
Chapter 78

It wasn't until late at night that the armored vehicles arrived at Sky Crystal City.

As the political center of Blue Star, Sky Crystal City is still a lot more prosperous than Glimmer City.

The high-rise buildings and glazed lights are all rare sights in the current Blue Star.

After the armored vehicles entered the city, they were greeted by the Celestial Legion.

The military still attaches great importance to the students who come to take the elite exam.

"Classmates, follow the legionaries, and they will take you to your accommodation."

Zhang Hongcai looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"We have to go back to our lives, and hope you get good results in the exam."

Tian Yuanlong and others also bid farewell to Lin Yu.

Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao also added Lin Yu's friends because of their previous battles.

Said that there will be a chance to buy his various special items in the future.

The various special items Lin Yu used before really made them greedy.

Used well, sometimes it is a treasure that can turn the tide of battle!

Lin Yu naturally has no opinion.

"Then I should go back too."

Zuo Lecheng also bid farewell to Zuo Muge.

He still has a lot of work to be busy in Glimmer City.

If it were not for the safety of Zuo Muge, he would not have accompanied him all the way.

Lin Yu and others got into the car following the legionaries.

Before long, they arrived at the official hospitality hotel.

"Except for you, people from several cities have already arrived. The elite exam will be the day after tomorrow. You can move in after registration. You can move freely tomorrow."

A soldier who brought them over explained to them with a smile.

Many students suddenly brightened their eyes, revealing an expression of excitement.

The outside of the city is very dangerous, and most people have never been out of the city when they grow up.

What's more, it is a center like Sky Crystal City?

Most people want to stroll around.

Of course, there are also some children from big families, such as Yanji, Zuo Muge, and Xu Pengtian. They often go to other cities, and they don't feel particularly excited.

But Zuo Muge took Lin Yu's hand and smiled and said:

"Ayu, I know the food in a store is really delicious! Let's go to eat together tomorrow~"!"

Yan Ji glanced at Zuo Muge:

"Is that famous chef?"

"Well, you must go to that place to come to Tianjing!"

Zuo Muge said with a smile.

Yan Ji nodded: "It's really good."

Lin Yu nodded when both of them said it was delicious.

"Then let's go together."

"Boss, boss, take me with you? I'll ask you to eat!"

Xu Pengtian posted it immediately.

After Lin Yu took Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao to kill all the murloc attackers, he became more like Collins.

Before Lin Yu spoke, Zuo Muge and Yan Ji looked at him coldly.

Does this person have no vision at all?

Can't you tell that they are going on a date?

Being stared at by the two people's eyes coldly, Xu Pengtian's cold sweat came out.

He smirked:

"Just kidding, I'm just kidding."

Everyone got off the car one after another, went to the hotel to register, and then allocated rooms.

Everyone has a separate room of their own.

In the past few days, the entire hotel is prepared for elite students.

The official hotel looks simple but clean.

After returning to the room, Lin Yu took a shower to deal with the previous harvest.

Most things are sold for money, Tier 3 and Tier 4 equipment and the like, he can't use it at all.

However, there are two master skill books, and two Tier 1 amulets that can be used.

"Wind Light Technique": e+ level skills consume a certain amount of mana per second and increase movement speed by 20%.

"Lightning Strike": D-level skill, release a bolt of lightning to strike the enemy, causing huge damage.

The previous wave of killing all the murloc attackers had a huge effect, and he was allocated more than six million experience.

Raising the level to the first level 4, his magical attack power reached a terrible 8078 points.

Even the physical attack power is over a thousand.

To be reasonable, the same level of Emperor-level warrior type occupation, even with a hammer, he can be hammered to death.

Unless they have a full set of C-level equipment.

Coupled with more than 11 thousand blood volume.

Lin Yu's face became weird.

He feels like he is quite fierce even with a wand hammering people?

Why don't you find a chance to engage in a sword and the like, cut people to play?

Lin Yu shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

There are more than one million experience left.

It would take nearly tens of millions of experience to advance to Tier 5, which is not enough.

But it's enough for the increase.

Lin Yu put two skills into the increase column.


After the light flashed, the two skills changed.

"Ding, congratulations to player Lin Yu, the e+ level skill wind light technique has been multiplied by a hundred times, and it has become the c+ level skill wind dance step."

"Ding, congratulations to player Lin Yu, the d-level skill Lightning Strike has been multiplied by a hundred times, becoming a b+ level skill Black Lightning."

Wind Dance Step (c+)

Consumption of mana per second, speed increase, up to 300%

If flying in the sky, the mana consumed per second is three times the normal value.

Cooling time: None

Lin Yu was taken aback, with some surprises.

Up to three times the speed can be directly increased.

Because he is an eternal trial, each level increases by 50 agility.

His current agility is no longer low, and his speed is naturally full.

If it is tripled, even Tier 4 or Tier 5 assassins and shooters will not be able to pass him, right?

And… can you fly? !

He tried it out with a wind dance step, and the breeze lifted him up.

Lin Yu floated to the sky.

The first time he flew, it was a bit difficult to control his balance. After shaking for a while, he could control himself.

After flying in the small room, Lin Yu showed a smile.

This skill makes him run faster in the future.


Lin Yu looked at another skill.

Black lightning (b+)

Consuming mana, cast black violent lightning on the target, causing high damage and paralyzing the enemy.

Consumes up to 3000 mana points, causing 5000+5* magic attack damage and 3 seconds of paralysis.

Sing chaotically, with a cooling time of 10 seconds.

(Honuo Zhao)   is another extremely powerful attack skill.

With his current magic attack, it can cause more than 40,000 terrifying damage at most.

Of course, minus various defenses, the damage is definitely not so high.

There is a certain damage reduction bonus for high-level to low-level.

However, his threat to high-level enemies is even greater.

At least there will be no failure to break the defense, right?

Coupled with Dark Frostbolt's defense reduction attributes, his explosive ability became very terrifying.

However, the consumption of this skill is also high, and it has almost one-tenth of his mana value at a time.

Lin Yu looked at the two amulets again.

Magic Recovery Amulet (d+zhu)

Intelligence +300

Recover 8%* intelligence mana per second

Use level: first order

Amulet of the Iron Will (d-).

When you are under the control of Tier 3 and below skills, the control effect is automatically touched.

Cooling time: five minutes

Use level: Tier 1.