
Chapter 17

Even when they got inside and locked the door behind them, Psalm still didn't talk. But Felix wasn't going to push it. He had to keep the bag he was holding inside his room first.

Psalm would probably ask about that. He wondered what he would say in response, since he'd wanted it to be a surprise.

When he returned to Psalm, the other man was standing by the door, leaving Felix to sit by the small table.

"So…" Felix started, unsure what to say.

"I'm waiting for my order to arrive."

Felix's brow furrowed as he asked, "What?"

"That's why I'm standing," Psalm explained. "I ordered you something so I'm waiting for…"

He took out his phone the moment it started ringing. While answering it, he walked out of the room, leaving a totally confused Felix all alone.

"I ordered some food," Psalm said when he walked back in a few minutes later. "I assumed you'd be hungry."

Felix nodded, taking the bags from Psalm's arms, muttering a "thank you."

He went to his kitchen to find out what he bought and was surprised to see plates of jollof rice, meat, and frozen soups too.

"Thank you," Felix said, loudly this time.

He wasn't unused to Psalm doing this, really. Psalm made it his mission to feed him whatever chance he got, and this was when he'd heard that Felix hated cooking. It just gave him more reasons to spend more money.

Psalm gave him a smile in response, accepting the little kiss offered to him. That made Felix wonder if he was annoyed or just quiet because he wanted to be.



"My classmate, yes," Felix confirmed, letting Psalm hold his hand as they walked out the kitchen towards his bedroom.

"I've never seen him around you before."

"We see each other in class, but we're not close. Well, we just got a bit close today. We met at–"

Felix cursed internally. How was this going to be a surprise when the explanation he'd give would ruin everything?!

"At?" Psalm probed as he looked at him. Psalm was seated on the chair by his reading desk, watching Felix get comfortable on the bed.

"At a shopping mall," Felix let out. "Seeing as I had some extra cash, I thought it'd make sense to try and shop. Anyway, we bumped into each other…"

"And that somehow led to him driving you?"

Felix sighed. He still couldn't tell Psalm's exact mood, but he knew the question wasn't innocent.

"Yeah. I was the one that told him to drive me," he answered.

"Okay. You went shopping, so...What'd you buy?"

This is starting to feel like an interrogation.

"A few things," he answered, knowing that wasn't enough for Psalm.

"Like what?"

"I just…I don't want to tell you."

Psalm's demeanor changed. It was almost unnoticeable, but Felix saw it. And now he was in a dilemma.

"I'm guessing he knows what you got, then?" Psalm asked.

Felix sighed for the billionth time. Wouldn't it be better to just tell him it's a graduation gift instead of getting him worked up for no reason? There was no need to cover up anything since he wasn't doing anything wrong. He was feeling guilty by each passing moment.

"Psalm," he began as he came to a decision. "First of all, I don't want you to be upset–"

"Too late.''

"Well… This isn't a matter to be upset over. I'm not hiding anything from you."

At Psalm's raised brow, he sighed again. Yes, that was a funny statement to make.

"I just… It's a surprise!" he said. "I went to get you a gift for graduation and I wanted it to be a surprise."

Psalm stared at him silently before responding, "You don't have to give me a gift, you know."

"Yes," Felix said, now feeling frustrated as he stood up. "But I wanted to. Of course , I know you can get yourself anything and everything, but I wanted you to be excited for even the little things and now…"

He contemplated getting the bag and just throwing it at his boyfriend's face. He'd ruined his surprise. Yeah, his gift may not have been the most expensive, but it was from his heart and he'd taken some time to pick out the colors and designs and–

"Shouldn't I be the one that's annoyed?" Psalm asked, raising goosebumps from Felix's body when he realized how close the other boy was to his body.

"You came unannounced," Felix let out. "If you'd come a few minutes later, you wouldn't even know I had a classmate named Jon and my surprise would still be a surprise. Until it wasn't."

"So… This is all my fault?" Psalm said, sounding amused.

"I don't know… It's nobody's and everybody's fault, I guess."

He heard Psalm sigh as he pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. "You don't have to show me what you got me, you know."

