
Till The Dawn of Your Night

Jellalian was a wayward youngster who was frequently caught up in chaos. Her parents, who were always preoccupied with their hard careers, were rarely present at home to deal with the consequences of her behavior. Despite her proclivity for causing havoc, a mere phone call from her parents was all that was required to have someone clean up the mess she had created. This pattern lasted until the day she ran into Axea. It happened when Jellalian got into a fight with the leader of a rival school group, which resulted in a stabbing that almost knocked her out. When she woke up, she found herself in a strange room, absolutely bewildered. She had no idea that specific situation would signal a key turning point in her life.

Panda_138 · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Page 04

" Ahh, the rain already stopped and it's already 5 pm, then shall we go to your house now? "

" Yeah, uhm but do you have some clothes for me? "

" oh yeah, wait let me look at my closet "

Axea rushes to her closet and starts to look for a cloth, I smile as I watch her cutely browsing through her closet, I just look at her and the sunset rays were already seeping into the room and I feel warmer than ever.

" Oh I found it!, here Jell does this suit your fashion? "

Axea spin and she was holding a loose black shirt, and white jeans I couldn't reply as I got enthralling by her gummy smile and those dark brown eyes.

" heyy~ Jell on earth~ "

I shake my head as I heard her calling for me.

" I'm sorry, yes that's fine for me I also like black shirts"

" that's great, we should get you dressed up now "

Axea march back to me and she helps me to get dressed up and she goes back to her closet and take a black hoodie and black jeans, she starts removing her shirt, and my face heated up, I immediately look at the window.

" h-hey why are you undressing?! I'm here you know "

" Oh my, does my cutie girlfriend know how to be embarrassed? "

" But still what if I'm a bad person and I do something inappropriate to you? "

I can hear her footstep coming closer and the edge of the bed slightly sink and her hand swiftly grabbed my chin and make me look at her, I got frozen and I can't even move away my gaze from her eyes because in my peripheral vision I know she wasn't wearing her shirt.

" What an innocent youngster you are "

" A-axxi stop seducing me "

I couldn't stop myself from stuttering as she is too close to me, I can already smell her sweet scents, she even go closer to me and huskily whisper to my ear.

" I love how you make those cute expressions, Jell "

" aghh~ "

I quickly cover my mouth as I let out a weird voice as she bite my left ear.

" oh my~ what a cute voice "

" H-hey get dressed up already and stop teasing me, im still a patient "

she just chuckles and finally gets up and I just cover my face not accepting that someone can really make me embarrassed and make me feel helpless.

" Okay Jell let's go "

I look up and she was already done dressing up I took my phone and put it in my pocket, Axea help me to get up by carefully holding my hand and my waist, we get out of the house and she calls for a taxi.

" are you okay? does it hurt? "

" Axxi that's already the 5th time you ask me that question "

I said and chuckles she just pout and it makes my heart skip a beat.

" But I'm still worried "

" don't worry im still fine, I will say it if im not "

she just looks at me for a while and sighs before nodding, the taxi beep in front of us, and Axea helps me to get closer to the taxi and she opens the door and helps me get in and close the door, she goes around the taxi and gets in on the other side.

" mister take us to XXX XXX XXXXX "

" Axxi when you meet my parent just act normal okay, they might look scary "

" I got these Jell "

I just smile as she holds my hand, assuring me that it will be okay, I just look outside the window when I felt Mina put an earphone into my left ear, I look at her and she was scrolling through her phone and the song starts to play.

♫ I won't be like other people, I understand that very well. I want to try believing in tomorrow even if I'm unable to love my weak self. Teenager Forever ♪

I look at Axea as I heard the song and she was looking outside the window and softly smiling, she had an unexpected taste in music but I just keep on listening and it's a good song.

♫ Not everything I wish for will come true, I understand that very well. I got deep scars instead of scratches; I wonder if they'll fade? ♪

I felt a pang in my heart as the song continue, I just sigh and close my eyes trying to forget about it, and maybe because of the medicine that I had drunk earlier, I fall asleep.

⋆🍓。゚❃ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆.⋆。⋆☂️˚☽˚。⋆.🍉⋆

" Jell... "

" jell wake up "

I quickly open my eyes as I heard Axea calling my name, I got caught off guard as her alluring face was the first thing I saw and she's so close that I can already feel her gentle breath.

" Uhm Axxi? why are you so close...? "

" Ah, im sorry I was just worried that there might something wrong with you since I kept on calling but you didn't react at all "

" ah yeah, I'm sorry I'm just a deep sleep type of person "

Axea sigh in relief and pats my head.

" We should get out now "

" When did we arrived? "

" just a minutes ago "

I just nodded and she replies with her sweet smile, she walk around and open the door for me, I slowly get out of the taxi and Axea assists me as I get out of the taxi, I sigh as I look at the house that I loathed the most.

" Are you okay Jell? I can feel your mood changed "

" Haha, so you also feel that Axxi, but don't worry, I just suddenly reminisce some unpleasant memories "

Axea look at me and I avert my gaze not wanting to see her pitying eyes, yet her hands gently creep into my cheeks and make me look at her, I flinch as I saw her clear eyes under the lamp post behind us.

" Jell you're being silly, even if it's only a contract you can lean on me, why don't you trust me? "

A smile slowly forms on my lips as I see Axea acting so adorable.

" very well, I'll put three grams of my trust "

Axea's serious face melts and she laughs while her eyes were already near closed, she hugs me and her pleasant scents linger into my nose.

" It's my honor to acquired your three grams of trust "

" of course, you should be, there are only a few people who had it "

Axea just chuckles and she gently holds my hand.

" then shall we go in now? "

I nodded and we walk closer to the huge gate, I see that there's still a lot of people that are guarding the house when we are got near the guard quickly open the gate.

" welcome home young lady and welcome too, Miss "

I nodded in satisfaction at how they politely welcomed Axea, I look at the black service vehicle coming in our way, I look at Axea and she just looks at me with a smile on her face.

" would you like to walk or use that service? "

" We should use the service since we can't have your body overwork "

I nodded and as the service vehicle stops in front of us the other guard open the door for us and Axea let me get in first and get in after me, she look outside the window as the guard close the door.

" thank you "

I couldn't help but smile at how benevolent she is, I can see how the guard's faces soften

" it's our pleasure miss "

they bow and the car already moved, I just stare at Axea and as usual, I get lost in her breathtaking beauty, she looks at me and scrunches her nose.


She laughs as she hears my stomach and I blush.

" We should eat after we get into your house or... "

" or? what is it Axxi? "

she slowly leans into my ear and whispers.

" or you can just eat me... "

she moved away and I was in shock and I felt my ear and face heated, I cover my face and I can hear Axea's cute giggles.

" you really like to tease me, don't you? "

" I just like your reaction, I'm sorry Jell~ "

I remove my hand from my face and look at her and she still giggling, I slowly get close to her and corner her by putting my hand against the window, Mina stops giggling and looks at me in the eyes.

" then should we do what you suggest? "

I sweetly say and my other hand finds her chin and lifts it, I slowly get closer and I can see her eyes wavering.

" J-jell... "

our lips were already one inch away from each other but the car slowly stop.

" Young lady and miss we are already in front of the mansion "

the guard says and I look at Axea and smile.

" ah, how lucky you are Axxi~ "

I remove my hand and slowly retreat but before I completely move away I gave a gentle kiss on Axea's forehead.

" Next time, those lips of yours will never escape from me again "