
Chapter 1: Farewell

"Nooooo~ I don't want to go back." A cry filled with desperation sounded out.

"Hong Er, behave yourself! Such behaviour is unfitting for the princess of the Qing Empire." An elderly man reprimanded.

Presently, there was an elderly man standing on a white crane floating mid-air, while there was a couple kneeling together below. The girl was the lost princess of the Qing Empire who was left behind due to the great war between the Qing Empire and Bai Empire, in fear of losing his daughter; the emperor decided to place her in a remote village.

Now that the Qing Empire had emerged victorious after 10 years of constant battles, the Emperor decided to claim her back. The elderly man was the envoy sent forth by the Emperor and was the one who looked after the young princess all these years.

"Uncle Li, you dote on me the most. Can't you help me? I don't want to go back and reunite with some father of mine that abandon me. I want to stay here with Ye Xiu." Hong Er cried out.

Ye Xiu was a child adopted by the mayor of the village and had no particular talent in cultivating martials arts, however he was exceptionally skilled in the literal arts like painting and literature.

"Uncle Li, I really love Hong Er. Is there anything I can do?" Ye Xiu plead.

"Apologies boy, she is out of your league. Both of you are not destined to be together. One is a princess of a great nations whereas the other is commoner's adopted son in a remote village. The disparity is far too wide." Uncle Li said.

"Please, Uncle Li, I know you have a method, you always do! If you don't help us, then I would rather die here with him." Hong Er threatened.

"You dare! Stop this foolishness at once, Hong Er! Don't make me drag you back!" Uncle Li roared.

"Please, Uncle Li! Help us!" Hong Er begged once more.

"Fine, I have a method. However, your boyfriend might die and I have some conditions." Uncle Li said helplessly.

"Definitely not…" Hong Er immediately replied.

However, before Hong Er could finished speaking. Ye Xiu shouted out with a determined tone: "I'll do it!"

"No, Xiu Er! Stop, you don't have to die for me." Hong Er sobbed.

"It's okay. I'll survive this and meet you again because for you, I'll give you the sun." Ye Xiu consoled.

"Haaa~" Uncle Li let out a sigh. "The conditions I have are; firstly, Hong Er have to follow me around for ten years and immersed yourself in cultivation, reaching at least the King Level in cultivation. Secondly, nobody is allowed to help Ye Xiu in his quest to raise to the top. Lastly, the time span that I'm able to give the two of you is only ten years, I would not be able to hold off your father any more than that. Also, in ten years if you aren't dead and if you feel that you are qualified to meet her, then head to the Heavenly Peak Villa."

"Yes, Junior appreciates your assistance." Ye Xiu replied.

"Let's go, Hong Er." Uncle Li said.

"Can we have a moment, Uncle Li?" Hong Er requested.

"Haa~, Fine, I'll give you 5 mins." Uncle Li replied.

"Hong Er, don't cry. It's alright. I'll see you again in ten years." Ye Xiu said.

"You fool, why did you agree? If you die, then there is no reason for me to continue living. Here, take this." Hong Er removed her necklace and passed it over to Ye Xiu. This is the only thing I had when I was abandoned and when you think of me, just look at that."

Ye Xiu then took out a painting of them together and handed it over to her: "This was supposed to be for your birthday but I guess it has to be your farewell gift."

"Thank you, Ye Xiu!" Hong Er replied sincerely and moved closer to hug Ye Xiu, leaving a warm sensation on his lips."

Though caught unprepared, Ye Xiu did not mind as it was Hong Er. For her; he would give up everything.

"Cough, cough, I'll pretend that I didn't see that. It's time to go, Hong Er." Uncle Li called out.

Embarrassed, Hong Er quickly ran over with a hue complexion on her face and gave Ye Xiu one last look before the crane quickly flew away.

Ye Xiu looking at their vanishing silhouette before sighing. How was he going to ascend to the same league as her? It would truly require a miracle. Mulling over the matter for a moment, before he decided to head over to the town library to take a look at some cultivation manuals.

At the Library, Ye Xiu browsed through several cultivation books and realized that a person meridians and acupoints played a big part in determining one's potential. Ye Xiu has attempted to practice cultivating before, but there wasn't much success.

Hmmm, if meridian and acupoints is a crucial factor then, I should research about them. Ye Xiu then browse through the entire library trying to seek out more details about it, but to no avail. The remote town which he lived in could not possibly have the knowledge about such matters.

Frustrated, Ye Xiu decided to head home and seek out his foster father.

"Dad, I'm home!" Ye Xiu called out.

"Hey, junior! How's your day?" Ye Xiu's dad, Ye Shen inquired.

Ye Xiu then told him about what happened in the afternoon.

"Son, I'm gonna be honest with you. It's gonna be difficult to accomplish something like that, just a like crap leaping over a waterfall, desiring to become a dragon. However, if it's you then I'm sure you can do it because you aren't my son." Ye Shen joked.

"What are you talking about, dad! I'll always be your son." Ye Xiu said sincerely.

"It's fine. You know what I'm talking about. You were left on my doorsteps and I have hid something away that belongs to you in fear that you might be in danger if your identity was exposed." Ye Shen said solemnly.

"What? Dad, could I have a look?" Ye Xiu asked.

"Sure, hold on" Ye Shen answered as he walked towards his room and then brought out a small chest.

"Here, inside this chest was the things that were left behind with you by your parents." Ye Shen said.

Ye Xiu then opened the chest and saw a pendant with a scroll placed beside it and a letter. He then opened the letter and read its content:

"Son, if you're reading this letter then I hope that you are living well. I'm sorry then you were abandoned and we had no choice but to do so, in hopes that you might live a better life. Son, you are the descendent of the Star God; a being so mighty that once stood at the apex of the universe. Our enemies were the ones whom we trusted, jealous of our abilities, they betrayed us! Your mother has sealed your cultivation with a secret formation that when you turned eighteen, it would be unsealed. Also, we have left 80% of our blood essence in your dantian, your body will gradually absorbed it transforming your meridians as the seal gradually unseal itself. The scroll left behind is a secret cultivation manual that was passed down from our ancestors. I hope that you will grow to become a decent person and if fate allows then we can reunite with one another."


Your Parents

Ye Xiu could not help crying as tears flowed down his cheeks. The heavens seemed to be against him today. With the departure of his beloved, Hong Er and learning about his family situation, Ye Xiu could not help but to cry his heart out. Ye Shen then moved over and hugged him.

"Go and have a good rest, son. It has been a harsh day for you." Ye Shen then escorted Ye Xiu to his room.

Alone in his room, Ye Xiu wiped away his tears and felt that he did not have enough time. He had to seek revenge for his clan and become strong enough to meet Hong Er. After washing his face with some water, Ye Xiu then opened up the scroll. The scroll was called "Transcending the Stars", it was a cultivation method where one would be able to forge their dantian like a star.

"Hmm, this "Transcending the Stars is totally unlike anything I've read in the library. It's method of cultivating is truly unique."

Ye Xiu then began to read through the cultivation manual in depth, using his intelligence to perceive the uniqueness of the cultivation method. It was just like a whirlpool of quirky ideas flooding in Ye Xiu's head as he continued to question and criticise the cultivation method.

"Well, I'm only seventeen this year, there is still some time till I'm eighteen. I might as well improve on this cultivation manual and improve on my foundation." Ye Xiu said helplessly.

If any clan members from the Star God sect heard his words, they would surely beat him up. For him to so casually talk about the most coveted cultivation manual in such a manner, it was truly maddening.

From that day forth, a new legend was born, surpassing any being that even existed in the universe, even the Star God himself was unable to compare to his brilliance.