Love Sick: No, no, no, you won't kick me out again. They did it before and were wrong."

Being seen that way, Yuno responded immediately. It had happened before, and she refused to be expelled again without evidence.

"Biri-Biri: As much as I want to deny it, she's right."

Feeling guilty, Mikoto supported Yuno. Last time, they kicked her out on suspicion without any evidence, only to later discover she wasn't the killer.

That's why Mikoto didn't want to make the same mistake again.

"Emperor of Time (Champion): Since no one saw anything and there's no evidence... Let's all skip and continue with the game."

Agreeing with his words, everyone 'skipped,' but they also kept an eye on Yuki and Yuno, as both were terribly suspicious. Yuki for being an impostor in the previous game, and Yuno for being Yuno...

There was no logic in their suspicions, but knowing her, it wouldn't be a surprise if she killed them.

[No one was executed]

Continuing the game, once again, everyone scattered. However, this time, they carefully watched their backs, afraid of being the next to die.

"Let's avoid all the arrows for now..."

Evading the missions, Yuki reached the camera room. He already had a suspect, but he lacked evidence. So, he thought about monitoring the ship while the other members did their missions.

Of course, he made sure to watch the sewer and monitor the doors. Unfortunately, no one was willing to trust him; otherwise, he would have liked to go in pairs.

"Come on, Mikoto, trust me!"

As always, Mikoto was like a headless chicken, running up and down to complete missions. However, unlike before, every time she looked at an avatar, she avoided it without reservation. Her previous death was affecting her.


Closing the camera view, Yuki broke into a cold sweat. After all, the doors had closed, and he knew what that meant.


With his avatar running in circles, the sewer opened, and an avatar came out of it.

"Yuno! It's you!"

Seeing the pink avatar with pigtails, Yuki sighed with relief. After all, if it was Yuno, there was a chance she might let him pass. However, he didn't let his guard down and kept a distance. At the same time, his avatar's hands moved up and down in sign language.

[Don't do it, Yuno. If you don't kill me, I promise I'll help you win.]

Of course, this was a lie. In the slightest lapse of attention, Yuki would betray her.

Understanding the message, Yuno responded in the same way, her cute smile forming on her face.

[Sorry, Yuki, but it's your fault. You've been talking to too many girls lately. You already have me. You're mine and no one else's.]

With her smile widening, Yuno took out a knife, the same one she used to kill Folia, as blood was still dripping from it.

"Damn! Damn!"

Yuki, on the other hand, broke into a cold sweat. He ran in circles, hoping the door would open, but unfortunately, Yuno didn't give him that chance.

*Stab... Stab.

Without mercy, Yuno stabbed his avatar, and several tears ran down her face.

"I love you! I love you! I love youuuu!"


Internally sighing, Yuki watched as his little ghost left his body while Yuno had a mad expression on her face, simultaneously stabbing his body.

[Black Belly Princess: As popular as ever, Yuki-sama.]

Beside him, Folia's ghost stretched her ghostly hand, welcoming him to the world of the dead.

[Emperor of Time (Champion): Ugh! As they say, being popular is dying stabbed.]

[Black Belly Princess: Huhuhu]
