
Time and Space Dimension Cross (Four: Miraculous Magicans In Paris)

Although Rei and Nide are sisters and brothers, they lived separately because of a divorce. Now, an interesting coincidence made them realised that they should come back together and teach their parents a lesson. With their friends, they travel to Paris for a magic show in the holidays, only to find that the mysterious organization is after Kaito Kid. As the superheroes of Paris lends a hand to the fight, will they succeed in defeating this organization? I do not own Magic Kaito nor Miraculous.

SilenceasDeduction · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Showcase 2: Nide tia Ches, a Refined Detective

"Wanna come to the magic show? My mom says that I can take two other people other than Hakuba, Aoko, me and Akako." Kaito asks Rei the next day.

"Sure, I mean, why not? Just when is it?"

"What? You have work to do?"

"Yeah, kinda. I have a part-time job."

"Oh, I never know that. What is it?"

"I'd rather not say that. It's classified."

A classified job, is it? I wonder. Kaito thought. She must be a busy girl. "In that case, it after the last day of school, I will tell you when, like, three days before the trip, okay?" "Sure." Rei answers, she has a job entry to the Public Police Bureau of Japan because of an incident on the weekend.

Flashback (In Rei's POV)...

"Breaking news: A bus is hijacked and is now going through the streets towards Beika Park!"

Beika Park! Isn't that the place I am now? I thought. I have to save the passengers on the bus to safety. A coach comes charging forward to Beika Park. As it passes, just in a slight second, I push her legs with all her might and jumps on to the bus's roof with a "thong". All that Gym Classes aren't for nothing. Then I heard another "thong". Another girl about her age jumps on the bus as well. She has a foreigner's looks, although she has black hair and eyes. She looks at me, and says, "You are brave to jump on this bus and save these people." "Well, same goes for you."

"We are going to work together on this one, that means?"

"Yeah, though I have a plan."

"Let me guess, busting the doors?"

"Yeah. You can hold me while I kick the front door's glass, then you can come in through the door with a flip, grabbing the edge of the door."

"Fine by me."


She locks her hands on both my arms. A firm grip.


We move closer towards the front, where the position of the door is. I set up the trapeze move on the edge.


She bends her knees a bit, but still balances on the roof. I leap, push all the strength and then, as I swing back, I straighten my legs and bash the door's glass. The two side door breaks, though I have to manoeuvre my body to fit through it. She drops me, so I swing on to the bus, and says to the girl up on the roof in English, "Come down, I have a steady ground. You might need to position yourself a bit!"

Then I hear an "Okay." before I hit the guy behind me with a fist. I move out a bit before the black hair girl jumps in.

A gunshot.

"You two girls!" The armed person shouts, "You think you can hide from my gun?"

The black haired girl smirks. I do, too.

"What? You think you can?"

"Let's try, idiot." The black haired answers. She gives me a sign. I instantly know her plan.

We walk forward. The speed of a bullet from a handgun is 1,700 mph, and if you want to dodge it, you have to react before the sound. I concentrate on the muzzle of the gun. The finger twitches and moves to pull the trigger. I crouch. The gun fires. The bullet zip passes me over my head and hit the wall of the bus. Just in time, the other girl comes forward at the armed man, knocks out the man, and the tense atmosphere softens.

At the corner of the bus, a man with light pink hair, wearing glasses, smirks, while another blond man sneaks a smirk as well.

That is how I first meet Amuro-san, AKA Furuya Rei, and also a member of the Shizuko Family, Kushina Shizuko. And that is also how I got into this Public Police and B.O. Swipeout Stuff.

Time Skip...

"Furuya-san." Yuya Kazami says as Furuya Rei approaches him. I follow him towards the man, "May I ask?"

"Yeah, Kazami?"

"Furuya-san, who is this lady behind you?"

I look at him, then look at Furuya, "My name is Rei Hiro (English), Hiro Rei (Japanese), and also Cyn tia Ches (English again). Just call me Rei, it fine. I know I have a lot of names."

"Fine by me. Furuya-san, is she joining our group, like the new Hiromitsu Morofushi-san?"

"You can say that. I need to talk to you personally, Rei."

"Hai, hai. (Yes, yes.)" I say.

We walk into a corner together, or rather, Furuya comes to the edge, and I follow. "Okay. I will tell you what happened to Hiro."

"You don't have to tell me, I know. Hiromitsu-san died during the infiltrating in the organisation, did he?"

"How'd you know?"

"Learned some phycological skills."

"Fine, but do you know what Hiro and I were doing?"

"Infiltrating, and Hiro's identity of an undercover was uncovered by someone, and he decides to kill himself, so no one will know who he really is, like the background and family stuff, well, except you, sir, of course."

"How did you know all that?"

"Meh, I learn my way through how people think, Furuya-san."