"But it's no longer a surprise. I might as well just give it to you now. You'd probably get something more expens–"

Felix felt himself turned to face a flat chest. Raising his head up, he met Psalm's now amused eyes. He didn't look like how he did a few minutes ago when Jon dropped him off.

"I'll accept whatever you give me, Felix. I don't care what it is, even if it's a pen," he said.

Felix felt more disappointed now. His surprise wasn't even a surprise like that, and it was even less of a surprise now as one of the things in the box was a pen.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Psalm asked, lifting his chin gently. "You really don't have to show me what you got now. Wait till graduation, like you'd planned."

"Okay," Felix said in a small voice.

"What's wrong?" Psalm asked in concern. "Is it because I interrogated you? I'm sorry, I was just curious and I felt bad that you were hiding something from me."

"It's okay," Felix said, knowing that if it were him he'd question him too. "But do you think the gift even matters anymore, since you could guess what it is?"

Psalm brushed his lip against his as he answered, "As long as the gift is from you, and from your heart, I'll treasure it. I normally wouldn't accept it, but you've already gotten it. And you even had to get into some guy's car to do it."

Felix nodded. It's not like he'd seen everything in the box anyway.

"Jon seemed friendly," Psalm said while they stood in each other's arms.

"Yeah. He's quite the talkative too."

"I kinda don't like him."

Felix frowned. "Why?"

Psalm shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe I just want you to myself. Maybe I just think that he'd steal you or something."

Felix laughed. "I don't think he's interested in men, Psalm. You're overthinking."

"He's a stranger to me. So when I saw him with you, I really wanted to interrogate him and everything. He was talking to you like he'd known you all his life. And he's the first guy I've seen you hang out with, so I couldn't help but feel a certain way."

Felix felt quite amused yet touched by his confession. He'd felt the same way several times when his boyfriend had been approached by beautiful women, but he'd kept it to himself. Psalm hadn't done anything to make him feel jealous, and he wasn't going to do it too.

"Jon likes women. He was just trying to be friends with me. I think he's pretty cool and if you don't chase him away, I think apart from Ada, I'd have two friends now."

"What about me?" Psalm asked.

"Friends don't kiss," Felix pointed out. "I bet you wouldn't want me to kiss Ada on the lips–"

"Okay, okay. You're right."

"And Jon seems to be a big fan of yours, so next time you meet him, I'd like you to be nice to him."

Psalm nodded, giving him a deep kiss. "I'll try. For you."

"That was a lot of food you got," Felix said as they laid on his bed after they got tired of standing.

"I don't want you to ever go hungry, I guess. Especially when I have a lot to spare."

Felix nodded. "Thank you again, even though you didn't have to do it. You're very sweet."

"You're welcome. And I think you're very sweet too. Especially your lips," Psalm said, his voice getting lower as he drew him closer into his arms, and their once sweet kiss became deeper than usual.

Felix could feel himself getting hot. Really hot. He wanted to get closer to his fully clothed boyfriend somehow, but he didn't know how to say it. Or whether he should say it. But the moan he let out when Psalm gently bit his neck seemed to have communicated everything.

"You're so pretty," Psalm whispered as he took off Felix's shirt to reveal fair and smooth skin. "So pretty that I could eat you."

Felix gulped as he watched Psalm take off his own shirt to reveal a smooth chest and rock hard abs. It was so beautiful. And the contrast of the colors of their skins made it look more beautiful.

Felix didn't know when he reached out to touch Psalm, but he did. He felt around his upper body, touching his nipples, his abs, reaching back up to touch his lips and doing it all over again. From the sounds Psalm was making, it seemed he was enjoying himself, but he seemed to have some self control because he let Felix touch and kiss him all over as he'd liked.

They could feel how hard they both were, but they said nothing. They were focused on touching and kissing.

Then Psalm's phone rang so loudly that they jumped from each other's grasp. Felix was the one more startled though. His face was now beetroot red as he moved away from a now annoyed Psalm, who gave him a kiss before he grudgingly reached out to grab his cellphone.

Felix didn't say anything at all as he instead stayed silent under the covers of the bed and waited for Psalm to be done with his call. And it was a pretty long one too.