
Tillian Jean Fansworth (not creepypasta correct story)

how of became who she is today, started freshman year and finished the last few after some writing skill building. don't judge too harsh. also if you a true fan of Creepypasta...it isn't how it's supposed to be like I think for example Jeff isn't a proxie but he is in here. (also copy and pasted straight from Wattpad and any fixing ruined everything)

KierstinIsHere · Others
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12 Chs


         Angel, as a human, walks into the nearest coffee shop, she orders a Carmel Frappe and sits down.

           "Hey," Strife says through an earpiece "You there? You got your coffee?"

            "Yes. Now, what do I say to the police?"

             "Simple, say the name we gave you, and tell them you know of a family with a weird looking child, explain what they look like give them the address you were given, meet them there, and show them the pictures we had Golden Heart take. Then, everything will take care of itself. Kate's due date is soon."


      "Wait! Angel, one more thing."


       "Sound realistic and human. Don't sound like yourself at all. They'll be on your ass in two seconds."

        "Fuck you, I told you I can be human, I can be human."

        "Just make the damn call."


        "See?" Strife says to Slender "I told you, after this, we don't have to worry about that family. Scientists will test on Tiffany and her sister until they accidentally kill them and we'll have Splendorman kill Karen. All you have to worry about is what we're gonna do with Steve."

         "Let this plan succeed and then we'll worry about the parents. You better have a Plan B. If this fails-"

       "I know, I know."

       "Good, now go see what BELLA is up to. I have reasons to be suspicious of her, see what she's doing, search her, search her room. Make sure she doesn't leave to go see Zalgo. I've seen her leave the mansion regularly. Also, she is behind on her killings, she owes 30 corpses."

          "Alright then." Strife says before leaving the room.

         She finds BELLA in BEN's room, she's sitting at the end of his bed as he sleeps.

       "Hello, Ma'am. How are you."

       "We have reasons to believe that you might be betraying us."Strife says, ignoring her.

       BELLA stands up, "Excuse me. I would never do such. I made a promise to Slend-"

       "Give me your purse."

       BELLA picks up her little green purse and throws it at Strife. Strife catches it and glares at her, then searches. The only things in it are small knives and arrows.

         "All cameras in the building and outside the building. Starting within here. Everyone else as more important things so if you fuck with us while we have these extra missions and while fixing Splendor's mistake-"

         "Yeah, yeah I know I'm banished."

         Strife just looks at her then starts laughing.

         "What?" BELLA asks.

        "We would never have banished you, we're not stupid. If you're a fraud, we'll kill you but if you, right now, prove to be a fake. We'll torture you for months give the most painful and long death ever."

           BELLA just glares at Strife before saying "I need to go take a walk."

           "That walk better kill 30 people. You're behind." Strife reminds her as she climbs out the window.


          "FUUCKKK," Karen screams. Tiffany quickly runs to get her dad.

         "Daddy, mommy is having more con-twac-tions."

          Steve runs and writes down the time. "I think Tillian Jean is coming soon hun, and it's almost time for us to move."

           "You liked my idea!" Tiffany says, excitedly.

           "I need a cigarette," Karen demands, "a joint, a shot, SOMETHING!" Karen says before screaming in pain again.

           "Karen, just breathe, calm down. Also, no drugs, no smoking, no drinking"

        "Fuck...You" Karen says in between breaths.

        "I can't wait. I hope she likes dolls and purple and pink. I hope she thinks hearts are cute I hope she likes to play-" Tiffany rants.

       "Honey, I'm sure she will when she's old enough, but at first she's not going to be able to do much, you'll still be able to play."

       "Really? I knew I'd have to wait because mommy told me, but she also said I can't play with her at all until she's 5 and even then I won't wanna play with her at all."


       "It's true, Steven."

        "No it's not, and Tiffany I told you not to listen to her."

        "Sorry, daddy," Tiffany says "I'm going to go play out back."

        "Okay, but stay where you can hear me."

        "I will," Tiffany says, running out the back door. She lays down and looks up at the clouds. A cloud, shaped like a weird dog is straight ahead of her.

        "I'm only HUUUMANN" She sings. At the word human, sound waves fly up and put a hole through the middle of the cloud. She giggles. She goes to do it again before she hears: