
Time Crime

In the investigation of the cheat fund case, in a village called Djbaja, two people started witnessing all the ghostly strange events after two in the night. Honeymoon in a closed room, the current suddenly goes off in a romantic moment. What is that next to Shruti? Skeleton!?

Rocky_Kazi · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

Time Crime [Part 2]

The rain has completely stopped, the moonlight has become stronger. Yes, the current is on, the balcony light is on. (bark) Let's take a walk from the roof. It feels a little boring, it's like I'm in a closed environment. I hope to get some comfort when I go to the roof.

With the light of the torch in hand, I continued towards the roof. I continued to climb the stairs. Wow! What a cold wind, ah! The mind is blown. By now I felt a little relief. I turned off the light. Almost every edge of the roof is clearly visible in the strong light of Jyotsna. The rain has also stopped. Somewhere on the flat surface of the roof, a small touch of cold water creates a strange feeling on the feet. It looks like someone has spread silver on the roof. Let's go to that side of the roof. what is that Ah, suddenly seeing a scene, the blood in my chest froze, with an unknown fear.The hairs stood on end. Who is standing in white clothes. Yes, indeed standing, clothed in white, still.

I don't have to tell my mind anymore, when I suddenly see something unusual like this, I think of them first. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds in fear. Everyone would say that they exist in reality. what to do what to do Ghost! I can't even shout to my father. I can't even say two words with my mouth, it's like I'm dumb. The foot is fixed, not moving from there. Staring for who knows how long. Suddenly, the head of the man wearing white clothes moved a little. Yes, it moved.My fear doubled. Now the vibration started in the whole body. But change the location? No, the location has not changed. I started panicking with fear in my restless mind. where am i Where? Slowly forgetting all the memories, yes I am seeing a ghost, it is a ghost in front of my eyes, a ghost wearing white clothes. I feel a pressure in the throat, the breath is slowly slowing down, the ears are also blocked, it seems as if someone is holding the throat, squeezing my throat, (ah ah owl ah.

Then suddenly there was a gust of wind. Ah! survived I understood the whole thing because of this wind. If it wasn't for the wind, I might have had a heart attack. You might be thinking what's the matter? What do you understand? The thing is, what I have been afraid of for so long is not a ghost dressed in white. Actually it is a banana tree, which is covered with white cloth. What happened was that the white cloth was blown away from the banana tree by the gust of wind. Banana tree, maybe a puja banana tree. He has left it on the roof without doing any charity or has done charity by leaving it on the roof.

The throat is like dry wood. Fear of what I do is like a boneless leg piece. But I was scared like this, you might call me a coward, right? What else can be done? There is no difference between surprise and fear when an unexpected event happens suddenly in front of human eyes. I was not afraid at all, because all the unwanted events are happening, I got a little more afraid. Now I'm glad there's no such thing as a ghost story, it's all a weed story.
