
Sugar Daddy

"Not really, even if she did have a boyfriend, never really told us anything about it." Brenda said.

"O...." before I could say anything more Bella interrupted "I saw her with a guy at puja night."

"Who was it?"

"I don't know and didn't really had a great look at that man and I wasn't really comfortable telling it to police so now I will tell you." Bella said

"When and where did you see her?"

"Around 11:50 near the water shore where the washroom is placed."

"10 min before she disappeared forever, interesting. What were you doing there Bella?"

"I came out of the washroom after changing my dress."

"Why would you change you dress in the middle of puja? And I know all of you guys, you guys might not be interested in social media and being in spotlight almost the time but to maintain your family status you guys never repeat dress in a function ever ever."

"Yeah, I know but we have to when our dress is ruined. My dress was ruined because of cocktail."

"But how did cocktail fall on you?"

"It was Lisa. That is the reason we fought and cops thought it could have something with her disappearance but it was just she fell in me with cocktail in her hand."

"That's impossible!!!" Dave said.

"Why?" I asked Dave.

"She was wearing high heels." Dave answered.

"Even more reason to fall down." I kept my point.

"Yes, but heels are her alley, she can never fall down in heels because like you me and normal girls are with sports shoes or no shoes she is like that with heels." Brenda answered.

I gave a thought again. She was most comfortable with heels and yet fell down with that on her which means she was stressed. Was she followed? Then why not tell someone? Was she threatened?


"Well Bella, why didn't you buy another dress and instead wore an old one?" I asked because they love wearing new dress yet instead of buying she sent her driver to get her some dress of her? Why to do that?

"It was Monday and we all go to shopping on Tuesdays together, it is like a ritual. We don't buy ever on any other days but Tuesdays." Sammy another friend answered.

"Yeah!!! Shopping Tuesdays. My sister used to follow it like she will die if not followed." Dave answered.

"Bella tell me everything exactly in the same pattern that happened that night at puja ground."

"Sure..... FLASHBACK....

We all arrived at around 8 PM and enjoyed a lot then around at 9:30 she spilled drink on me then we had a little fight before going to washroom to clear it up and realized we need new dress. So I sent my driver back home. I think around 10 she went back to her home. I thought she was feeling guilty of what she did, I decided to tell her it was ok after I change. I was changed and ready by 11:50 when I came out I saw her fight with a man. He seemed to be a middle aged man and giving her an envelope. I didn't disturb her and went back to my friends but she never came to us.


"Was she carrying anything?"

"She was carrying a black knapsack."

"But she didn't have one earlier." Sammy pointed out.

"What was she wearing?" I asked

"The dress didn't change, it was the same." Bella answered.

"Let's go guys and book the dress we saw today earlier or it might happen like the jumpsuit I wanted to buy. The black leather one which I wanted to buy but was sold away." Sammy said

"Thanks guys." I said because I was done with all questions and had no more questions about her but I did have many more on her disappearance.

A girl following a shopping trend like a ritual, breaking it on the day she is about to disappear? Well what does that tell you?

"Dave, now I have some questions for you."

"Any behavior change of your sister telling you something is not right?"

"Not really. Except the fact that she started feeling farther away from us. Like not talking much and stuffs during the puja time. And also we found money at her dressing table like real cash. We didn't think of it much but now I think it is important to know."

Wow!!! I felt like this girl had a lot going before disappearing.

"Do you think that the old man she was seen with was a sugar daddy?"

Was lisa followed? Who was she fighting with? All questions will be answered continue reading...