
Till The Dawn of Your Night

Jellalian was a wayward youngster who was frequently caught up in chaos. Her parents, who were always preoccupied with their hard careers, were rarely present at home to deal with the consequences of her behavior. Despite her proclivity for causing havoc, a mere phone call from her parents was all that was required to have someone clean up the mess she had created. This pattern lasted until the day she ran into Axea. It happened when Jellalian got into a fight with the leader of a rival school group, which resulted in a stabbing that almost knocked her out. When she woke up, she found herself in a strange room, absolutely bewildered. She had no idea that specific situation would signal a key turning point in her life.

Panda_138 · LGBT+
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Page 02

The sound of the heavy rain shower wakes me up, I tried to get up but my whole body aches I sigh and look around it was an unfamiliar room, I saw a glass cabinet that's full of penguin stuff toys, the room feels so cozy, unlike my room, I look outside the window and watch the murky sky sending down the raindrops and while the thunders creeping into the sky.

" Oh you're already awake, How's your body feels? "

I look at the other side and saw a girl with long blonde hair, fair skin, warm dark brown eyes, and an angelic face.

" My body still aches and thank you so much for treating my wounds "

" haha, I thought you're just some kind of a delinquent kid when I saw you "

I just chuckled and she sits beside me and starts to prepare another bandage.

" Well your not wrong I'm a delinquent kid, but how long did I sleep? "

" It was already one day after you passed out on me "

" Where's my phone? "

She leans her body on the side and reaches the side table near us.

" Here's your phone, it keeps on buzzing and a lot of calls came in but I didn't touch your phone "

" Thanks for your honesty "

I take my phone and open it, I saw a lot of missed calls from Savea, Cynan, and my parents, I check all the messages and replies to them.

" Hey, can you sit down? I need to change your bandages "

I just nodded, she supports my back and I slowly sit down, I just sigh and look at her.

" Hey what's your name? "

" It's Axea "

" Oh, what a beautiful name, I'm jellalian "

" You really know your words with a lady huh "

" well not really, this is my first time talking to someone new again "

" haha, what a cute kid, hey I will remove your shirt now "

I nodded and she slowly removes my shirt, she starts to remove my bandage and her eyes focus on my wounds, even though I'm fully half-naked in front of her she didn't even look shy and her delicate-looking hands start to clean my wounds with alcohol, I just wince as I felt the pain she looks at me and she blows wind onto my wound and starts to put bandages.

" Okay, it's done- "


She looks at me in the eyes and giggles, even though I got embarrassed my eyes stay staring at her smiley face, she has these gummy smiles and her eyes were almost closed, and I notice a lot of moles in her face.

" You got a lot of cute moles in your face "

" Oh really? thank you, Oh, I'm going to the kitchen and prepare some food, wait for me here "

" Oh okay, sorry for the disturbance "

" It's okay this is the first time I had a new person came into my house "

" Oh really? then It's my honor "

She just giggles and pats my head before going out of the room, I hear my phone ring and that's when I catch myself smiling without faking it, I shake my head and answer the call.

" Bro?! where are you?! "

" Bro, I'm still alive don't worry and my whereabout is a secret, I will go to school tomorrow "

" I'm glad, oh and I finished my job, just give me a call when you need something "

" Okay, thanks bro "

I end the call and I start to smell a good scent of food, I gulp as I felt hungry, I just wait patiently while playing some games on my phone, some moments had passed and the door opens I look at it and Mina appears holding a tray of food.

" Thanks for the wait, here's the food I don't know if your taste buds will like my cook but here "

" Don't worry I'm not that picky eater "

Axea puts down the tray on the side table and she sits down.

" Oh, you're playing that game too? "

" Oh, this game? yeah I do "

Her eyes start to twinkling and she took the bowls and look at me.

" I will feed you since you can't force your body to move or else your wounds will open "

" Oh, Okay "

she takes a spoonful of the soup and lightly blows it before putting it into my mouth, while she was feeding me we are talking about games and I think she really likes to play since she mentions a lot of games.