I know. It is scary, but something in me tells me that I can read minds and memories. After the tutoring lessons by Trivia, a girl I met on my way back home one day, I was about to see their backstories and memories in their mind, their emotions as well. She taught me some simple hand signs and the language she uses. Just by using that, though, I was able to reach into an object's past and the start of its birth and creation. It was like a whole other dimension.

"Wow, then you will come in handy in the organisation."

"Thanks. Now, first, we need to face Kazami-san."

"Like I don't know."

Furuya-san brings Kazami-san away from me, and there goes the first meeting.

Backtrack to: Edoka High School

"Rei-san? Rei-san?" Aoko's voice snaps Rei out of her thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, Nakamori-san. I was just deep in thought for some time."

"What were you thinking?" Kaito comes into the conversation.

"Ah, personal info. Private stuff. Let's not talk about it." Rei gives Kaito a look of "I'll talk to you about this later.", And Kaito nods. He understands, then that's good, Rei thought.


"Erika Sensei walks into the classroom. She coughs to get all the student's attention. "Okay, students, today we have a new student." "Another one?" Kaito asks. "Bakaito! That's not nice!" Aoko shouts. "Well, I don't care, Ahoko!" They start to argue again. Life... Rei thought. "Would you two stop for a second?" Erika Sensei says. They froze in action. Thank you, Erika Sensei, you saved my life! Rei thought. "I would like you all to meet Nide tia Ches." "What... Wait..." Rei processes the name. What the hell! "Why in the world are you here?" Rei pushes her chair back, runs to the new boy and pins him to the wall while yelling at him in English.

"What... Why are you here, sis?" The new boy replies in English.

"Remember? We weren't allowed to meet each other ever since that stupid divorce! You shouldn't come!"

"Mom sent me here, she doesn't know you are here as well!"

"So that means mom doesn't know?"


"Fine, I won't tell dad about this, you won't tell mom about this. If either of us does, we're dead."

"Like that's not obvious."

"Hiro-san!" Erika Sensei shouts, "What's this about?"

"Don't you dare punish me, Sensei. We are long lost siblings from a divorce my idiotic parents made. We aren't supposed to meet each other, or even say anything about each other, but today feels unbelievable. I cannot control my excitement." Rei explains in Japanese.

"That is your brother?" Kaito asks.

"But he looks nothing like you!" Aoko joins in.

"I inherited mom's features of a foreigner, and my sis inherited my dad's Asian features. Though we both have blue eyes." Nide says in Japanese.

"So your mom's last name is tia Ches?" Hakuba asks.

"Yeah... And you are?"

"Hakuba Saguru. Nice to meet you."

"Well, is it okay if I call you Hakuba?"

"It's fine, everyone calls me Hakuba in this school."

"Have I heard of you somewhere? Perhaps in England?"

"You should know him if you lived in England, Nide." Kaito interrupts, "He is a famous detective." He glares at him, shooting him a look that tells him "I don't like you, eww". He flinches with disgust and grunts.

"And you are?" Nide asks.

"Kuroba Kaito, nice to meet you!" He clicks his fingers, a poof of smoke, and a blue rose.

"This is how he greets people every time." Rei rolls her eyes and says to Nide in English.

"Oh, so you are the famous magician's son?" Nide ignores Rei and continues the conversation.

"Of course! My dad is Kuroba Toichi! The world's famous magician!"

"And yet you are in this school talking about your girlfriend's underpants colour. I wonder what that is about." Rei says coldly.

"Yeah! What's that about, Kaito!" Aoko shouts at Kaito.

"Well, hehe..."

"Just an average pervert who is really active around his little girlfriend, I presume?" Nide says, not even getting mad, smiles and says.

"Oh my, that stung, Nide."

"Oops, I didn't know that. And who are you, young lady?"

"Nakamori Aoko. And I am not, emphasising not, Kaito's girlfriend!"

"Woah! Calm down, girl!" Nide says, still a happy prince.

"What are you two doing?" Akako joins in.

"Who're you, miss?" Nide asks.

"Koizumi Akako."

"Okay," Nide says, not a hint of love was shown when he locks eyes with the witch. Akako's heart skips a beat. He can resist the magic, just like Kaito.

"Just who are you?" Aoko asks, voicing Akako's thought.

"Well, an average high school boy with sharp observation skills and logic." Nide answers shrugging.

"Frankly a detective." Hakuba finishes the sentence with a full stop.

"Maybe." Rei and Nide say in unison.

Okay, Kaito remarks sarcastically to himself, two detectives, one witch, an annoying girlfriend and one secretive, mysterious girl. I need to keep alert and add some complications to my tricks in my heists. This is great. Just great.


I finally finished this! I was so busy trying to write file 6 for my third story. I almost died doing it.

Sorry, but thanks for reading!

Sorry, thank you and goodbye!

Silence as Deduction/Sweet Silent Death

Till next update!