
Till We Collide - BL

Felix is just a young man trying to navigate university life with the help of his wonderful best friend, but then he meets someone who catches his interest. Of course, he tries to avoid him and everything that he's tried to runaway from for the longest time, but it seems like at the moment, he's stuck.

ladyrose_writes · LGBT+
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79 Chs

Chapter 10

Around noon, on his way from class to see Ada, Felix received a call. He didn't even bother to check and answered immediately since his earbuds were in his ear. He also assumed it was his best friend calling for some reason.


"Felix, my boy. How are you doing?"

He almost tripped on his feet when he heard the familiar croak. It was his father.

"Uh… Good afternoon, sir," he said, trying to calm himself down. Unfortunately, calls from his parents, especially his dad, always made him panic.

"Good afternoon." He repeated, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, sir."

He stopped to stand near a building, looking at passersby while answering the call.

"How's school? Hope you're working hard?"

"Yes, sir. I'm working hard, and school is fine."

"Okay." There was a bit of silence before his father spoke again. "Your mother is asleep, so maybe she'll talk to you later."


His father was more of an authority figure that always instilled fear and respect in the house, so there was usually nothing to talk about whenever he was around. Even now that he's staying far away from them. From what he'd heard from his younger siblings, it sounded like he'd changed though.

"I hope you're not doing anything bad, moving with bad company or following girls o."

You mean, boys.

"I'm not, sir," Felix answered, wondering what was the point of the call.

"Good," his father said. "I'm saying this because I know that the school is one for the rich, handsome and beautiful ones… I don't want you to get overwhelmed or carried away by such things."

Unfortunately, his incoming date with Psalm seemed to say otherwise.

"I'm not overwhelmed, dad. I have Ada with me. She's been wonderful and supportive as usual."

His father made a sound of approval. He'd always liked Ada, and he'd made passing comments about Felix working hard to be a 'good boyfriend' for her someday. That was a really funny statement. If only the man knew.

"That's good, that's good. Ada is a wonderful girl."

Felix suddenly felt like his father wanted to say something else, but he couldn't guess what it might be. The man kept taking random pauses and it was getting him curious.

"Dad?" He said.

"I wish you all the best."

"Thank you, sir."

"I'll be praying for you."

"Okay, thank you."

Then the call ended abruptly. Felix had a look of confusion on his face as he stared at his phone, questions going through his mind.


He wasn't able to talk to Ada because she had a…date with Onyema, whom he'd forgotten about for a while. Turns out the guy was loaded despite his shyness around Ada and he eventually got the guts to ask her out. They were going to lunch and going out properly the next day because Ada wanted to spend some time tonight with Felix to get ready for his own date. She was such a sweetheart.

Night came fast and he was worried about what to wear, how he was going to face Psalm, if he really was going to come and what he'd say.

He'd sat Ada down in his room as he told her everything that happened in the morning and sighed in pain as his friend laughed in his face. But it was nothing in terms of what Psalm would probably say.

"If anything happens, call me," she said, excitement and worry dancing in her bright eyes. "I bet he didn't tell you where you were going, though it's definitely somewhere fancy."

"I promise to call you. And yeah, it's definitely somewhere fancy."

It was two guys going on a date, there was no way they were going to have dinner in the eyes of everyone else. And they ended up being right because that was the first thing Psalm said when Felix got in his car when he picked him up. Well the first thing, then a, "You look gorgeous."

Felix contemplated on what to say in response. He'd never been called that word before by anyone, not even his mother, and especially not by a man.

"Thanks," he let out. "I don't know what else to say to you."

Psalm laughed, eyes on the road as he'd started driving. "You don't have to say anything, Felix. I just wanted to compliment you."

Psalm looked and smelled extremely sexy, but there was no way on earth he was going to let that past his lips. He had on a suit, his hair cut low now, an earring on, his fingers were even painted. Felix was curious about the last part, there were so many things he wanted to try.

The drive was quiet, no music playing, just the fresh air from the open windows blowing in. Psalm seemed relaxed and uninterested in starting a conversation, which was good enough for Felix.

"We're here," Psalm announced after a long time of driving.

They'd driven out of school, passed the way to Psalm's house, passed so many places that at some point Felix became nervous. They were at an unfamiliar location, as expected.

"What's this place?" Felix asked, looking around. He'd been awake throughout the drive but he knew he wouldn't be able to get out if he wanted to.

Psalm watched him stare anxiously out the window, not making a move to step out the door.

"A private place where we can have dinner, dance or whatever, if we want to."

Felix turned to meet Psalm's eyes. He didn't seem like he was lying. Even if he was, would he be able to tell?

"Do you want us to drive in?" Psalm asked.

'Special' was the name of the place. It looked very fancy from the gate and sign, so Felix didn't doubt its specialness.

"What a name."

"Yeah," Psalm agreed.

Felix knew Psalm was waiting for his directions, so he decided to give him a nod despite how conflicted he felt. He just hoped he'd be safe, that's all.