" Oh and I know a lot of cool video games but sadly I'm still saving some money to buys a computer, but since I'm a college student I need to pay for my tuition first hehe "

" I would like to repay you for saving me "

" Ehh? you don't need to- "

" Nah, I insist, pretty please, let me "

I use my puppy eyes and when she saw it, her face melts and smiles.

" I guess I can't win against you, Jellalian "

I just wink at her and she chuckles, Axea continues to feed me and when we're done she cleans the table.

" I will go home this evening "

" Oh really? should I take you home? "

" Oh no it's fine, I think I can already go home by myself "

Axea frowns at me and crosses her arms, she sits back and looks at me with a serious face.

" Hey kiddo, I can't just send a patient out by herself what if something happened to you? your wound might open because of your stubbornness, I will take you to your home, period "

I gulp as it was the first time I saw Axea make these kinds of faces since I wake up, I just chuckle and scrunch my nose as a new feeling wrap into me.

" I'm sorry doctor Axea, I just don't want to disturb you anymore "

" I'm free today since it's my day off so it's fine "

" yes, I will not complain anymore "

" good "

She finally smiles again and I just smile, she take all the dirty dishes and go out of the room, I just sat there watching the sky when my phone rings I look at the caller and it was my mom, I sigh as I don't want to get angry and answer the call.

" Jellalian Ambrose, where are you? you're not in your house "

" I'm at my friend house, bye "

" Jellalian wait, we need to talk, when will you return? "

" Later and why do we need to talk? "

" your dad's friend Mr. Park made a proposal "

" I bet it was about arranged marriage "

" Yes, that's right... "

" You already know what I will say about that "

" But it's not a bad proposal and also you still don't have someone right? "

" I will not marry just anyone, because I already had a girlfriend "

" What? when did you get a girlfriend? "

" Not long ago and it's not that surprising that you didn't know since you never came home for me and you never prioritize me "

" Jellalian, it's not like that, we are doing this for your sake "

" Sake?! wow haha stop lying to me mom, I will end the call now, goodbye "

" Jellalian please at least introduce your girlfriend to us "

I end the call and toss my phone, I felt a heavy feeling inside my chest.

how can they say it was for my sake? all I want is for them to be there for me even just for once, they already had a lot of money is it not enough? and they chose to work instead to look after their own child...

Tears start to stream down my face, I cover my face and my tears continue to fall, I look at the door as I hear it opens, I quickly look at the other side as I saw Mina and wipe my tears.

" Hey, are you okay? why are you crying? does your wound still hurt? "

" ah, no it's not that, just some issues "

Axea wipes my tear with her soft hands, I just look down as I don't want her to see me in a pathetic state but her hand finds my chin and makes me look at her.

" Hey kiddo it's fine if you don't want to say what's going on since it's not my place to know since we're strangers to each other, but you can use my shoulder and cry on me, I won't judge "

After hearing her words she hugs me and I burst into tears, I keep on crying on Axea's shoulder and she softly pats my back, after a couple of times I'm finally done crying and I can feel that my eyes were already swollen.

" guess you already let out most of your tears, I will get an ice for you "

I nodded and she quickly gets out of the room in just a minute's Axea gets back with an ice pack, she walk closer to me, and help me to lay down, she lightly put the ice pack into my eyes, and I just close my eyes.

" Uhm, Axea can I ask for a favor? "

" if it's within my limits then it's fine "

" I told to my mom that I already had a girlfriend but I really don't have one "

" Oh? really? that's surprising since you are such good looking kiddo "

" Oh really? you too when I saw you I got surprised since you look so girly and gorgeous "

" Oh? really? Did you fall in love with me? "

" Yah... don't be a tease "

I just hear her cute laughs, I sigh and hold her hand that was holding the ice pack and slowly pull it upward, I open my eyes and look into her warm eyes.

" Can you pretend to be my girlfriend? "